The Anti-IWC Syndrome

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
So I noticed that I have this syndrome while reading a John Morrison thread. When the IWC jumps on somebody's nuts, I start to turn against them. I still like JoMo, but people like Shelton Benjamin and Randy Orton are steadily falling off my list of likable performers. Its not that I think they suck, but when people start to act like the spawn of Christ has appeared before us, I start to turn on them. Its one thing to be a fan, but its another to worship the mid card just to do it. It goes in reverse as well, when the IWC starts to collectively hate someone, I look for the good in them, and become a fan(John Cena). Does anyone else have this syndrome?
That can happen. The same thing happened to me when Christian returned. He was being sold as this god of wrestling that would win the world title straight away, and he just isn't as good as people make out. I would enjoy his work more if people didn't proclaim him to be the best wrestler in the company. I really don't get the Shelton love at all. What I will be looking forward to is if JoMo gets the same ove now he is face. It seems you need to be a heel to be loved by the IWC, personally this babyface JoMo is a brilliant character.

It also works the other way. Their hatred for Cena has made me like him even more than I did whilst HHH and Batista I find dull but have started to defend them more and more due to some people who have no substance to their arguments when they say they suck.
So I have noticed I have this syndrome while reading a John Morrison thread.

Well, there's your problem. You read a John Morrison thread, lulz.

When the IWC jumps on somebody's nuts, I start to turn against them. I still like JoMo, but people like Shelton Benjamin are steadily falling off my list of likable performers.

Benjamin was a likable performer?

Its not that I think they suck, but when people start to act like the spawn of Christ has appeared before us, I start to turn on them.

They do that quite often. They're worse than the people who keep seeing Jesus in wood stains and toast, haha.

All kidding aside, this happens to me as well. It gets annoying when people say "Benjamin is GAWWWWD! And you're a silly mark if you disagree," when in fact I don't like Benjamin because he's a horrible performer. If he was so good the crowd would give half a shit when he wasn't jumping 101010 feet into the air.

I'm also at odds with quite a few people because I hate Orton. Not heel hate, straight up I hate his performing skills. You just gotta dig in the trenches, because soon The Capitalize Every Letter and I found new fonts people will pop up. Watch for them Nate, watch for them indeed.

Don't get me wrong. People can like whoever they want as a wrestler. But it's when they purport that Benjamin is a better pro-wrestler than Cena that I want to beat some face in. Especially if they start to argue semantics with me. Ugh. I think I'm coming down with a case of Anti-IWC syndrome just thinking about it. Better stay far away from that Morrison thread, lulz.
I don't have that syndrome but I can definitely feel where you're coming from. After having people praise or not praise a wrestler it makes me pay closer attention to them, but I don't think I like or dislike them because the IWC thinks a certain way.

One thing is for sure, the IWC sure has a poor percentage on their picks on who they think can step up in the company, and who should get more TV time. Shelton Benjamin the perfect example as his name always seems to come up in these types of conversations.

There's a difference between a good wrestler, and a good entertainer.
The IWC jumps on peoples balls like a bad habit pre wm 25 Orton was a god literally the outcry after his loss was amazing I'm an Orton fan and while his long struts to the ring and catatonic promos are annoying thats just how hes booked he is doing what creative is telling him to do he can cut much better promos look at Randy from Evolution and you'll get my point. Anyways back on topic the IWC has recently taken up MVP as onw of their new crushes personally I think he's the worst face I've seen in quite some time and the only time I've seen him get any reaction is when he got a good rub from Orton.

There s lots of things wrong with the product and one guy will never be able to fix them.
I dont the problem is so much that the IWC wants to hate these people they are just tired of the same people getting jammed down their throats. It was an 80's trend that everyone is remembering i.e. Hogan and Flair. Both were the respective champs for most of the 80's in their respective feds and held the title more than anyone else. Even in the 90's who had the title the most Hogan and Flair. This is why the Attitude era is looked upon as such a great time by the IWC because not only of the Monday Night Wars it was also unpredictable. Granted we had Flair and Hogan in the same Fed which is why people started watching WCW this forced Vince and Co to make a new star and compete. What was the one thing people wanted in the 80's Hogan VS Flair. Why the same way eveyone wanted Goldburg vs Austin. The top guys in two different places fighting it out. If WWE let Cena chase the title for awhile (half a year or longer) maybe the IWC would drop all the hate for him.

I think Vince has flushed all of his creative juices down the toilet after he wiped in 03, but they still have the potential but dont have the competition to drive them to make a better product.

How many times did Austin and Rock change to heel and Face during the Era attitude? Countless times. This was the unpredicable part of the WWE then. I will not bring up the birth of a hand.....I already did, that was crap, but each show was unpredictable for awhile.

We just need some of the top guys to switch roles and chase and fight. I know its the PG era but can HHH still do some of the things he did during the Attitude era without retreading DX? yes

Can we have Cena be a heel and him not lose to much merchandise sales probably. Have him take out Batista and Trips in the same night. He could be a badass heel and lose matches----that is what the IWC wants for now.

Could Edge play a face for longer than 2 months? yes hes done it before.

Its time WWE revist their Roster not just a Draft lottery, personaly I am tired of it. Have all three shows one group again not three seperate entities and put some of the guys on all three shows.

Change some of it for us please.
You are missing my point. There are members of the IWC that are delusional. They think that Cena and Batista suck, Shelton Benjamin is worthy of a main event push, John Morrison is the second coming of Christ, and Randy Orton is a great champion worthy of a year long reign. While these people are certainly entitled to their opinions, the manner in which they present them is absurd and facts generally are not in their favor. I am turning against people I used to like into people I despise. I will start another thread to address your post, but you are missing the point.
So I noticed that I have this syndrome while reading a John Morrison thread. When the IWC jumps on somebody's nuts, I start to turn against them. I still like JoMo, but people like Shelton Benjamin and Randy Orton are steadily falling off my list of likable performers. Its not that I think they suck, but when people start to act like the spawn of Christ has appeared before us, I start to turn on them. Its one thing to be a fan, but its another to worship the mid card just to do it. It goes in reverse as well, when the IWC starts to collectively hate someone, I look for the good in them, and become a fan(John Cena). Does anyone else have this syndrome?

I totally understand where you are coming from. I too sometimes find myself coming on here and being influenced by what I read about certain performers. For example, I've always thought Shelton Benjamin is good and perhaps slightly underutilized but some people talk as though it's a tragedy that he's not a 10 time world champion by granted, everyone is entitled to their opinion but sometimes it is annoying when people make false claims or unrealistic claims. To use Benjamin as an example again, I'm sure the guy will find his place but the IWC needs to give him time. Same thing with John Cena, he is torn to shreads by some on here and while I'm slightly on the fence with Cena (I'm neither a huge fan or a hater), I find myself coming on just to disagree with people who mindlessly argue that he's crap!!! I don't mind a rant so long as it's constructive (I detest these hateful rants some people go on) or praise so long as it is justified and deserved. I think the best thing to do is to form your own opinion on somebody and if you like them then that's great if not then that's fine also, it's really no one else's business to be dictating who we should and shouldn't like... but for sure some of what's said on here can have an effect on other people's opinions, you begin to question your judgment saying 'well maybe x isn't as great as I thought' or maybe 'y is so much better than I give him credit for (despite not originally thinking that)'...personally, I try to keep an open mind about things but your'e right, what is said on here can influence.
You are missing my point. There are members of the IWC that are delusional. They think that Cena and Batista suck, Shelton Benjamin is worthy of a main event push, John Morrison is the second coming of Christ, and Randy Orton is a great champion worthy of a year long reign. While these people are certainly entitled to their opinions, the manner in which they present them is absurd and facts generally are not in their favor. I am turning against people I used to like into people I despise. I will start another thread to address your post, but you are missing the point.

The biggest problem with the IWC is that they're all grown up. When all of us were children, ANYTHING on televisions entertained us. Now, we've all become so experienced and smart in our own right that we can see through all of televisions smoke and mirrors. As far as I'm concerned, nothing will shut the IWC up. All they do is think they know best, bitch, moan, complain, and FOLLOW others. None of them know jack shit about wrestling except for the history of some storylines. Good for them... all of them can memorize a TV show. Maybe they should try getting in a ring sometime. It's not as easy as it looks... TRUST ME.

I will continue to enjoy the product through thick and thin. Notice that I said I will enjoy the product... not just watch the product. I give every storyline the benefit of the doubt and I take it for what it's worth. I try and see the best in every superstar that gets the shit beat out of them every week just so we'll watch their television show. And I'll continue to be a fan of my favorite wrestlers and pay respect to the rest of the wrestlers on the roster.

All of you smarks sit in your little computer chairs and say garbage like "Batista, Cena, and Orton suck." I don't know what you people are smoking, but if a company that rakes in billions of dollars is putting their product on the shoulders of these men, I highly doubt that they "suck." Maybe you should all look at yourselves and say, "If Vince and co. trusts these men with the ball and lets them run with it, maybe I don't know as much about pro-wrestling as I think." THAT is why I continue to watch and ENJOY what I'm watching. I never claim to know everything. I'm just a guy that likes to watch his favorite television shows. The sooner everyone else thinks that way, the sooner all of this bitching and moaning will stop.
The biggest problem with the IWC is that they're all grown up. When all of us were children, ANYTHING on televisions entertained us. Now, we've all become so experienced and smart in our own right that we can see through all of televisions smoke and mirrors. As far as I'm concerned, nothing will shut the IWC up.

I agree with that completely. Back in the day I could remember thinking that Papa Shango was pretty entertaining (and scary). I was there for The Gobbledygooker incident and my younger self thought it was fun and silly. When you are younger , it isn't very hard to be entertained.

Then you grow up and get some life experience and all of a sudden people think they have a PhD in Creative Writing and know how to book an entire show based solely around mic skills or in ring ability. It just does not work like that and I don't think that people necessarily see the need for the balance.

I'll admit that I complain from time to time because I think that wrestling has gotten a bit too "talky" over the past few years and that people like Morrison and Benjamin haven't necessarily been given the push they might deserve, but honestly those are mild complaints at best. That's not to say that I don't get bored watching wrestling at that now that I am older I know my personal preferences. Randy Orton bores the hell out of me roughly half the time he is on TV. That doesn't mean I don't like watching him wrestle. Some people would see that and decide they automatically need to rip me apart because Orton is some kind of God to them. It takes all types and some are just more overzealous than others.

I watch wrestling to be entertained. I like to make up scenarios in my head and wonder where they are going with things, but I don't shout from the rooftops that I know what I am talking about. Unfortunately, the internet in general is a mouthpiece for people who think that way.
Wow, some intelligent conversation. I like it. One point I would like to make to the. D-Man. I don't believe the majority of the IWC are all grown up. In fact, the horrible grammar and punctuation knowledge supports my theory. There is a few adults on this forum, but I don't believe the age box on everyones profile. The truth is the kids that cone on here and talk out of their asses simply do not have a clue other than youtube clips and wikipedia what wrestling is all about. That makes for a shitty time when you try to have intelligent conversation with other people with a clue. There are some younger posters that really do get it. Blade, Milk, PYT, etc. But the majority of then suck.
Wow, some intelligent conversation. I like it. One point I would like to make to the. D-Man. I don't believe the majority of the IWC are all grown up. In fact, the horrible grammar and punctuation knowledge supports my theory. There is a few adults on this forum, but I don't believe the age box on everyones profile. The truth is the kids that cone on here and talk out of their asses simply do not have a clue other than youtube clips and wikipedia what wrestling is all about. That makes for a shitty time when you try to have intelligent conversation with other people with a clue. There are some younger posters that really do get it. Blade, Milk, PYT, etc. But the majority of then suck.

While I can agree with this to a great extent, I still consider kids in their late teens to be "grown up" watchers of the pro-wrestling product. So, even though they have grammar problems and they all thirst for attention in any way they can get it, they've still been watching the product for a while. I definitely agree that the majority of them don't have a fucking clue as to what they're talking about. But then again, like I had mentioned in my previous post, I don't claim to know everything. I just know that I LOVE pro-wrestling and I view it in a positive aspect at all times.

Young people think that starting a debate (whether it be in person or on the internet and whether they have a clue of what they're talking about or not) automatically makes them intelligent about a particular subject. Merely debating with someone doesn't make you smart. Especially when people use stupid statements like "Randy Orton sucks. Just look at the ratings and there's my proof." That's one of the most ignorant, unintelligent, and meaningless statements I've ever heard. They all believe they know better and throw out ridiculously false statements of 'proof' that don't even have any validity in order to try to make themselves sound even remotely intelligent. The problem is, they got their 'proof' from a thread they read five minutes ago by someone that knows what their talking about on here (a.k.a IC25, KB, Will, Jake, etc). The only problem is that they completely misunderstood the post that they read, thereby causing the 'telephone game' effect and relaying false information for everyone else to read. Hence, the term 'smarks.' My message to all of them would be to stop TRYING to act smart and if you don't know what you're talking about, then shut the fuck up.

I am the complete opposite of most of the young audience. I never claim to be a 'smark.' But I sure as hell am a 'mark.' I love wrestling. I still jump out of my seat for title changes and surprises. I laugh out loud when the Miz cuts a promo and when Santino and his unibrow walk down to the ring with his finger pointed in the air. I was totally shocked to hell when Vince announced that he had sold Raw to Donald Trump. I just wish that others would sit back, enjoy the show, and treat wrestling with the respect that I treat it with.
This thread is gonna turn really lame if we just sit here agreeing with each other. Lol. If your age box is correct, you are about 10 years older than me. I have been watching wrestling fanaticly since I was 6. I still boo the heels and cheer the faces. I bitch a little bit, sometimes I don't like what I see, and wrestling isn't the only show that happens. But for the most part I enjoy the programs as a whole. When I don't like something, I present it as an opinion rather than pull up half truths as facts to support it. I don't like Randy Orton. That is just my opinion. Seriously, you are on the same wave as me, so I automatically respect your opinion more than others.
Wish I could say I disagree, but I don't. Some of the stuff I read is just really ridiculous. Take Shelton Benjamin for instance: I think the guy's a great athlete and that the WWE could use him to a much greater and better extent than they have been. However, some on here think he should've been a 5 or 6 time world champ by now and that it's a grave injustice that he hasn't.

However, the ones that really get me more than anything else are the ones that tout Mr. Kennedy as if he's the single greatest thing that ever stepped into a WWE ring. They gloss over the fact that for nearly half of his nearly 4 year WWE career, he was out with injuries. They gloss over the guy's questionable ability to protect himself in the ring and tout the few highspots in his career as definitive proof that he's the next IT guy, the savior of the industry and all that shit.

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