Ultimate Warrior for TNA?


It has recently been revealed that the Ultimate Warrior ws going to be this years 'big name' to enter the WWE Hall of Fame this year, but he turned it down.

Could this be because of, or indeed lead to an angle where the Warrior having some kind of involvement with TNA?
God I hope not. When he went to WCW it was just so Hogan could get the win over him. The whole oWn angle sucked donkey balls. His ring work was horrible then I could only imagine it now.

TNA dose not need The Warrior, he'll just take up valuable T.V. time with his awful promos that make no sense and lead nowhere. They should try to focus on younger talent that might be around for awhile. With TNA going on Mondays they could bring him in for a short stint just to get viewers, but I don't see it happening.
You know if the Warrior was freakin nuts and he worked on his ring skills and mic work. He would be great to return to the wrestling. I dont think TNA needs to get him. I think he would more benifit from a heel return in WWE. He would soley be out to those who trashed him on the self destruction of the warrior dvd. Then again it will never happen, hell he turned down the hall of fame offer. Also its easy to say if he worked on his ring and mic skills but thats like saying if Samoa Joe could work on his ring skills and mic skills then he'd be the next rock..lol

I do not see a return to wrestling at all. The guy is completely nuts. He cuts stupid promo's and is crap inside the ring. I applaud him for being a big star in the 80's but his time has past. I mark out and create him in my SvR 2010 game sometimes but even that is short lived. I cannot even think of something interesting for him to do in story designer..lol

So no please no warrior.
I hope he aint going to TNA, There must be a reason why he turn them down. But who will be that stupid to turn down WWE, If WWE is giving you an induction to be a Hall of Famer, And this means that in one point you were the best in the wrestling business.

Honestly If Ultimate Warrior turn WWE down just to go to TNA, He is stupid and he might be really crazy in real life. But some how he will come to his senses and we will see him later being induct to the Hall of Fame.
I hope he aint going to TNA, There must be a reason why he turn them down. But who will be that stupid to turn down WWE, If WWE is giving you an induction to be a Hall of Famer, And this means that in one point you were the best in the wrestling business.

Honestly If Ultimate Warrior turn WWE down just to go to TNA, He is stupid and he might be really crazy in real life. But some how he will come to his senses and we will see him later being induct to the Hall of Fame.

The statement above is completely untrue. Case in point: Koko B. Ware. At what time was he the "best in the wrestling business"? Being a Hall of Famer is about the impactful contribution you made to the business. It's a way for your contributions to become immortal and always remembered. The Warrior has obviously made a decent sized impact in the wrestling business.

As for him going to TNA, I highly doubt this will happen. The Warrior is finished with wrestling in the mainstream. He made that rare apprearence match against Orlando Jordan a few years ago, but even that was a short stint to gain quick publicity. I don't believe he has any desire to be a regular part of the pro-wrestling industry any longer.
Warrior insults make me sad, I doubt he's going to TNA though, what with him and Hogan not liking each other very much, same goes for him and Bischoff, he's not the worker he once was and his hair is nowhere near as good. Part of what makes Warrior awesome to me is the fact that he doesnt drag his old arse back into the ring all the time. Why would he need to go to TNA anyway? He's already proven he's better than their roster when he beat Orlando Jordan.

Gutted he turned down the HOF offer though, his speech would be class
Well, it's not secret that Warrior and Vince aren't exactly fans of each other, so I don't think it goes much deeper than that. Sure, he agreed to be inducted at first (supposedly), but it is possible that Vince had other conditions in the appearance that Warrior did not want to adhere to. Perhaps NEVER appearing for another promotion once in the HOF is one of them. Knowing Vince, it might not be so crazy to think that that is a new requirement to get the legends to agree to after looking at what Flair and Hogan have done.
Okay, let me pipe in and remind you of two things that shoot down this theory.

1. The Ultimate Warrior is a complete basket case.

2. The Ultimate Warrior hates Vince McMahon.

Now I don't want to say it would never happen but, for now, The Warrior gig not turn down a HOF induction to go to TNA. He plain and simply hates the WWE. I mean don't you people read his rants? He is one bitter son of a bitch. Especially seeing as how he just lost the law suit that he had against the WWE for that "Self Destruction of The Ultimate Warrior" DVD. And let's not even dig into how much he hates good ole Trips and several other long time WWE staffers.

Man, Vince had to have a huge set of grapefruits to even think of approaching Warrior about going in this year. I mean at least he gave some time to let Bret simmer down before he asked him. But Warrior? Shit, the only way his balls could have been bigger would be if he would have asked Macho Man Randy Savage to head this years class.

So with that said, no, Warrior did not turn down his induction for TNA. He did it because he is still bitter and resentful of ole Vinny Mac and the WWE. But I will say this. Vinn's list of headliners gets shorter and shorter every day as he shot his load too quick with the first induction and put many guys who could have been headliners later in. If he wants to have drawing names in the future, he better find a way to repair the very strained relationships that he has with Warrior and Savage. Because other than then, there aint any bigger 80's/90's names out there who could get USA to even want to put this thing on tv anymore. So Vinny boy, chop chop. Get to it. Your whole HOF's future depends on it.
Let me tell you from a very long-time Warrior fan point of view... HELL NO! Please do not come back. When Warrior made his comeback in Spain in 08 and defeated Orlando Jordan for the NWE Heavyweight title it was just a one time deal... he was retired at that point for a reason. Warrior is 50 years old and is in great shape but he is nowhere near wrestling shape and he knows it. TNA led by Bischoff and Hogan would literally run Warrior into the ground, and Warrior is smart enough to know not to leave his trust with his character and legacy at the hands of Hogan and his agenda. It would NEVER work... no one's best interests would be at heart and it would turn into a total disaster much like in WCW. Miko made a great point in saying that he/she likes the fact that Warrior never had to drag his butt back to the ring all the time. I agree. So many wrestlers in our time have come and gone, and come and gone, and come and gone, and come and gone to the degree that literally makes them a circus act trying desparately to hang on to a career that passed them by decades ago... it's sad. Warrior had the self belief, the inner peace that most wrestlers can never find. He knew how to stay away.
The ultimate warrior turned down the induction because he wasn't offered enough money from WWE to accept an HOF spot..... which really shows just how much class this guy has. He apparently needs to be paid to be immortalized in WWE history, which is a sad thing.

I personally don't see Warrior going to TNA for any reason. I also highly doubt that he'd actually contribute anything meaningful to that promotion. On the flip side, much of his late stints in the business were full of BS booking that were made to make him look ridiculous. The most batshit crazy people still make it in wrestling, so there was no reason for him not to. I think his poor run in WCW was due to being "sabotaged" by Hogan and friends and didn't want to see him succeed in order to immortally bury him. Most of that can be confirmed from interviews he's had after his time in WCW where he said management was completely unorganized and biased to certain names.

Like noted earlier, he was only brought in so Hogan could patch his bruised ego. He did NOT want warrior to beat him for the title for political reasons and he was overturned by higher ups because what hogan wanted was not what WWF wanted. Simple case of Hogan wanting to get that "upper hand" over being made to look like a lesser man than Ultimate Warrior, which was definitely more personal than it was professional.

Warrior (was going to call him Helwig, but then I remembered he is legally named Warrior) knows that if he goes to TNA it will just be the same $hit, just a slightly different pile. He wouldn't get no where, and it would be a waste of money on TNA's part, and knowing him, he'd ask for a large sum, because, like Hogan, he still feels that he is one of the most highly sought after names that can draw 10's of thousands of people to an arena.

The only thing that I could see work for both parties is that they bring him in as an on-screen GM type role (which I think wouldn't work), so they don't have to pay him to wrestle, cut some costs, and give the fans a new dose of Warrior. If he were to join the wrestling business again, I don't see him dawning the face paint or trench coat, and maybe taking slightly more "closer to home" gimmick, and actually cutting promos that make sense. But alas, it probably wouldn't work out too well.
The ultimate warrior turned down the induction because he wasn't offered enough money from WWE to accept an HOF spot..... which really shows just how much class this guy has. He apparently needs to be paid to be immortalized in WWE history, which is a sad thing.

I personally don't see Warrior going to TNA for any reason. I also highly doubt that he'd actually contribute anything meaningful to that promotion. On the flip side, much of his late stints in the business were full of BS booking that were made to make him look ridiculous. The most batshit crazy people still make it in wrestling, so there was no reason for him not to. I think his poor run in WCW was due to being "sabotaged" by Hogan and friends and didn't want to see him succeed in order to immortally bury him. Most of that can be confirmed from interviews he's had after his time in WCW where he said management was completely unorganized and biased to certain names.

Like noted earlier, he was only brought in so Hogan could patch his bruised ego. He did NOT want warrior to beat him for the title for political reasons and he was overturned by higher ups because what hogan wanted was not what WWF wanted. Simple case of Hogan wanting to get that "upper hand" over being made to look like a lesser man than Ultimate Warrior, which was definitely more personal than it was professional.

Warrior (was going to call him Helwig, but then I remembered he is legally named Warrior) knows that if he goes to TNA it will just be the same $hit, just a slightly different pile. He wouldn't get no where, and it would be a waste of money on TNA's part, and knowing him, he'd ask for a large sum, because, like Hogan, he still feels that he is one of the most highly sought after names that can draw 10's of thousands of people to an arena.

The only thing that I could see work for both parties is that they bring him in as an on-screen GM type role (which I think wouldn't work), so they don't have to pay him to wrestle, cut some costs, and give the fans a new dose of Warrior. If he were to join the wrestling business again, I don't see him dawning the face paint or trench coat, and maybe taking slightly more "closer to home" gimmick, and actually cutting promos that make sense. But alas, it probably wouldn't work out too well.

what he said. Money is the reason he turned down the HOF. They settled the lawsuit from the Warrior Dvd a while ago, and had a verbal agreement for a few months now that he would be the HOF headliner. He backed out, so now WWE doesn't have the "marquee" name to go in. Million Dollar Man and Stu Hart are awesome and would prefer them to Warrior anyways, but they aren't superstars like he was in the 80s. What I want is for Vince and Macho Man to settle their stupid fued and let him in, because I would totally mark out like a 6 year old.
Last thing TNA needs at this point is a bitter, raving basket case like Jim Helwig. Oops...excuse me..I forgot. I mean, Warrior. Any man that would willingly and legally change his name to Warrior is simply not all there.

As far as him going to TNA, it's doubtful it'll happen. So far as I know, Warrior hates just about anybody and everybody that he's ever had contact with or worked with in professional wrestling. Seriously, he hates damn near everybody and Hulk Hogan is close to the top of the list. Besides, what exactly would he do in TNA? They certainly don't need another authority figure character, his matches were mostly shit back in his prime and I doubt his ability in the ring has improved with age. I'm sure he could probably still cut one of his classic, shouting, incoherant promos in which he rambles on about his warrior philosophy and gods and all that shit as well as he ever did. Anybody that's ever read anything he's ever written or said during his speeches or radio interviews can tell you that much.

In all seriousness, TNA doesn't really need Warrior. I'm sure he'd generate some temporary interest if he showed up but, at the end of the day, I personally wouldn't really care. TNA should look towards the future and Warrior is the past.
Oh god i hope he goes to TNA. The best thing in the world would be to listen to Ric Flair AND The Ultimate Warrior cut incoherent promos in the same night!! I think they should get Scott Steiner back for one night, on PPV (because it would be worth every cent), and have him, flair, and UW have a debate on ANY issue chosen by either fans or other wrestlers
The Ultimate Warrior was perfect...for his time. Back then, guys didn't have to wrestle great matches, or have great mic skills. They just had to have a lot of energy and be entertaining. And more importantly, that was the kind of thing the crowd LOVED back then. Times have changed.

His final big moment was in WCW. It was a massive failure. No one cared. He still couldn't wrestle, and he was slower and less energetic. He still couldn't talk, and thank God he didn't do much of that.

To bring him in right now would make zero sense on so many levels. First of all, Hogan hates his guts, and I doubt he would ever work with him again (he already made Warrior look bad enough in WCW, so Hogan really has no more use for him). Second of all, the TNA crowd would most definitely not except him. Sure, in the IMpact zone he might get an initial pop, that might even last a few weeks. But after that, Bischoff and Hogan would have to start piping through crowd pops, because he won't be getting any from those Impact zone people.

So, not only do I think it will never happen, I don't think it SHOULD happen. What would it do for wrestling fans? What would it do for the TNA brand? What would it do for the Warrior (besides a fat check)? Nothing. He would look worse than ever, and that's a pretty big feat to achieve.

EDIT: Haha, you think TNA super-marks hate the Nasty Boys? haha wait until they got a load of the Ultimate Warrior. They would have to shut down the forums, TNA fans would be besides themselves. We might even see mass suicides.
No chance. Warrior turned down his induction because he hates the WWE not for any other reason. The man is a bitter mentalist and has issues with just about everyone in the western world. TNA really don't need him, and to be honest I think he has probably made enough not to need them, which is why we've seen him wrestle about 10 times in the last 20 years. Warrior turned down WWE for whatever reason, but I don't think him showing up in TNA is in anyone at all's interest, so I doubt he'll do it.
Lots of bias info here. For starters, watching Warrior in that match against Orlando Jordan was quite surprising seeing a 50 year old man doing multiple suplexes off the top rope. Warrior had skills in the ring, just not what The Hitman or Steamboat did, but he could do any move any wrestler has done. Name a move that Warrior couldnt or didnt do other than the finishing moves of other wrestlers? I've seen most of his matches and Warrior could execute virtually any wrestling move, he just didnt incorporate them into ALL of his matches because he didnt need or want to.

Actually, it was smarter what he did. Wrestling the way most people do will make you old quicker and result in more injuries, so instead, Warrior comes up with an incredible entrance and ring energy. He understands longevity and how to make it happen. Kudos to him for that. At least he aint stumbling around like Hogan and Flair are. He is still healthy and athletic.

Warrior is a mentalist..crazy? Maybe a little stern but you gotta remember, most people in the wrestling business are losers, drug addicts, and alcoholics and that's what pissed Warrior off the most. Warrior is a man with integrity and ethics, so it is natural that he doesnt have an affinity for the business and it comes as no surprise that he turned down the WWE Hall of Fame offer. Why would you want to be around people you despise?

The issue of Vince McMahon speaks for itself, many wrestlers are bitter towards Vince and for good reason, so Warrior's resentment is definitely justifiable. IMO, Bret Hart sold himself out by coming back. It was good to see Brett back but also very disappointing.

As for Warrior coming back to TNA, never going to happen. The Bishoff/Hogan tandem made Warrior's WCW return a disaster, not Warrior. Warrior could still wrestle at the time and his promos were completely different from his 80s stuff. Shit, the guy is doing motivational speeches now. He was not talking about the moon and the stars - even in his WCW promos. Didnt you watch them?

Warrior is clearly a Constitutional activist and he speaks well on the matter. I'm sure if he did return to wrestling he would have some pretty interesting promos...a lot better than the shit WWE/TNA wrestlers are currently talking. Kurt Angle's promos are not bad, and the recent story line involving the US Military was pretty good. Anways, Warrior was probably right about the disorganization at WCW under Bishoff. And Hogan most definitely did bring Warrior in to get the pin on him.

Why would anyone come back to a couple of clowns who screwed them? Warrior doesnt owe anybody and unlike most wrestlers, he played his cards better than anyone by not approaching wrestling with a child mindset but approaching it with a business mindset.

You naysayers and former wrestlers can knock Warrior all you want be he went into the business to make money and came out an winner in that sense. If that isn't the warm-hearted feel good story you wanted, I guess that's your problem.

Consider that most wrestlers leave the business broke and drugged/alcholed up. Warrior left the business rich and healthy, yet some of you call him nuts. Seems only a man with an intelligent mind could come out on top like that.

Anyways, as a Warrior fan, I would love to seem him back but I understand why he wont be back. No regrets, no resentment. Thanks for the memories and the inspiring intensity you brought to the ring!
I doubt this will happen. Probably have about as much chance of winning the lottery and getting struck by lightning on the same day as the Ultimate Warrior coming to TNA. From what I understand, the Warrior dislikes Hulk Hogan almost as much as he dislikes Vince McMahon. That's not surprising since I can't really recall Warrior offering anything but disdain towards just about any wrestler that he's even had contact with.

Even if Warrior did head to TNA, I can't say that I'd care all that much. I don't really see what the benefit would be to TNA because if Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair aren't enough to bring in viewers, I doubt the Warrior will be anymore successful. Both Hogan and Flair are still more relevant than the Warrior is at this time. The Warrior has spent most of the past 15+ years away from wrestling and he's just one big walking, talking piece of baggage that TNA doesn't really need.

If he did come to TNA, I'd say his welcome would be worn out quickly among a lot of TNA fans. After all, he'd probably wind up beating AJ Styles for the TNA title in a 60 second squash match and the Impact Zone would probably break out in a riot when it happened. Bringing in the Warrior isn't going to improve the TNA product. They have a bloated roster as it is that's also packed with a number of well established wrestling superstars. The Warrior would be another example of dead weight in my view.
Why in the holy name of cheese would anyone want this? Does anyone remember his run in WCW in 98? To say it was a disaster is an insult to disasters everywhere. He was awful. Warrior was incoherent as ever, he had like three matches, his main match was the epitome of a disaster, and he just faded away with no meaning to anything at all. Seriously, why would anyone want him to come back other than to see a horrific and terrifying match? The logic is just not there, and neither is the money. No way at all and no reason at all.
People exaggerate by calling him a basket case. Since when is asking for more money signs of dementia? He was only doing what Hulk was doing, but was shot down because he wasn't big enough. Why else would he be bitter at Hogan? Rather than calling him a basket case, I'd compare him to James Hetfield. Money over all else. If WWE ran my name to the mud and made me look like a psycho, I sure as hell wouldn't accept a HOF induction. Thats like giving your girlfriend an apology cake after cheating on her.

But back to the subject, Warrior on TNA? Well he can wrestle. His match with OJ was in my eyes, his best performance. I didn't know he could do suplexes. Seeing his and Sting hook up would bring in old school fans for sure. And of course being retired by a young TNA talent is always a positive. You people react way too negatively to this. Its not like he'll be there for a year dragging in the main event. He can do good. But its not something that can be done with someone else. Randy Savage or Goldberg would be just as impactful for TNA.
Read Jerry Jarrretts book if you want to know why TNA will never work for TNA he'll change the entire wording on contract and add a 0 to his pay.

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