The NEW World Champion (Insert Woman's Name)

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Could it ever happen? Is there a shot in hell that one day, kids will be reading through the former champions list and come across an Alyson, an Amanda, a Julie, a Beth?

Beth was thrown up there because out of anyone in the WWE, Beth has the biggest shot of winning. But her chance of winning is slim to none. It is actually less than that.

But a name that most would think of is Chyna. She at one time was the number 1 threat. But of course she never won. She did win the IC title. She also competed in the Royal Rumble. But for winning it all, no, she had no chance.

I'm not sure that any woman has a shot. The audience would never believe it in my opinion. But I want someone to give me reasons how it could work. Anyone? Or does everyone agree with me?
It wouldn't work, and it'd be a stupid decision to do so by McMahon. The women in the WWE are never booked to be a threat, aside from Chyna. And even she wasn't ever really a credible main event, championship competitor. And, if she couldn't do it, could you imagine someone else beating the likes of Cena and Batista cleanly? With the women having their own championship, I'd also assume that meant the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships are for men. Therefore, a female could never win one anyway.
It wouldn't work, and it'd be a stupid decision to do so by McMahon. The women in the WWE are never booked to be a threat, aside from Chyna. And even she wasn't ever really a credible main event, championship competitor. And, if she couldn't do it, could you imagine someone else beating the likes of Cena and Batista cleanly? With the women having their own championship, I'd also assume that meant the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships are for men. Therefore, a female could never win one anyway.

I agree 100%. The women have the women's/diva's divisions, while the men have the World or WWE Championships to fight for. The divisions need to be kept separate. No diva should ever win a male division title, not even Beth Phoenix because it just would not be accepted by fans.... and don't even get me STARTED on how much I hated Chyna's IC title win.... lol
It would never work. The only way I could ever see it being booked, would be like how Cody Deaner won the Knockout title, and then was stripped of it until a women won it.

It'd have to be a fluke roll-up, or messed up mixed tag match, with the woman scoring the pinfall, and claiming the title. After being stripped, the reign would never count in the record books, and ratings would go in the shitter pretty quickly.

I just don't see a way to pull it off, and make it believable outside of an all-women's wrestling company.
Personally, during portions of Chyna's IC title period, I actually liked the story. She was the only female performer I can think of who looked physically dominant enough to compete with the boys. OK, other than Nicole Bass, but she straight-up looked like a muscle-bound, overly-tan man with a bad perm and carnation pink lip-stick. :::shudders:::

Anyway, I don't see why the WWE would ever even consider a storyline of this nature. It's clear by how they book the Diva's Division just how little they respect their female performers. As a result, why would they even consider building one up to a point where they could be a serious challenge, much less champ?

The only female in the entire industry today who I could see competing to any success at all in the male division is Awesome Kong. There have been hints that TNA might push her into some X-Division bouts, but I hope they don't. I say keep her an impossible-to-beat monster in the Knockouts Division and let the men do their thing separately.
The only female in the entire industry today who I could see competing to any success at all in the male division is Awesome Kong. There have been hints that TNA might push her into some X-Division bouts, but I hope they don't. I say keep her an impossible-to-beat monster in the Knockouts Division and let the men do their thing separately.

OMG no....just.... NO! If Kong EVER got into a title match from a male division, I would change the channel. I can't stand her and would flat out refuse to watch such a match. That's for a TNA thread though, so let's stay on topic.

I do agree with you, PEP3, that the booking of the diva's division(s) shows lack of respect.... and that something like Chyna's.... (cringes).... IC title win.... will hopefully never happen again. I stand by my previous statement, the gender divisions should remain divided because most fans just would not accept a male Diva's champion or another female IC champion.
Well, a male Diva's champion is one thing. The title alone indicates it's for women. The WWE World Heavyweight Championship is based historically on males but dependent predominantly on weight class. In the past, major titles have been won by women (WWE Hardcore title, WCW Cruiserweight title), but usually not any that would ever be expected to maintain the ability to headline a pay-per-view.

Personally, I think the deciding factor is that there are no women who combine the size/power to challenge for a title and the ability to convincingly work a match again heavyweight male performers. That's certainly true in the WWE, especially, where the potential to pose for Playboy at some point in time has always carried far more weight in booking female performers than the woman's actual ability to perform in a palatable match.
It won't happen anytime soon, not with the current load of diva's.

Even when Chyna was IC champ it would never have happened. Though she was bigger when she first came and bigger then a lot of guys. It was enjoyable at times when she would beat the guys up. lol

Yeah Nicole Bass can't wrestle, if she could maybe she could stand a chance. There are some massive women bodybuilders out there who if they could wrestle could give some guys a good beating, but be world champ? Nope!
It would never happen in WWE. The divas are shown as a joke anyway, plus if the rumours are to be believed, Vince is a sexist git. And whoever's taking over the company after Vince (probably Steph and Triple H) would never put a woman as world champion, it would just be bad business, especially since most of the current WWE Divas can barely put on a match.

If anyone was going to do it, it'd be TNA, surely. I mean they already have Awesome Kong kicking the crap out of guys. Plus there's female wrestlers in TNA that are more talented than most of the male roster, namely Kong herself, Hamada and Alissa Flash. So if a TNA Knockout ever became really really over, then... Well maybe it wouldn't be totally out of the question. But it's still very unlikely in TNA and impossible in WWE.

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