The Undertaker.....time to call it quits for good?

Barbedwire Ropes

Is it just me, or did The Undertaker look absolutely comical in the way he sold Big Show's "knockout" punches on this friday's edition of Smackdown?

Now I understand that at this point, being the age he is at, its beyond remarkable that he can still do what he does in the ring. Lets face it folks, hes almost a senior citizen. He can still perform, but only when it really matters like at 'Mania. Im sorry to say, this weeks SmackDown actually made me look at 'Taker like I would a sub-par performer. I found myself to be laughing at him. The way he was flopping all over the ring was completely over done and when he got up, he looked even worse.

During the recent HBK program and throughout his entire career they made him up to look like an unbeatable, dominating force. And when he was defeated, he still had the unstoppable image about him. But now, its looking pathetic. What do you think? Is this going to be a new gimmick/storyline for him? Is this the start of his exit program? Or is it something completely non related to WWE writers?
He didn't perform that bad. He was selling a punch to his cranium, man. That's something more wrestlers need to be able to do and work on, selling. I can admit it was overly drastic, but that's not something I'll complain about.

The Undertaker is an instant sell if you have nothing else going, go to him and you'll keep people interested, so i definitely disagree with you.
Ha ha! It's funny how you say Undertaker is almost a ''seniors citizen''... has over 20 years to go. I have to admit that The Undertaker's match on Smackdown! was not your typical Undertaker match, but it wasn't too bad. It seems that for the next several weeks, Undertaker's opponents will most likely target the head and neck area. Since Undertaker's Wrestlemania match with Shawn Michaels, when he fell on his head, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, and The Big Show all stayed on those areas.

The Undertaker's performance has nothing to do with his age slowing him down. The fact that Undertaker was still feeling the effects of falling on his head at Wrestlemania, made him oversell the blow to the head by Big Show. I'm sure in a few weeks, he'll be the same old Undertaker.
While yes it does look kind of stupid when he's falling around all over the place, but when you get knocked out you just flump on the floor and when you wake up you're still all over the place for a while, so i disagree and think that Taker sold the move well. Everyone else just hits the dirt and doesn't move again, and as Taker is the only person to take a Big Show punch, sell it properly, and continue fighting, i'd say his is the performance to strive for.

Sure, Cena took a right at WM, but he just fell outside, didn't get up for a while and then was back in the ring as if he'd never been hit.

I thought it was a good match. When two superheavies hook up, you're never going to get anything golden, but i felt this match worked well. They sold the 'neck injury' thing well, as did Taker, and you wouldn't expect an awesome match from a guy with a bad neck who's fighting someone who out weighs him by 150lbs.

Nothing special, but no, i certainly don't think that last nights match was an indication that Taker should hang up his boots any time soon
Undertaker isn't looking that bad for his age. He did oversell it a little bit but he did take a hell of a fall at WrestleMania 25 but he'll be fine again in just a few short weeks.
He didn't perform that bad. He was selling a punch to his cranium, man. That's something more wrestlers need to be able to do and work on, selling. I can admit it was overly drastic, but that's not something I'll complain about.

The Undertaker is an instant sell if you have nothing else going, go to him and you'll keep people interested, so i definitely disagree with you.

I have to admit thats true, alot of wrestlers (cough triple h cough) need to learn to sell more, a fine example are guys like John Cena who did a perfect job for Jack Swagger, yes Swagger lost but cena did a great job putting the guy over and making him look like gold (see thread for more details), Taker hasnt lost a step IMO hes in his prime, he can go toe to toe with alot of the newcomers in the industry and can match different styles, so should he retire?, no, will he retire? I hope not, taker is one of the best wrestlers in the wwe and deserves his push, but he should also pass the torch to guys like big show, which he has done in the past and is doing now, the undertaker is one of the most amazing and over wrestlers in the wwe and i hope he stays for awhile.
yeah i had a feeling everyone would disagree with you. taker is nowhere near ric flair horrible and decrepit mode, hes still got enough to main event for a solid year or two still.
He didn't perform that bad. He was selling a punch to his cranium, man. That's something more wrestlers need to be able to do and work on, selling. I can admit it was overly drastic, but that's not something I'll complain about.

The Undertaker is an instant sell if you have nothing else going, go to him and you'll keep people interested, so i definitely disagree with you.

I wouldnt call it overselling, THE ROCK TAKING STUNNERS IS OVER SELLING! Its impressive how he does that, cause I never figured out how he did lol but in the subject of Taker: His time is coming and he is aware of it..I'll give him 3 more years..Heck, he's a great wrestler..a little over his prime but still one of the all time greats inside and outside the ring

:undertaker2:Long Live the Deadman:undertaker2:
I wouldnt miss him at all, not anymore, always more of a Ministry Taker or American Badass fan anyway. Still that being said he's still a very popular selling point and is arguably (I say arguable because I dont see it myself) having the best matches of his career at the moment.

So while I wouldnt mind saying goodbye to the Deadman, I dont think it's gonna happen anytime soon.
He needs to retire next year at mania, I 1st saw him when I was 14 in the WCCW, back in the day, and I am almost 40. Once you get to a certain age, the body goes to hell alot quicker, and takes longer to heal.

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