Thread For Cartoon BSing


Lord And Master
Staff member
Because constantly making threads about 'em is annoying. After this act of hypocrisy on my part, discuss cartoons here.


Watched a few episodes. The first I saw was the debut of the Red Hulk. I'm so used to the man-child version of Hulk, my jaw dropped when I heard Hulky say: "Wrong. I'm an Avenger. Avengers, Assemble!" I always hated that man-kid version. This one is awesome. I wish they gave an explanation as to how facial hair disappears every time Hulk an Red transform. As for the plot, those damn Skrulls are everywhere! I saw the episode that went before. Thor was alone in the title card due to being the only Avenger featured but it just looked silly. Then I met an anthropomorphic horse dressed like Thor called Beta Ray Bill on a ship called Scuttlebutt. With 2 T's! I know he's been around for a good while, but damn. Those were some ideas.


Needs more Nightwing. 5 episodes deep and he's barely been on the field. Lagoon Boy, Beast Boy and Wonder Girl suck, Robin II and Blue Bettle are cool though.


Haven't seen anything since Tygra and Lion-O tried to kill each other in a parallel dimension opened by Elephants with Alzhiemers. :(

Toonami is back in name only. They just showed the same ol' crap they've been showing every Saturday night last week.
Anyone watch the Sonic X cartoon on Toonzai? I watch it every once in a while if I'm up on Saturday.
I was disappointed that CW 4kids dropped Pokemon because it had a good time slot [for an adult that still watches the show 14 years later]; Cartoon Network gave it a terrible time slot.
Planning to re-watch Dragonball Z. Who's with me? :D

Also, anyone miss Danny Phantom from Nickelodean?
I was disappointed that CW 4kids dropped Pokemon because it had a good time slot [for an adult that still watches the show 14 years later]; Cartoon Network gave it a terrible time slot.

Its ok Ech, I watch MLP, you know this and you are only two years older than I.

I do agree though, Cartoon Network gives it a shitty spot. Even if I was a bag a fan now as I was when I was 8 I couldn't keep up with it because of the time slot

I have been re watching the 90s Batman cartoon on some obscure channel I get and they really nailed the Joker in it. Other villains, like the Penguin, are shit but they really did a good job with Joker. Scarecrow is ok, I feel like in every Batman cartoon/show ever they drop the ball with him though
Batman:TAS Joker is the best I've seen. Better than the movie versions if you ask me. Loved Riddler too. Then they turned him into shit for the revamp.
To hell with waking up early in the morning to catch Pokemon at 7am, I DVR that shit now. Only got two episodes so far and I've yet to watch 'em.

The Hub airs Men in Black: The Series and Batman Beyond... :D

I should watch modern cartoons more often. I recently started watching Adventure Time and it's pretty awesome. I hate myself for not having watched it sooner.
Not much of a Adventure Time fan. I tend to prefer action cartoons. Speaking of which, I didn't catch on until he appeared in Avengers, but freakin' Spiderman is voiced by Drake from Drake and Josh.
Apparently Fire Benders killed everyone that starts the series dead. Sounds like a hidden subplot.

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