Tna = Wcw

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Here is a website for the International Wrestling Institute and Museum. What makes this such a great, IMO, site and museum/Hall of Fame is that it isn't solely dedicated to any wrestling organization and includes College, Olympic and Professional wrestling. They also have a couple of interesting video clips. I have no plans to visit Waterloo, Iowa but if ever I do you can bet I'll visit this place.

And please, for those of you who insist on arguing with me about the history of wrestling, you really need to check this site.
it is nothing to do with tna looking like wcw

the truth of the matter is the people in tna wouldnt know how to run a wrestling company so what they are doing is copying wcw and wwe in everyway they can

stealing gimmick
stonecold and a mix of foley and kane

then they just taking stars who have already made names for themselfs and trying to cash in on that

where as wwe and wcw made stars,austin,rock,goldberg,nash,foley,edge and so on and on

that is the difference they just copying things from years ago and there are stupid idiots who keep watching tna ,seriously people who like and watch tna need to really look at the show and relise that its just full of wwe and wcw wannabes copying ideas and taking stars that have ade a name for themselfs,

tna cant make stars because they dont know how to hence why they are trying to cash in on stars who 'were' big in past times or made by other companys

thats the diffeence between tna and wcw and wwe

thats why tna is crap and people need to relise this and turn off

What are you talking about? You're speaking in inconsistant phrases. Stealing gimmicks? Isn't the Stone Cold Steve Austin beer drinking gimmick kinda like the Sandman? The entire history of wrestling has been an evolution of previously existing gimmicks.

Also, a lot of the TNA management is from the WCW days, so it's not really a shocker that they'd have similar tendencies.

WWE got big because they bought out the biggest wrestlers around the nation. And once they made it to the top, they were capable to develop wrestlers. TNA has been in existance for what? 5 years? Stop being an idiot and actually know something about what you're talking about. They're "cashing in" on big names to attract the casual viewer, who would be more likely to tune in seeing Sting vs Mick Foley than AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. The majority of their roster are "homegrown", for lack of a better word, and it's obvious to me you don't watch it nor have you given it a chance. You'd realize that the matches that steal the show every week and every PPV are the X-division guys or the tag team matches, filled with guys who have no name value because they've never been on a national stage.

They're having Chris Jericho vs Ricky Steamboat at Backlash. If TNA had Steamboat come back for a couple of matches all of you WWE loyalists would flip out about them signing another WWE guy. This Jericho vs Steamboat match will probably substitute for a title match. This is why there's a problem with the titles. It's not the number of them, it's the way they're used. Not only is Jericho vs Steamboat pushing younger guys off the card, but also title matches. But I guess WWE is infallible and perfect so it's a great idea!

Maybe you should appreciate wrestling, not a company, and once you do that, you'll turn on the "crap" and be able to come up with at least an intelligent criticism, rather than just blind ignorant claims that have no grounding.
Maybe you should appreciate wrestling, not a company, and once you do that, you'll turn on the "crap" and be able to come up with at least an intelligent criticism, rather than just blind ignorant claims that have no grounding.
as far as the quality of matches go....I'd appreciate TNA more if their matches were a little more believable...too many over-the-top high-impact spots in short periods of time with guys not selling any signs of being worn down by the move they just did.
as far as the quality of matches go....I'd appreciate TNA more if their matches were a little more believable...too many over-the-top high-impact spots in short periods of time with guys not selling any signs of being worn down by the move they just did.

I like the change of pace. When I watch the old AWA matches on ESPN classic, it's unlike TNA or WWE today. It's a more technical style. WWE is the better storyteller. When I watch ECW matches, my human nature side just wants to see somebody get ripped open. TNA gives me the cruiserweight action that I've missed, and even the non-X matches just seem faster, where as WWE would spend more time selling injury. I enjoy those spurts of insanity that seem to happen in the X matches, but I definitely agree on the not selling. Although, when I watch TNA at least, I'm not focusing on the same aspects that allow me to enjoy WWE. It's like Arena Football vs the NFL. It's the same sport, but you can't have the same expectations for both because they focus on different aspects of the sport.
I like the change of pace. When I watch the old AWA matches on ESPN classic, it's unlike TNA or WWE today. It's a more technical style. WWE is the better storyteller. When I watch ECW matches, my human nature side just wants to see somebody get ripped open. TNA gives me the cruiserweight action that I've missed, and even the non-X matches just seem faster, where as WWE would spend more time selling injury. I enjoy those spurts of insanity that seem to happen in the X matches, but I definitely agree on the not selling. Although, when I watch TNA at least, I'm not focusing on the same aspects that allow me to enjoy WWE. It's like Arena Football vs the NFL. It's the same sport, but you can't have the same expectations for both because they focus on different aspects of the sport.

and you're right...but what I've noticed is that the X-Division dominated TNA when they were just a weekly PPV, now that they're on TV, the X-Division isnt getting as much attention...there was even a report on one of these sites suggesting that Jarrett doesnt care too much for that faction of the roster.
for yrs after the merger of WWE and WCW, Smackdown was also WCW. and Raw was WWF/E. Smackdown being more centred around rasslin and RAW was about in your face smash mouth action/storylines

TNA seems like WCW cause it's run mosstyle by people who played a huge part in WCW in its final yrs and the old main eventers are all former WCW/WWE guys.

Also the management of staff and shit storylines that go nowhere comes across from WCW. :)
IMO, it looks like TNA is taking the same identical route WCW took more than 15 years ago.

Sign a bunch of past their prime wrestlers - Nash, Steiner, Sting, Foley, Booker T, Dudley's, etc... - and try to draw on their name recognition. Plus, develop some of their own in the process - AJ, Joe, Daniels, Guns, Beer Money, etc... - and make a splash every once in a while - Angle, Sting, Lashley, etc...

They've taken the route of old school vs new school - MEM vs Frontline - which is eerily similar to NWO vs WCW Originals.

The TNA "management staff" has proceeded to advance to the top of the show - Jarrett & Foley - much like Bischoff pushed himself to the front on WCW.

While it's all been done before, it's arguable that it worked the first time around, so why can't it work this time ?? WCW managed to take a huge chunk of the WWE's viewing audience back in the 90's, hence the Monday Night Wars, and as we all know, became the #1 rated wrestling show on tv for several consecutive weeks.

So I'm going to pose several questions in this thread - is it smart for TNA to go in the same direction as WCW did in the 90's ?? Will it eventually work ?? Should Linda, Vince and the silver spoon kids (Shane & Steph) be worried ??

Most importantly, should TNA make the move to Monday nights in the near future and attempt to compete with Raw ??

And above all else - I am completely off base with this whole scenario ?? Am I the only one who thinks TNA is eerily similar to WCW ??

Without even reading all the other replies i will just post mine.

First no TNA is not anything near WCW.It is following in their foot steps in some ways(having old WCW guys running an nWo/Millionaire's Club type faction against TNA Originals but There are a couple reasons i dont think TNA is anything like WCW.One is WCW was backed by a multi-millionaire who owned t.v stations and could put his product on when and pretty much however long he wanted(hence the 3 hour Nitro on Monday's)

Second is the way their shows are ran.TNA is doing house shows and what not now but they are still taping Impact(most of the time) and don't seem too eager to expand their product.WWE tours constantly as did WCW and before TNA can even try to compete on a serious level they would probably have to change what brought a lot of guys to them.They would almost have to start doing more traveling and live events outside of Orlando aside from the monthly pay per views.

This leads me to the last part about them moving to Monday.I would say not yet.Before i would move TNA to Monday's against a show that has pretty much ran forever and has been a top rated show on Monday nights a lot over the years i would start a second show that could even be held live from Orlando weekly if they don't wanna start traveling a lot just yet and run it against possibly Smackdown.Hell they could even move Impact to Friday Night same time slot as Smackdown and make it live.I think that would be better then jumping into a Monday night war unprepared.

See how the show would hold up,maybe get some big money backer who might be interested into getting back in the business to help with funding(i hear Ted Turner whats to at some point get back into the wrestling industry in some form or another).Use some of that funding i just talked about and get some buzz worthy guys who are free agent's(Goldberg,Flair in a GM or Commissioner type role,and perhaps even occasional appearances from Dwayne Johnson)Hes always making movies anyways so who's to say he wouldn't end up in Orlando Studios for something and appear on Impact with Foley.

Lastly give the X division more consideration.Its obviously one of the most exciting divisions in wrestling with the WWE version of the Cruiser Weight division dead.Hell that version of the Cruiser Weight division and their Light Heavyweight division didnt compare at all the WCW's Cruiser weight's.TNA is probably still a couple good years from competing on that level with Raw for a ratings show but overall when or if it does happen it will only make the wrestling industry that much better for all us fans.Writer's and promoters will be forced to compete again leading to better quality programing and new and already established stars that we all will enjoy watching again.

This is how i see things going.Of course many may think i am criticizing TNA but that's not it at all.I'm just stating how i would approach things if i was in charge.More Live Events,Live T.v shows(aside from ppv) and perhaps another t.v show and we will see where TNA stands.Eventually though for them to compete they are almost going to have to change something whether it be the reduced scheduling they have or their time slots or their writing staff changes can only help the company other wise who knows how long they will be around.
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