The Three Stooges To Host Raw This Monday


Next Friday, The Three Stooges movie comes to theaters and the three stars of the movie Chris Diamantopoulos, Sean Hayes & Will Sasso are scheduled to appear on Raw this coming Monday.

I'm sure they'll do something with Santino, hopefully something brief and backstage. As long as they don't devote a whole segment with them & some wrestlers doing some zany stooges antics, it could be fun.
If they mean "host" as in they're going to appear throughout the show in several segments...say hello to that 3.0 rating again WWE.

If they mean they're getting one skit, maybe they won't do too much damage. They won't do any good, that's for sure
Why they keep on having Guest Hosts on a Wrestling show ? RAW is better without them.

Every Guest host is a waste of time and just a comedy act. One of the reasons why WWE sucked in 2009.
I'm kind of excited to see this. Will Sasso has always been a WWE fan and has done skits to promote their product in the past. Matter of fact, he might've done one of the funniest skits I had ever seen on Mad TV with the Rock. Here is a reminder for all of you:

Not to mention he did a very memorable skit (portraying The Rock) with Chyna, as well:

If he can do something similar to this, I'm all for it. There is no doubt that these skits are EXTREMELY entertaining to wrestling fans and Will Sasso puts a lot of effort into his WWE parodies. I get the impression that he's got some passion for the WWE, otherwise they wouldn't be as funny.
The WWE needs to do some serious market research. I guess they don't see the horrible, horrible press this movie got, simply from its teaser. I don't know why they would do this, coming off such a hot Wrestlemania, followed by an extremely hot Raw.
It should be entertaining, I guess. Just keep them away from matches, no magic strength potions for Santino.

Fucking Muppets...

What I don't understand is, well, why? The movie hasn't had much promotion, and it'll probably suck, so why are WWE associating themselves with it? It's bad business.
Well we all know Vince loves the mainstream love, even though I expect three stooges to bomb. I personally don't agree with it but it's Vince's company he can do as he pleases.
Another dumb bullshit idea. The movie is going to suck and so will every segment they are on. Might skip this RAW (something I have only done a few times in the last 10 years) and watch it later so I can fast forward all this stupid bullshit.
Maybe they'll have Curly squaring off against Zack Ryder in a "Woo! Woo! Woo! vs. Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!" match.:blush:

I think my favorite guest hosts were the ones who weren't making an appearance just to plug some project of theirs. Of course, the only ones I can think of were Freddie Prinze Jr. and Florence Henderson.

But hey! Can having the Stooges be any worse than a dance routine with Funkasaurus and Momma Clay?

I withdraw the question. Forget it.
oh dear god NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

why must these idiots host raw? :banghead: :disappointed:

such a waste of time having them in atleast 1 segment when instead they could you know give that time to actual wrestling! ill be changing the channel whenever there on my tv the movie looks stupid hell the original show wasnt even funny! i hope there in 1 small segment because there a waste of space that should be given to actual wrestlers

i would have rather had the cast of American Reunion host raw THIS week atleast that movie looks hilarious and im pretty sure more then 1 of them are wrestling fans
Money is the answer. I'm amused by the movie's previews so far but they shouldn't take away from tv time... there's a lot brewing right now... If they got caught up in it a little, it would be amusing for the sake of another dimension but at least Will Sasso is a fan so they won't be completely clueless... like that jackass Jeremy Piven.... -_-
I honestly dont understand what vince is smoking. Why does he continue to have no name guest hosts/d list celeberties/terrible movies on his show?

The 3 stooges havnt been relevant in 50 years and this movie is going to bomb hard. Will sasso has done nothing since madtv died and hasnt been funny in years.

I dont see how this is a win/win? Does vince believe wrestling fans watch terrible movies?.... because we dont! Just because you give us a terrible product doesnt mean we enjoy other terrible tv shows/movies like 3 stooges, psyche, the random crab show from WM and the idiot from napolean dynamite. :banghead:

Whats worse is micheal cole pretending he loves and watches psyche every week. I think those psyche idiots have been on RAW like 3 times now and each time they get more worse.
I, for one, don't think this is a very good idea. I mean, in the end it probably won't matter that much at all in terms of ratings, but after such a climactic, entertaining, and serious Wrestlemania and Raw last week, I feel like they're destined to go downhill with this Raw. As someone stated, this movie looks like it'll be a flop, and these actors are relative unknowns to most WWE fans, I'd venture. This must have been booked a little while in advance, because they certainly don't need guest hosts right now, let alone...... the 3 stooges. WWE's really hot right now with Lesnar's return and everything else that's been going on. I hope they don't focus on these guys too much. It just doesn't really sit right with me, I think it's very unnecessary and not a good move. They should stick to focusing on the hot STORYLINES that they have right now and NOT making up segments for bogus guest hosts that are just trying to promote a product that'll probably flop. C'mon WWE, you were doing so good, why this?
To be honest, I stopped being surprised by the Raw guest stars somewhere during the "guest host every night" period. What with this sort of thing occasionally creeping back in, we've had people like Meatloaf, the Muppets, all that. The Three Stooges (or rather the new version thereof) aren't that surprising. If anything, their style of comedy is actually far more appropriate for Raw than most of the guest stars they've had.

Now, what do the Three Stooges have to do with professional wrestling? Practically nothing, I'll admit that. However, I will make the point that their violent form of physical comedy meshes fairly well with the general ethos of professional wrestling. With that in mind, I'll suspend judgement. For all I know, whatever segment they're in might actually be reasonably good. I'll admit that if it involves "Moe" delivering a two-fingered eye-poke to John Laurinitis, then I'd consider it a plus.

In an odd way, however, I am rather looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Strangely, we have a case of life imitating art.

Take a look at this link to see what I mean:
If I remember correctly Sasso did some work in WCW as well. These guy are most likely all physical comedians so they may be willing to do some stuff that fits in with the show. Sasso's impressions may be entertaining as well. My gut tells me that this could get too much time and be incredibly lame but my head keeps saying give it a chance.

We'll see. The more recent guest hosting has not been nearly as bad as the beginning of guest hosting (or at the time the guest GM).
Sounds like harmless fun despite what fellow armchair critics are saying. Kinda excited for next week. :D Pretty sure they'll keep it short - hopefully WWE has learned not to center shows around guest stars.
Should be fun. I really doubt they overdo it. Not only that, but there could be other business workings behind the scenes that we don't know. I doubt Vince really says "sure bring your shitass movie on here". I'm guessing this is the result of some "you scratch my back I scratch yours" deal.

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