TNA Main Eventers


Dark Match Winner
For anyone who was in the WWE forum, I did the same thing there. I was bored in my one class, so I decided to try and name all the TNA ppv's, and who was involved in their ppv's. If this is considered spam, again I apologize, but I figured I'd post to see if anyone was interested in reading it or not. This is the list of TNA wrestlers who main evented a ppv from Victory Road 2004 to Final Resolution 2009, and the number of times they main evented.

Kurt Angle- 24
Samoa Joe- 22
Sting- 21
Jeff Jarrett- 20
AJ Styles- 17
Christian Cage- 17
Abyss- 8
Rhino- 7
Scott Steiner- 6
Booker T- 6
Kevin Nash- 5
Brother Devon- 5
Brother Ray- 4
Mick Foley- 4
Chris Harris- 4
Monty Brown- 4
Daniels- 4
Tomko- 3
James Storm- 3
Raven- 3
Ron Killings- 2
Matt Morgan- 2
Jeff Hardy- 1
Primetime- 1
DDP- 1
Sean Waltman- 1
Sabu- 1
Eric Young- 1
Kaz- 1
Robert Roode- 1
Hernandez- 1
Kip James- 1
Technically speaking, AJ Styles has been main eventing TNA PPVs since the third show ever....

Im just saying

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