Their Best Year: Shawn Michaels

S.J. Maximus

Championship Contender
There are so many series out there like 'Criticizing the Best' that I enjoy looking at so I'm gonna take a chance and start my very own series here on WrestleZone. In 'Their Best Year' I'll name a legendary superstar and you have to decide which year was the best of their career.

For legendary superstars this feat will be difficult, because all hall-of-fame worthy wrestlers have more than just two or three good years. That's why this thread is necessary, so that we can try and decide which year stands out from the rest as that star's best year.

In the second edition of this series, I'll throw out a harder one and see what you say?

Shawn Michaels
The Heartbreak Kid
Mr. WrestleMania. The Icon. The Showstopper. The Main Event. This man has been so influential in the last 20 years of wrestling his legacy is almost unparalleled. He doesn't have "16 World Titles" like Ric Flair or the "Technical Genius" reputation like Chris Benoit but this guy is arguably the greatest star in the history of the WWE. Out of his 22-year career, which year was his best?
1996 - A Royal Rumble win, the most memorable entrance in WrestleMania history, One of the biggest WrestleMania moments in history, One of the biggest matches in WrestleMania history, and his first World Title. 1996 was a storied year for HBK and because he's won the title so few times this might be the only one of its kind for HBK's career
1996 - A Royal Rumble win, the most memorable entrance in WrestleMania history, One of the biggest WrestleMania moments in history, One of the biggest matches in WrestleMania history, and his first World Title. 1996 was a storied year for HBK and because he's won the title so few times this might be the only one of its kind for HBK's career

I agree with '96 being 'Michaels best year. Not only did he Win RR & the WWE Championship in that year but he also became closer with the fans. Therefore making him a fan favorite. This was the year where HBK's true legacy started making him one of the best of the Wrestling Industry.
i'd have to say 1997. He took on a heel persona and with the development of DX, he was just sooo bad ass. and his promos where fucking brilliant. And it was also during this time where alot of his feuds with like bret hart n stuff, were very real and it brought out the best in his heel character. Wrestling in general was great to watch this year
I'm gonna go with the most popular choice thus far and also state that 1996 was the best year of Shawn Michaels' illustrious career.

This was the year that Shawn Michaels became a permanent main eventer, and really the only year in entire tenure with the WWE in which he was the main focus of the company. Since 1996, he's been "a focal point" of the company, but it was only in 1996 when he was clearly at the top. By 1997 Shawn was at the top but Undertaker was also at his peak as the champion throughout most of the year, Bret Hart was arguably the top heel until the very of 1997, and Stone Cold was on the rise. And since his return in 2002, he was never again the major focal point (ala Brock Lesnar, Triple H, John Cena, Batista, etc.)

Let's go over his accomplishments through the year.

1. Starts off the year on a tremendous comeback angle (from his collapse on Raw a few months before and his possible retirement from it) winning his 2nd Royal Rumble and earning the Wrestlemania titleshot.

2. Fights Owen Hart in a forgotten classic at the Feb. In Your House ppv event.

3. Participate in his 2nd Wrestlemania event in what many people consider to be the greatest match in Wrestlemania history (at least until his matches with Taker at 25 and 26) in the Iron Man Match with Bret Hart. He engages in the most memorable entrance in Wrestlemania history and wins the WWF title, in what is easily his greatest reign as champion. And while I don't think it's the best match in Wrestlemania history. It's a top 5 match I'd say. One of the best ever.

4. Participates in a classic No Holds Barred match with Diesel in what is basically Kevin Nash's swan song for the WWF at his peak.

5. Has two back to back matches with the British Bulldog in a great fued with some very overlooked matches.

6. Faces Vader in another great matchup from Summerslam 96 in what was essentially a dream matchup at the time.

7. Then participates in one of the best matches of all-time (and I still say this even with all of the classics that HBK was in during the 2000's decade) with Mick Foley at In Your House: Mind Games. A very innovative, groundbreaking, and brilliant matchup. The best match of Mick Foley's career, and yeah one of HBK's very best as well.

8. Helps change the landscape of WWE with the crowd turning on him at the 1996 Survivor Series in his championship loss to Sid. This was one of the first times that the crowd went against the promotion and marketing of the WWF by basically cheering for Sid over HBK. Even before the crowd turned on Bret Hart for Stone Cold.

1996 was clearly Shawn Michaels' year in the WWF, and he was clearly the top guy in the company, as Bret Hart was only around for the first few months (January-March) and at the very end (November and December), and the Undertaker was mainly in what was then a mid-card feud with Mankind (though it was definitely the best feud of the year until the Austin/Hart rivalry began at the end). Shawn Michaels was clearly at the top, and there was no other year in HBK's career where he dominated the WWE landscape like he did in this year.

1996 is the best year of his career undoubtedly.

- Won The Royal Rumble as the 1st guy in.
- Wrestled for the WWF Title at Wrestlemania
- Made a Face Turn and won the IC title from Double J
- Began his push towards being the top guy in WWF
- Had another incredible ladder match with Razor Ramon at Summerslam
- Apart of maybe the best storyline of 95 (The Owen Hart Concussion)

I just think 95 was his best year. Just slightly over 96 just because his title run was during a time when there weren't many main event guys.
HBK's best year would have to be 1997 cuz of his feuds with Bret and Taker. and also with him being the top heel as the leader of DX and his awesome matches with Stone Cold at KOTR and Taker at Bad Blood. and the mini feud with Owen after Survivor Series.

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