THE WWE Title or the ECW Title

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
What is the title, is it gonna be called the ECW World Championship like Paul E said, or is it the WWE Title which is on the line on Vengence. I don't get it. Are they going to replace the WWE championship and have the ECW title in ECW telivision. What if RVD wins, what happens then, and even if Edge wins, what happens then. Cena might as well be in the match too, what if he's in it. Are they eventually going to be 2 different world titles, the one on Raw and one on ECW (not to mention the Smackdown World Championship) I'm really confused.
It is confusing at this point, If there still using the WWE title tomorrow night, then it will stay the WWE title until Vengence, and RVD will end up losing it to Edge then, maybe on purpose with the EDGE-ECW build-up happening, giving RVD a new ECW championship belt, and Edge the WWE belt, if edge doesn't defect. that's my prediction
y debate + discuss something that will b explained n due time?
no1 knows the real answers,you can only b confused more by speculation,wishes and dreams
my theory: if RVD wins it, it stays ECW champoinship. if Edge wins it, it's back to the WWE champoinship
my prediction is it will be rechrictened ecw's title and stay that way. if you noticed at the top of raw and on unlimited last night the promo with rvd and heyman said they invite edge to "join" the tonight and also stevie richards called edge ecw's boy on unlimited. Worst case scenario is that cena challenges tonight at ecw (which would suck but you never know these days) goes freakin psycho and either wins it back or just steals it either way this could lead to getting a new belt for ecw
At Vengeance, you might have an ECW referee calling the match. The ref will get knocked out, and a WWE ref will come out. The ECW ref will wake up, and Edge and RVD will be in one of those positions where the count could go either way. WWE ref counts down RVD's shoulders, ECW ref counts down Edge's shoulders, and ECW recognizes RVD as the winner, RAW recognizes Edge as the winner. RVD uses the ECW belt, Edge uses the WWE belt. I think that's the best way to handle this.
Now on under the Title History for the WWE championship, the WWE regognizes RVD as their WWE champion. ECW doesn't regonize it under their title history because it hasn't been rechristened. When it is rechristened then I guess there is no longer a WWE title and the ECW title would be on the line at Vengence. If Edge wins (assuming he remains WWE) then the title changes name again, I don't think Cena will be in this match, he'll probably be in another match. If an ECW guy wins then the WWE has to replace their famous title. Maybe RVD will probably hold both belts like Jericho did, and Edge will win the WWE title (since that is what is on the line in Vengence) but RVD will STILL be ECW champ becuase that title wasn't on the line.
who cares now, edge and rvd both suck as champs and cena wont be getting a rematch any time soon. Hes versing Sabu at Vengeance.
Hey Junior, this is the way things work here, if you don't care about a topic, then you don't post in that thread. Let the people who care and want to discuss it and talk about (which that's what this is for) do so. And Keep spoilers in the spoilers section of the forum, so that people can enjoy their shows w/o knowing whats going to happen.

And for the record you may not like them but Cena and RVD DO NOT suck.

It's good that WWE recognizes RVD as their champion, it shows that Vince finally respect him as a wrestler and entertainer (as he would call it).
I think when(if) Edge wins at Vengence he will proclaim himself as both WWE and ECW champ.So far they are saying that Edge is facing RVD for the championship, but notbeing specific if it's the WWE belt or both belts.
at Vengeance Edge will beat RVD for the WWE Title & bring it back to Raw
then Paul Heyman will let RVD keep the ECW Title & keep it on their show
But they have to find a way of doing that without making RVD look weak. There needs to be some sort of controversy, like the double pin or something.
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