The WWE Tag Team titles: Progress Report

CM Steel

A REAL American
It's been a year now that the WWE tag team belts were finally made into just two belts. And now there dubbed the "WWE Tag Team titles" again! When WWE hall of famer Bret Hart presented the then Hart Dynasty with those two critized belts on RAW. Since then we've seen little to just no progress with the WWE tag team divsion. Since last year we've seen a few good tag teams or just single's wrestling pairing up holding those championships.

-"The Dashing One's" Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntrye
-John Cena & David Otunga?
-Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel (3X)
-Vladimir Kozlov & Santino Marella
-Big Show & Kane
-David Otunga & Michael McGuillicutty (Present)

The Uso's look to be next in line for the tag team straps by the way the struggling division is looking. So from here on out where does the WWE tag team divsion needs to go? Who to put over?? And how to make it important again???
I think it's in a better state now then it has been in quite some time. Mainly because last month they let the Usos put on 3 fantastic matches, and this week they have another bout against the tag team champions. You don't need 10,000 tag teams, but they could use more. The Hart Dynasty never should have broken up, and there's a lot of struggling talent that would do well partnered instead of being squandered on Superstars. With the internet popularity of Ryder, they could have tried pairing him with Hawkins again...

I normally go on giant rants about the tag team division, but I think I've pretty much said all that I can say about it in the past few months. Also, I have a large blister forming on my thumb, making it impossible to type. So...I'm done. For now.
I've said this in another post -
I would like to see jinder mahal and the great khali eventually take the tag gold and be a dominate force - much like jerishow was when they were tag champs

Except Big Show could move! The Great Kahli can barely walk around the ring, and his presence in the WWE is almost painful at this point. Jinder needs to put down Khali once and for all and break out as his own superstar.
I heard the Kings of Wrestling are close to, or already are in the works for, signing with WWE. That's another tag team to add to the list, that is if they are still a tag team when they arrive. Now we have Otunga and McGillicutty, the Uso's, and the KoW. Maybe reunite Ryder and Hawkins, possibly create another tag team, and the tag team division would be fine.
You forgot the Uso's who are babyface now. Then the Kings of Wrestling. Give the Uso's the title now. Then have the Kings of Wrestling come out on Raw and just dominate everyone, tearing through all of the teams and have them challenge the Uso's at a PPV for the title. KoW will help change the landscape of the Tag team division.
I also think it's definitely on the rise, especially with the rumors of K.O.W. on their way. It's got to be a top priority for them to re-vamp the tag team division, seeing how pretty much every other area of overall content is improving drastically. I haven't been this ecstatic as a wrestling fan in a long time. The Uso's are awesome, McG and Otunga are getting by and improving, K.O.W. will be in the mix soon, and you would have to think a few more teams will be in the mix within the next few months to make this division going and make tag team wrestling mean something again. Having it be about the team and not just pairing up two superstars. I have been waiting along with everyone else for this for a while, and I honestly see them already working on moving in the right direction.
I haven't really seen much of The Usos since their feud with Hart Dynasty ended, but from what I have seen these guys are impressive and apparently getting a lot of praise backstage and on twitter. With how lacking the tag division is today it wouldn't be too bad of an idea to give them the titles.

The Kings of Wrestling would be a better fit though. They can even build a storyline off of it if WWE chooses for these guys to align with Punk. They go with how Punk ditched Nexus to mentor (for lack of a better term) these new guys. Bam. You got your storyline going into Night of Champions.
The Kings of Wrestling should be a great improvement for the division if they are used correctly, hopefully nothing goes wrong there.

Anyway, I think the WWE's main issue with the tag division is consistency. They don't have any tag teams that are together long enough to fix things, they think it's great to break them up (i.e. The Hart Dynasty). That, or the teams they do have stick together are just ridiculous and serve no purpose (i.e. Kozlov & Santino).

Now, Otunga and McGillicutty aren't the best team in the ring necesarilly, but at least they have been consistent thus far. Hopefully WWE doesn't ruin that. Having solid tag teams is the root to fixing the division. Let's take a look at current tag teams...
Otunga & McGillicutty
The Usos
Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase
Kings of Wrestling (the way it's looking as of now)
Santino & Kozlov (as much as it pains me to include them)
With all of that, you've always got back up alliances like Big Show & Kane or Sin Cara (if he remains with the company) and Daniel Bryan.

Not a horrible line up. Just as long as WWE doesn't seperate them and keeps them fresh, all while doing so in a manner that they can be taken seriously. Of course good booking and a fair amount of attention is also required.
I don't see how it is any better. The Tag Team champs have not appeared on Raw in weeks and are having all their matches on..Superstars. Kozlov/Marella have broken up it seems and they along with Show/Kane were basically the only tag team that would interest many casual fans including the kids. I think it is in quite a bad position to be honest (whats new..) but it is possible for WWE to fix. With not much effort WWE could put these teams in the division and get some healthy competition for those belts.

Big Show and Kane - popular with the kids
Santino and Kozlov - as above
The Hart Dynasty - they are going nowhere at the moment in singles..
The New DudeBusters (Curt Hawkins and Trent Barretta) - Both skilled competitors and were together in FCW.
The Usos - Experiance together, should be champs soon
Slater and Gabriel - They will go nowhere as singles competitors, why the hell would they break them up. Not bad wrestlers and have that experiance of teaming together that lacks in the current division

I just don't see Otunga and McGillicutty co-existing for much longer, Otunga would be much better of with Mason Ryan when he returns and McGillicutty with Husky Harris or Bo Rotundo or even Brett DiBiase as a second generation team.

WWE has the potential to revive the division and I just can't get through my head why they won't do it.
Sad, but I have to say it. The tag title situation is shitty, I keep forgetting that it exists. Granted the rest of the program is shining pretty bright right now, but still, it is pretty faded.

They need a tag team with a prominent figure in it to draw as much attention to the matches as possible, have this build for a long time until they have a team good enough to beat them, Jerishow was good, but they didn't have much of a hand off, hart foundation got broken up quick and turned to shit, Uso's could have the titles but I wouldn't pay anymore attention. Big Show and Kane are slow and boring, Jerishow worked cause Jericho is a good wrestler and could take a bulk of the work until Big Show punched someone.

Idea? I don't know, how about
Sin Cara and Kane, have Kane get really close to losing and then get saved by Sin Cara, until Sin Cara comes up with an idea to make Kane a monster again, a mask. Then we can give Kane a run as a champion with Sin Cara for months, Masked Kane with Sin Cara, you know you would pay a lot more attention and as it goes the mask can take over Kane and turn him into the monster again and eventually put Cara over in a heel/face match.
Of course this is predicated on them bringing Cara back, but this would be a good way to bring him back and work isolated matches until he is ready. I'm sure the tag belts would get a lot more attention

Only one idea, I've got more, but my wrist yea
In my opinion the Tag titles have ment nothing since the teams like Demolition, LOD, Hart Foundation, Nasty's etc, etc.

Teams these days get slapped together and then broken up far to quickly before any kind of chemistry develops between the 2 guys.

Edge & Christian, Hardys and the Dudleys are the only teams in recent memory that stand out for me as being worth while tag teams.

Just a couple of things in my mind that help make a tag team work are to find a couple of guys that work well together, give them roughly the same kinda gimmick, give them a decent sounding team name, keep them together for a good couple of years at least and have them feud with other teams that have had the same treatment.

When you get a match like Santino & Koslov facing Otunga & McGillicutty it really has nowhere near the kind of meaning that say The Rockers v Demolition would of had or hell even The Rockers V The Beverley Bros lol.
I thought the tag division was heading in the right direction with the string of great matches Gabriel & Slater and The USOs pulled together but then they split up Gab and Slate out of nowhere! So now I have doubts again

Yet again someone suggests Kane wears a mask to make him good again, let it drop guys :)
The tag team titles have been irrelevent to me ever since drew mcintyre and cody rhodes lost them. John Cena and David Otunga being tag champs was pointless. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel should have won it at bragging rights instead of have them win it the next day.
I think they should try something like Ezekiel Jackson & Daniel Bryan. Like Jeri-Show, Bryan can be the the one carrying the team in the ring and Jackson could just be the big intimidator.

The reason the Uso's didn't get the titles is because no one cared about them, when they would enter the crowd just went completely silent.
I think we've had some amazing tag champions as of late. I remember when the new titles came out everyone hated them, but I have to say I've gotten used to them, the only problem is they dont really suit some people. The tag titles look amazing on Nexus and The Corre. I hope the Usos get a descent run with it because they seem to be the best team out there right now.
Lets be honest the tag team division is almost dead at the moment. But I think it is easily fixed, reforming teams and re/signing team that were good and the other give teams tv time and build rivalries.

The teams I would reform/bring back/sign are:

1) The Hart Dynasty, neither one of them are doing anything and in my opinion they make a pretty good team and it isn't putting two random guys together because they were a team before. Also Natalya isn't doing anything so have her be apart of the team again.

2) The Dude Busters, Trent Barreta is again doing nothing so it'll give him something and then sign Caylen Croft and reform The Dudebusters. I think there was a good chemistry between the two and they were both good in the ring. I don't know if either of them are good on the mic but a manager can do the job.

3) The Kings Of Wrestling, I don't really know about these guys because I haven't had a chance to watch them but I hear they are great. Also I heard they are/were close to signing with WWE so there you go.

4) WGTT, maybe a long shot but if WWE could sign them it would be brilliant. They were a great tag team in my opinion. They had good matches and were a real team.

5) I know people aren't going to appreciate this but I think Ryder and Hawkins would be a good team to reform. Neither men are doing anything and to be honest I would rather Ryder on tv in a tag team than not on tv at all. The team would definitely be over because Ryder is apart of it.

There are 5 teams that can be reformed/resigned/signed. I'm not saying sign all of them but maybe 2 or 3. Then add them onto the current teams of McGuillicutty and Otounga, Santino and Kozlov and The Usos makes 5 or 6 strong teams.
Finally I made an account because I always wanted to say this.
My personal solution is:
Make a tag team show! all jobbers,lower midcard etc will face off on that show tag team only and competing tag titles also have titles exclusive to that show
intercontinental tag team
wwe tag team
world tag team
and 1 more so wwe can see double the talent than on superstars than move send them to raw or smackdown and based on there skills push to intercontinental or even wwe/world heavyweight championship
and to answer
I had to make an account to add in my two cents. Who knows if the WWE is ever going to focus on the tag team division because for the past few years the tag team division has meant little to nothing. Seriously, they had makeshift tag teams (i.e.: Show/Jericho, Show/Miz, etc) to represent the division for the past couple of years, which is sad considering that they did have some legit tag teams, but dropped the ball. If we're going to "revive" the division, we're going to need to reform/hire/call up tag teams and/or wrestlers who are actual tag team wrestlers. No more overly used makeshift tag teams, we need REAL tag teams who work as a unit, think as one, are cohesive, and stick together. Here's my "fantasy" tag team division that will consist of 8 tag teams that I think can benefit the division and the WWE product. 8 teams, so we have 4 on each brand. Any more tag teams would most likely be left off any type of WWE programming and they'll end up like Generation Me in TNA. Speaking of them, they're my first tag team.

1. Young Bucks (sign) - Currently "free agents" and if the WWE ever considers bringing life into the division, this is the team they NEED to sign.

2. Kings of Wrestling (sign) - Rumored WWE-bound, but they can help. Obviously, I don't expect them to stay in the tag team division for too long since they're most likely going to work singles after a good run dominating the division.

3. The Briscoes (sign) - They've had tryouts a couple of years ago and surprised they haven't been signed. People could talk about the "PG" rating and say how they don't fit under the rating, which isn't true. Most of these people don't even understand the TV Parental Guidelines system or the PG rating. The Briscoes are capable of suppressing themselves. They're a unique tag team and would bring diversity and an edge to the division. A great counter to the Usos.

4. The Colóns (reform/re-hire) - This would mean re-hiring Carlito. Carlito has got the "lazy" label from fans, but when he's used and is motivated, he can go and show that he can work. A good tag team that could have had a good 2nd run had the WWE not release Carlito.

5. Hart Dynasty (reform) - No doubt reform them. Where have their careers gone outside of the team? My point exactly.

6. Major Broskis (reform) - Basically it's the Major Brothers (Hawkins and Ryder), but the last time they worked together they dubbed themselves as the Major Broskis. This team, however, would also include Trent Barreta. All 3 are close friends and would/could use the "Freebird Rule" in the division, so the one who isn't working the tag team could venture into a mid card title or something.

7. Los Aviadores (call up) - Hunico and Epico are a very good tag team in FCW. They're a lucha tag team which is different and would be a breath of fresh air in the WWE and tag team division.

8. The Usos

I think the Briscoe Brothers are a long shot, but if for some reason it's impossible to happen, I guess we'll just go with calling up the Rotundos from FCW, which would mean pairing up Husky back with his brother, Bo. Now if the Briscoes were able to get into the WWE, then the Rotundos would be used to replace the Kings of Wrestling whenever they're out of the tag team division picture.

These 8 tag teams that I labeled can go and work. In my opinion, no matter who you pair into a feud and/or match, it would be a good one due to the work rate of each competitor/tag team.
The Usos
Great Khali & Jinder Mahal
The Kings of Wrestling
Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

The future of the WWE tag team division looks pretty good. There is definately enough talent for them to have succesful programs with the tag titles for a least the next year.
In the past, the holes in the tag team division were always filled in by imported talent, Road Warriors, Rockers, Nasty Boys, Steiners Brothers, Dudley Boys and so on... This way you added previously established tag teams and not just random guys put toghether because you couldn't figure out what to do with them... The problem is, where do you import widely popular tag teams from now... A lot of casual fans don't even know any non-WWE guys nowadays... I would say that a TNA or ROH talent has a good chance of being picked up by WWE if he gets with another fella and somehow form a widely popular tag team that will TRANSLATE well to the big stage, but who can pull that off nowadays
Bring back Jerishow! I always wanted Jericho to get back in the World championship scene after he lost it to John Cena at survivor series '08, but when jericho & Show lost the belts to DX... well as much as seeing Y2J walk into WM as champion and defend it.. still was kinda bummed they broke Jerishow up. They were funny, had good lil feuds & matches AND they brought a bit of fun & credibility to a part of the show that floundered for years.

Those are my 2 pence and I say bring them back!
The WWE Tag Team Championships were looking pretty useless until JeriShow, DX, and ShowMiz made them seem important again. That was a year ago. The tag team champions for the past year have not used the belts to go on both shows as they should be booked to be doing, plus we have seen a lot of random teams win that didn't need to. Cena and Otunga? Come on. The Corre? Also, when JeriShow were champs they appeared on both shows on a weekly basis. The past year has undone ALL of the prestige that JeriShow brought back to the titles. I don't think that the belts will ever mean anything again because the creative team treat them like they mean absolutely nothing. Why are the current champions not featured weekly and pushed hard? They should be. There's no point in even making them champions otherwise. It would take an awesome pairing of top tier guys like Cena and Orton having a JeriShow type run with the belts where they appear on BOTH shows weekly, putting over how the belts are a powerful tool to make the brand lines vanish for you if you're a tag team champion. I know the brand lines don't really matter anyway, but in the kayfabe'd sense it's an idea. Even after that though, I fear the belts would fade into obscurity again. I hate to say it but their days may be numbered.
Although I love the tag team divison and the tag team titles, I think the WWE needs to make the IC title and the US Title relevant again (and even make the WHC and WWE relevant to an extent, although WWE is starting to get important again) before they can worry about the tag team titles. I think if the WWE combined the WHC and WWE, it would create instant credibility to the US and IC. Then once they are credible again, WWE can focus on building the tag team division and the titles again, the problem is though if the singles title don't mean anything, how can the tag titles ever mean anything?
I think what the tag title needs is to go away.

Seriously. Poof. Gone. Two guys win the belt and say screw this and toss them in a garbage can. Or maybe the team splits up due to internal conflicts and they just don't bother crowning new champions. No one would notice or care. Well, ok, some would, but more out of a sense of obligation rather than passion. Be honest.

And then, a year or so from now, they should make a big deal about it, maybe make it seem as if the wrestlers themselves demand that the title be brought back. Some teams would form (REAL teams, you know, with matching outfits, a team name and a team finisher) and they would hold a tournament, with the final match at a big PPV like Wrestlemania or Summerslam. And then the winners would be presented with two decent belts, not those copper-colored cheap as shit looking gladiator helmet belts. Ugh, seriously, they look like overgrown pennies on a leatherstrap.

THAT might revive tag teaming.

Until then it's simply dead. They're beating a dead horse right now. Until you mentioned it I had no idea Otunga and Micgilliwhatever had the belts.
The Tag Team Titles needs to established Main Event superstars to give them credibility again. Jericho & Big Show did that.. they were the most popular TT Champions in recent memory.

Big Show & Kane were a bust because both of them now are no longer main event stars.

What I would like to see done with the belts right now would have John Cena & CM Punk win them off Nexus, that would be an interesting add to the storyline.

Two WWE Champions and Tag Team Champions

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