The 4-sided ring vs 6-sided ring Discussion thread

I do miss the 6 sided ring only because of the X division now they cant do crap in the 4side ring,They cant do any high flying moves at all.But he its not all about the x division no more.Now we have more wrestlers that are used to the 4 sided ring and they know how to work in it.

The only problem that i have with the 4 sided ring is that its to small,And for big wrestlers like Hernandez,Abyss,Tomko,Morgan,They really cant move in there.But its all good i really like the new stage its awesome.
This topic has been done to DEATH! No, I don't miss that six sided play pen, not at all. As a matter of fact, when they changed from 4 to 6, I was pissed. I hated it. It made them look minor league. Best thing Hogan has said so far (and he hasn't been that great) was that it looked like a play pen. It did. It looked like S**T.

The ramp sucks. It sucked in WCW. It takes away from ring-side action and big spots. I'm not a big "spot" guy, but every now again, they are good to see. I would like for them to back up the ring side area about 2-4 feet. Actually, what I really want to see is them travel more often and work in bigger venues, but that's a ways off.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want them to abandon the Impact Zone...I would like them to burn it down first. The place is and always has been WAY too damn small. It is just one more thing that makes them have the "look" of a minor league promotion. Maybe if they get a Thursday night show along with Monday Impact, they can hold it there. But I just hate watching them in that building, it's too small and too many idiotic chants. And just wait until Hogan starts piping through chants, all of you TNA loyalists are goign to love hearing "Nasty's, Nasty's, Nasty's" on the PA system haha.
I missed it for like a week because I was used to it now I don't mind the four sided ring (I see one on WWE so funnily enough im used to four sides)

What I do miss is the space between the ring and guard rail meaning there won't be as many outside dives as there once were
When I first heard about the change to the four sided ring, Yes I was disappointed. However now I really don't miss it. I did think it gave TNA it's own unique personality (just like everyone else). I feel that TNA is moving the right direction to compete with WWE, by going with a more traditional style of wrestling. TNA will give WWE a run for their money in due time!
not only do i miss the 6 sided ring but i hate the new stage TNA has. well not all of it. the new entrance tunnel is great and alot better than when they had the faces come out one side and the heels come out the other. but man do i hate the ramp to the ring. the impact zone is way to small for all that metal and its really unnessecary. i think the only reason they added it was so hulk could actually get in the ring with out hurting his back, which is really sad. also the ring side area is way too small. this really only got to me when i watch the x-division match last night on impact. they put on the usually high flying match, with a terrible ending by the way, but there was very little room for them to work on the outside. red almost went into the crowd when he did his front flip to the outside. the 6 sided ring went perfect with the x-division and the original tna and i really dont see why they felt they needed to change it. now they did it to look more "professional" but i really dont see why it matters.

so do you miss the 6 sided ring and the old tna set up??


am i looking too much into this??

some of TNA's greatest X Division matches took place when the ring was still 4 sided, low ki, AJ and Jerry, and somethings thats been obviously better is the production, only 4 sides means its easier to get the shots they need, before we'll have camera mean trying to run around 3 sides just to catch the spots late, almost nothing like this has happen in impact or ppvs recently
:wtf: I am so sick and tired of hearing this. SIX SIDES= CIRCUS!!! It looked minor league. Your either MMA or wrestling so it looked weak and i agree Hogan sayin it was a playpen was AWESOME! People seem to forget SIX SIDES was not TNA they were FOUR SIDES before that!!!! And if it was so AWESOME why didnt they have better ratings?:banghead: So with that being said only one thing left to say is 4-Sides 4-Life!!!!!! Thank You Hogan:worship:
My opinion, a 6-sided ring was an innovation, but I don't believe it's a good one. I don't think it adds to a product, it's different sure, and it does have a few merits, but I think like most things in TNA, to become bigger, they must move towards the WWE, not further away.

My big problem with the ring is that it's far too small. I don't know what the dimensions are, but TNA seems to have many more times when there are loads of people in the ring, and it isn't big enough. I know its restricted by the arena, but I think they need to move out of there to become better.

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