The Media Hub Battle Dome: James Bond vs Sherlock Holmes

Who Wins?

  • Holmes

  • Bond

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Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I'm back with one of my more popular thread series that I created being the Battle Dome (Use to be the M+T Battledome) but that now changed with the new name. Basically I take two popular characters from the now Media world and have them duke it out in a fight to incapacitation or death. Basically it's the Battlezone tourney but without the tournament part, and it's the thread series I made before the Battlezone was actually a thing.

So without further ado:

Welcome To The Battle Dome Tonight's Matchup will be a contest between:



and the one and the only



This Battle pits a master detective versus a master spy. Sherlock Holmes is renowned for his deduction skills, uncanny offense, and his mental prowess in any field. He has the ability to make non offensive items into terribly strong traps and can change the course of a physical fight just with his brain. He comprehends several forms of martial arts as well as having a relatively decent understanding of how to use a gun. For this fight I will only give Sherlock a gun as an offensive weapon.

His opponent James Bond is a master detective who has taken down many a bad guy. From an oversized man with destructive teeth, to midget metal hat wielding firecracker, or a man with a gun who that never misses he has come across several foes and has survived to tell the tales. His physical strength as well as brain power are his greatest assets. He can use a gun well too. However has he fought anyone with the skill and aptitude of Sherlock? James Bond for this fight will also be limited to a gun in order to keep this fight primarily fair.

And Now For The Arena. One that can only truly test both participants mentally and physically.



First Man To Incapacitate or Kill Their Opponent Wins
With the uncanny ability to second-guess his opponent's every move, I have to give this fight to Sherlock Holmes. As long as setting traps are fair, too. James Bond is an action character, not a brilliant strategist like Holmes is. Left to their own devices, and without Bond's gadgets picked up from Q, I think he's screwed. How many times have we seen Bond narrowly escape death by using his gadgets? Almost every single time his life is in jeopardy. He has relied on those things for far too long.

Even in hand-to-hand combat, Downey's Holmes has the upper hand with how quickly he can deduce what Craig's Bond would do next. And according to the last Bond movie, he wasn't in shape compared to MI6 standards while Downey's Holmes is physically fit to bare-knuckle fight. I don't know how Holmes would do taking a physical in MI6, but bare-knuckle fighting is serious shit.
I too voted for Sherlock. I feel that given a battleground that could be considered "commonplace" plus the ability that he can use his surroundings to his advantage could give him the win. The only area in which Bond truly has an advantage is gun skills and maybe some physical attributes however Sherlock is a more than capable fighter who knows how to predict patterns and more importantly he can use his surroundings. I think if Sherlock were to lose it would have to be him beating himself or something of that nature however in a fight with these scenarios I feel that the only winner here can be Holmes.

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