TNA Sacrifice

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster

List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday May 13th at 8pm (EST).


TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):


Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):


TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):


TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):


Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):


Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence:

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)

Championship Matches

WZPC World Heavyweight Championship
TheOneBigWill (c) vs. Kid Horror

WZPC X-Division Championship
Joe's Gonna Kill You (c) vs. wrestlingmasters55

WZPC Tag Team Championship
FunKay and Theo (c) vs. Notorious718 and SXEnightmare
List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday May 13th at 8pm (EST).

TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Aries (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and Joe (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode (7)

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Shortest-TV Title Match
Longest- World Title Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Tag Title Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Roode vs. RVD
TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon - 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries - 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Joe & Magnus - 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim - 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle - 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy - 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode - 7

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Shortest: Kim vs. Brooke
Longest: AJ vs. Kurt

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Tag Team Championship Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Bobby Roode vs. Rob Van Dam​
List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday May 13th at 8pm (EST).


TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission


TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus & Joe (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode (6)

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Shortest: Devon vs. Robbie E. vs. Robbie T.
Longest: Bobby Roode vs. Rob Van Dam

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Joe & Magnus vs. Daniels & Kazarian

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Bobby Roode vs. Rob Van Dam

List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday May 13th at 8pm (EST).


TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Joe & Magnus 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Kim 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission


Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Anderson 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Roode 7

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Knockouts

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: TV Title

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title​
TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Joe & Magnus 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Sub

Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Mr. Anderson 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Roode 7

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Short Devon, Longest Roode

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Devon

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Roode vs Van Dam

List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday May 13th at 8pm (EST).


TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Robbie T, 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Aries, 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus/Joe, 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission


TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence:Gail Kim, 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence:AJ, 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Hardy, 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Roode, 6

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest = TV title, Longest = AJ/Angle

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points) Aries/Ray

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Ladder Match​
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Joe & Magnus 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Kim 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Anderson 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Roode 7

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night?
Shortest: Kim vs Tessmacher
Longest: Hardy vs Anderson

Which match of the ones listed will go on first?
Answer: TV Title

Which match of the ones listed will go on last?
Answer: Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship


TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon, 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Aries, 5
Method of Finish (5 points):pinfall


TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Joe and Magnus, 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Kim, 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Angle, 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall


Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Anderson, 1
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Roode, 6

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Longest: Roode vs RVD Shortest: Knockout's title match

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: TV title match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Roode vs RVD


TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bully Ray 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and Samoa Joe 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission


Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode 6

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest Knockouts
Longest RVD-Roode

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: TNA TV Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: RVD Roode

TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Aries 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Joe & Magnus 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Roode 7

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Short Divas, Longest Would Title

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: TNA TV Title

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Roode vs Van Dam
TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and Samoa Joe (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode (7)

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Devon/Robbies (Shortest) / Anderson/Hardy (Longest)

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Devon vs. Robbie E and Robbie T

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Rob Van Dam vs. Bobby Roode


TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon, 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries, 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Joe and Magnus, 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim, 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle, 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy, 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode, 7

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Shortest: TV Title Match
Longest: World Title Match​

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Tag Title Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title Match
TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bully Ray (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus/Joe (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy(1)
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Longest: TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Shortest: TNA Television Championship Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: TNA Tag Team Championship Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
WZPC World Heavyweight Championship
TheOneBigWill (c) vs. Kid Horror


TNA Television Championship Match Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon (5) Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bully Ray (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus/Joe (6) Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Mr. Anderson (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight ChampionshipLadderMatch Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode (7)

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Longest: TNA World Heavyweight ChampionshipLadder Match Shortest: TNA Television ChampionshipMatch

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points) Answer: TNA Tag Team Championship Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points) Answer:
TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match



List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday May 13th at 8pm (EST).


TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon - 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries - 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and Samoa Joe - 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim - 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle - 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy - 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode - 7

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest: Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Longest: Roode vs. RVD

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Tag Titles

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title
WZPC X-Division Championship
Joe's Gonna Kill You (c) vs. wrestlingmasters55

Joe's Gonna Kill You



TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon, 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries, 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Joe and Magnus, 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim, 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle, 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy, 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode, 7

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Shortest: TV Title Match
Longest: World Title Match​

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Tag Title Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title Match


TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon (5)
Method of Finish (5 points):pin

Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: austin Aries (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and joe (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): pin

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: GAil Kim (7)
Method of Finish (5 points):pin

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle (6)
Method of Finish (5 points):pin

Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff HArdy (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): pin

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence:Bobby Roode (3)

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest: Knockout title match
Longest: Bobby Roode Vs RVD

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: TNA TV championship match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: RVd vs Bobby Roode
WZPC Tag Team Championship
FunKay and Theo (c) vs. Notorious718 and SXEnightmare


TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon: 5
Method of Finish: Pinfall

Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Aries: 2
Method of Finish: Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and Joe: 6
Method of Finish: Submission

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Kim: 3
Method of Finish: Pinfall

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Angle: 4
Method of Finish: Pinfall

Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Anderson: 1
Method of Finish: Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Roode: 7

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night?:
Shortest: TV Title
Longest: Angle vs. Styles

Which match of the ones listed will go on first?:
Ray vs. Aries

Which match of the ones listed will go on last?:
Roode vs. RVD



TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and Joe (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode (7)

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Knockouts Championship (shortest)
World Heavyweight Championship (longest)

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Devon/Robbie E/Robbie T

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Roode/RVD​


TNA Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Winner and Confidence: Devon 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe (c) vs. Kazarian and Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and Samoa Joe 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Kurt Angle 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode 7

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest - TV Title match; Longest - World Title Ladder match

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Aries/Ray

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Roode/RVD



TNA Television Championship Match
Devon vs Robbie E vs Robbie T
Winner: Devon (6)
Method Of Finish: Pinfall

Singles Match
Austin Aries vs Bully Ray
Winner: Austin Aries (3)
Method Of Finish: Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Title Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe vs Kazarian and Daniels
Winners: Magnus and Samoa Joe (4)
Method Of Finish: Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim vs Brooke Tessmacher
Winner: Gail Kim (5)
Method Of Finish: Pinfall

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles
Winner: AJ Styles (1)
Method Of Finish: Pinfall

Singles Match
Mr.Anderson vs Jeff Hardy
Winner: Mr.Anderson (2)
Method Of Finish: Pinfall

TNA Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
Bobby Roode vs Rob Van Dam
Winner: Bobby Roode (7)

What will be the shortest and longest match?
Shortest: TNA TV Title Match
Longest: TNA Heavyweight Title Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on first?
Austin Aries vs Bully Ray

Which match of the ones listed will go on last?
Bobby Roode vs Rob Van Dam

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