The Strange Case Of Modern Music Videos


King Of The Wasteland
So recently I watched the new Iggy Azalea music video with Jennifer Lopez in it


And I was thinking when did becoming a glorified stripper video become the norm.

Don't get me wrong I like to look at women's bodies as much as the next guy but I like my music videos to have context, be well thought out and make me feel something

I think what's interesting is that thirty odd years ago that would have been banned. I mean there was a big controversy about Motley Crue's video for Girls Girls Girls


There's also a more explicit version with breasts showing and stuff (but you'll have too find that yourself(. But it was still a well put together video and lyrically speaking it was a decent song

I mean I know videos like Girls Girls Girls proper started the ball rolling for videos like Booty but when did people stop trying.

Heck ten years ago(ish) when Christina Aguilera did Dirrty is was still a well put together video and again I think the lyrics are better than say Booty or Anaconda.


Also another interesting thing is that music videos that are deemed violent people seem to kick up more of a stink than these provocative ones.


I know the genre isn't everybody's cup of tea but why is that a 'violent' video is somehow worse than the mountain of sexually provocative ones out there??

I mean I know sex sells but context is needed if people are to be interested in a video. I mean having a memorable song helps but a well shot, well put together video helps also. Just having scantily clad women parading on a screen does nothing for me if I don't know the context behind it.
I think "Rooster" by Alice In Chains is a great example of what you're talking about when you talk about videos having a story within them. The flashbacks of Jerry's dad in the war. It's probably one of the best music videos I have ever seen in my life.


As far as more modern ones You by the Pretty Reckless is able to combine a story with sexuality. It's believable that someone would come across an old video of them and their former partner and watch it and be emotional.


Also for the violent video part that you mentioned. I know when Tomorrow by Silverchair came out they had to do two different videos because the pig one was considered too violent.
Sex and sexual images have just become more acceptable in modern society than it used to be. Kids are exposed to alot more at a younger age than ever before and less and less is classed as "shocking" these days. This has led to artists putting less and less effort into their music videos as just showing a fit woman on screen shaking her tits and ass is easy to do and they aren't going to come up against much (if any) censorship.

Plus, with the ability to access music on the go, streaming songs through spotify, downloading MP3s etc its becoming less and less neccesary to sit in front of the TV and watch music videos to hear the latest releases. Thinking back to about 10 years ago, I knew and recognised the videos for most songs out there for most genres, but today I couldn't even tell you what the videos for most releases are- I just don't watch them. I'll buy the CDs, or download the songs but I'll do it on my laptop or phone rather than take time out of my day to sit infront of the TV. I'd put money on the fact that viewing figures for music video channels are lower than they used to be.

I think that's a reason why music videos are so lazy and shit these days, compared to the really creative and innovative videos like Red Hot Chili Peppers "Californication", which in my opinion is one of the best of all time.
Sex and sexual images have just become more acceptable in modern society than it used to be. Kids are exposed to alot more at a younger age than ever before and less and less is classed as "shocking" these days. This has led to artists putting less and less effort into their music videos as just showing a fit woman on screen shaking her tits and ass is easy to do and they aren't going to come up against much (if any) censorship.

Plus, with the ability to access music on the go, streaming songs through spotify, downloading MP3s etc its becoming less and less neccesary to sit in front of the TV and watch music videos to hear the latest releases. Thinking back to about 10 years ago, I knew and recognised the videos for most songs out there for most genres, but today I couldn't even tell you what the videos for most releases are- I just don't watch them. I'll buy the CDs, or download the songs but I'll do it on my laptop or phone rather than take time out of my day to sit infront of the TV. I'd put money on the fact that viewing figures for music video channels are lower than they used to be.

I think that's a reason why music videos are so lazy and shit these days, compared to the really creative and innovative videos like Red Hot Chili Peppers "Californication", which in my opinion is one of the best of all time.

What you say about Spotify and downloading MP3's is so true, but technically that should make them try even harder to make the videos engaging. Because it's so easy to get access to the song they should make the video even more engaging so that people will have a reason to check it out. A good recent example are the two new Slipknot videos one for The Negative One and The Devil In I


Creepy woman having some sort of identity crisis while surronded by some creepy imagery (goat heads) and flowers as well as having different changes to her appearance as well as having good camera work and effects (sped up crazy dancing etc)


This video is fairly simple but still memorable. It shows each member dying and being reborn in their new incarnation. It's memorable because you see Corey Taylor and Jim Root blowing themselves up, Clown hanging and burning himself, Mick Thompson tearing his face off etc. Again the video isn't a masterpiece but it still has memorable moments more effective than ust having a scantily clad woman dancing in front of the camera

I like both these songs a lot but because the videos are really good I like to watch them also. If they were just playing in a room I'd probably give it a miss but because time and effort were put in to make them engaging I like to watch them.

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