TEW- Total Extreme Wrestling


Mr.Money In The Bank
Welcome to TEW!!! In 2012, Federations from all over America decided to create one huge federation. Hence TEW

- Here is all the info:

Monday: TEW RAW

Wednesday: NXT


Every 3 Saturdays: Saturday Nights Main Event

There is 8 PPV's a year:

1-TEW In Your House

2-TEW In Your House

3-TEW In Your House

4-Free Or FIRED

5-TEW In Your House

6-European Showdown

7-TEW In Your House

8-December To Dismember (Wrestlemania equivalent)

Each brand has 25 superstars from WWE, TNA, ROH, WCW and ECW:


John Cena
Daniel Bryan
Cody Rhodes
Mark Henry
Tyson Kidd
Dean Ambrose
Bo Dallas
Kenneth Cameron
Conor O'Brien
Chris Daniels
Kurt Angle
Alex Shelley
Bully Ray
Chris Saben
James Storm
Jay Lethal
THe WCW Originals-Kevin Nash, Booker T
Vader and DDP.


Brock Lesnar
CM Punk
Dolph Ziggler
Chris Jericho
Randy Orton
Michael McGullicutty
Seth Rollins
Alex Riley
Bobby Roode
AJ Styles
Austin Aries
Samoa Joe
Jeff Hardy
Kevin Steen
Shelton Benjamin
The ECW Originals-Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Sandman, Devon



TEW Championship

TEW US Championship

TEW TV Championship

World Tag Team Championships


TEW World Heavyweight Championship

TEW Intercontinental Championship

TEW Pure Championship

TEW Tag Team Championships

Tell me what you think of the Roster or Schedule!

I am starting tommorow so check out the start of an exciting new era in wrestling where rivalries will begin, Allies will be made, Champions will be crowned and be sure to expect the unexpected!
You've already gave up your old Book This thread? Remember? WAW? Anyway, I don't see why you need so many In your house PPV's but oh well. Anyway the rosters look pretty intresting.
TEW RAW- Episode 1

I would just like to add some additional info:

TEW RAW commentators are Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler
JR speaking will be in red
Jerry speaking will be in blue

The show lasts two hours and the GM is none other than "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Lets get started:

RAW theme song- Metalingus by Alter Bridge

"hello and welcome to TEW RAW!"
"We are here in the TEW arena in Daytona, Iwoa and it is sure to be an exciting night"
"And let's get started with are first match"

Match NO.1- RAW Battle Royal- Mark Henry, Tyson Kidd, Dean Ambrose, Bo Dallas, Sheamus, Bully Ray, Crimson, James Storm, Jay Lethal, Homicide.

"Well JR who is your favourite in this match?"
"You know, King, I have seen a lot of potential in Tyson Kidd since he debuted and I think he will suprise a lot of people here today."

All men are in the ring and the bell rings. The younger superstars go far Mark Henry and the recently heel-turned Sheamus. Sheamus manages to fight them off and gets Jay Lethal over the top rope for the first elimination.

"uh-oh, Jay Lethal's out of this match and Sheamus looks angry.

Sheamus jumps to help Mark Henry and the two work together, eliminating Crimson, Homicide and Bully Ray.

Sheamus brawls with James storm in the middle of the ring while Bo Dallas tries to fight Mark Henry in the corner and Dean Ambrose comes very close to Eliminating Tyson Kidd.

"Both men are standing on the apron here, and this could get dangerous!"

Mark Henry notices and runs for a clothesline, both men grab him and somehow manage to drag him out of the ring!

"Did you see that, That was spectacular!"

The two men continue punching eachother until Kidd delivers a kick to the head of Ambrose and he falls to the outside.

"only four men remain, Sheamus, Storm, Kidd and Bo Dallas.

Bo Dallas is shown lying in the corner and Sheamus goes for a clotheline on Kidd who remains on the apron. Sheamus taunts in the ring but turns round and Tyson goes for a springboard crossbody but Sheamus, out of nowhere, hits a mid-air Brouge Kick.

"OH MY GOD!, OH MY GOD!, He has to be unconsious!"

Sheamus grabs Kidd and throws him out of the ring. James Storm comes out of nowhere and hits a double axe-handle to the back. Mark Henry is still at ringside!

"Oh great what is he still doing here?"
"Yes! Mark Henry is back. Yes!

Henry gets a Table from under the ring which distracts Storm who is attacked by Sheamus. Sheamus lifts him up for the high-cross.

"NO! Don't do this!"
"Are you serious JR? This is great!"

Sheamus throws Storm out of the ring and he falls through the table.

Sheamus taunts the crowd until Bo Dallas comes out of nowhere and starts punching and kicking Sheamus. The crowd starts and Bo Dallas chant but stops when Sheamus pushes him away and hits the Brogue Kick.

"Well it looks like Sheamus has won"

As Sheamus goes to throw him out Dallas runs and pulls down the rope, Sheamus falls to the outside. Everyone is in shock as Bo Dallas and Sheamus both can't believe it.

"Yes! My God I don't believe my eyes!"
"What!? He clearly cheated!"
"Oh Shut up King!"

Match Time (8:30) Winner-Bo Dallas


Match NO.2- Motor-City Machine Guns vs. The Ascension

Shelley and Saben are already in the ring and a MCMG chant breaks out.
Shelley has a microphone and he says
"We are, The Motor-City Machine Guns and we are here..."

The Ascension theme song hits and the arena is completely blacked out. As they make their way to the ring they receive little reaction from the crowd.

The announcer says "Making their way to the ring, Kenneth Cameron and Conor O'Brien...The Ascension!"As the lights come back on there is a "Your Not Scary!" Chant.

Saben and O'Brien are in the ring first and O'Brien goes immediately goes for repeated knees to the stomach then throws him in the corner and tags in Kenneth Cameron who starts going for the head kicks in the corner, then drags him into the middle of the ring for a leg lock. After about ten seconds Saben kicks him off and tags in Alex Shelley who is met with a vicious clothesline from Cameron.

"Geez, did you see that one JR?"
"I sure did, this guy is geting beat like a government muel!"

Cameron starts stomping the mid-section then tags in O'Brien. As he approaches Shelley, he reaches his feet and hits the step-up enziguri to the temple and O'Brien falls to the ground.

"Both men are down and anything could happen here."

They Trade punches until Shelley goes for a roundhouse kick, O'Brien dodges and hits the spinebuster on Shelley and goes for the pin

Saben breaks it up and gets a big boot to the face from Kenneth Cameron, who is then told off by the referee. He throws Shelley in the corner and goes for a running attack buts gets kicked in the face by Shelley who jumps to the top-rope and hits a moonsault and the crowd goes nuts.

"Just listen to this audience King, They are definitely getting their moneys worth tonight!"

Both men crawl to their respective corners and get the tag.
Cameron and Saben run in and start a brawl in the centre of the ring. Another MCMG chant breaks out while Saben delivers some kicks to the the legs of Kenneth Cameron, who falls to his knees. Alex Shelley crawls back in the ring and the hit simaltanious kicks to the chest and back which causes Cameron to fall on his face.

"Saben going for the pin here!"


Conor O'Brien runs in and hits a knee to the side of the head of saben. Shelley runs in for the save but is thrown straight out by O'Brien.
Cameron hits the spinning jawbreaker on Saben which is followed up by a flapjack by O'Brien

"Wow! What was that move JR!"
"I Believe it is called, The Downcast."

Cameron goes for the pin


Match Time (5:43) Winner-The Ascension


When we return we see "Dashing" Cody Rhodes backstage walking to the entrance. He bumps into someone who is revealed to be Kurt Angle.

"Hey man, watch were you're going!"
Cody tries to walk away but Kurt grabs him and turns him around.
"Hey!, aren't you gonna apologize!"

"What?, Why would I apologize? Who actually still cares about Kurt Angle?!"
This generates a lot of heat from the audience.
"Look at you, you walk around like you own this place, well let me tell you, this is my place and I would be suprised if your father still had a shred of respect for you."
"Really? Well what makes you so special?"
"Well I don't know if you know this but.... I won a Gold Medal with a BROKEN FREAKIN' NECK!"
The crowd chants along as he says this.
Cody rolls his eyes and walks away as Kurt laughs.

JR and Jerry are at the commentary table.

"Wow JR, What happened there?"
"I don't know King, but it looks like these two now have some unfinished business."

Cody's music hits and he makes his way to the ring and takes a microphone.
He gets booed all throughout the arena.

"Now...I was going to come out here before I was rudely distracted! And what I am here about is why I am not getting a shot at the TEW Championship. That title belongs around my waist! Not John Cena and definitely not Daniel Bryan! So I want the GM out here right now and put me in the main event tonight."

There is silence for a few seconds.

Stone Cold's music hits and the arena goes absolutely crazy as he makes his way to the ring.

Both men are stood in the ring and Stone Cold takes the mic off Rhodes.

"Now look Cody, I can't put you in the main-event tonight but I got something for you. At In Your House 1, I will give you the chance to compete for the TV Championship against my chosen opponent...and you will face that man right now!

Stone Cold steps out of the ring as Cody waits for his opponent.

Match NO.3- Cody Rhodes vs. ???? ?????

The crowd sits in silence as they wait for the mystery opponent.

Kurt Angle's music hits and the crowd laughs at the look of shock on Rhodes' face.

Angle runs to the ring and Cody jumps out the other side. Cody gets an object from under the ring and Kurt can get out he is hit with a steel chair to the face and Cody rolls him into the ring and the bell rings.

"What a blatant attack! Why can't he just win fairly?"
"Come on JR, sometimes you just need a little help in winning a match."
"And you of all people would know that king!"

Cody sets Angle up in the corner and delivers some swift punches to the head which busts Kurt open. He takes him out of the corner and hits the Cross-Rhodes and goes for the pin.


Cody celebrates as the crowd boos loudly, with some even throwing objects into the ring!

Match Time (0:39) Winner-Cody Rhodes


"Hello and welcome back to TEW RAW!"
"And let's get started with our next match, the TEW US Championship invitational fatal-four way battle royal."

Match NO.4-TEW US Championship invitational fatal-four way Falls Count Anywhere battle royal

"Well let's see who has accepted the challenge!"

A massive fire goes off and Kane's music hits.
He gets a mediocre reaction

Kane waits in the ring until Chris Daniel's music hits and he has a stare down with Kane in the ring. Daniels is visibly scared.

The crowd is can't believe it when Sting's music hits and he makes his way to the ring. He stands at the top of the ramp.

The crowd goes into a deathly silence when he is attacked by the fourth participent, Rob Van Dam. RVD drags Sting to the ring.

"Oh My God! Why would he do this!"

Daniels and Kane watch as RVD pins Sting.

1...2...Kick Out!

The crowd erupts again and Kane goes straight for RVD. Daniels jumps on his back but is thrown off and Kane gets a calf kick to the face when he is distracted.

"It looks like Van Dam and Daniels have formed an alliance here!"

Daniels grabs Sting who is lying on the outside but Sting reverses and sends him flying into the steel barricade. Sting turns round and RVD hits a suicide dive on him. Kane follows them to the outside.

"Oh no! I have a feeling something bad is going to happen here!"

Kane and Van Dam brawl near the announce table while Sting and Daniels use the barricade as a weapon on each other. Sting recieves an elbow to the face and Daniels hits a Corkscrew Moonsault off the Barricade.

"What a move by Daniels there."

Van Dam has the ring bell in hand and waits for Kane to get up. as soon as Kane gets up and turns round he runs with the ring bell but gets caught in the chokeslam.

"NO! Kane! Don't do this!"

Kane lifts RVD and chockeslams him through the announce table then goes for the pin.


Daniels and Sting are still trading punches when Kane runs for a big boot on Daniels. He ducks and Sting gets hit with the Big Boot. Daniels climbs on the apron and hits a springboard superkick to Kane.

"Another fantastic move by Chris Daniels!"

He hits the Angels Wings on Sting and goes for the pin.


He throws Kane into the ring and goes for the pin.

1...2...Kick Out

Daniels angrily sets Kane up for a shining wizard but Kane moves out of the way just in time and hits Chris with a huge right-hander, knocking him to the mat.

"Ha! wow, what a punch!"

Kane climbs to the top rope and hits a diving clothesline. He sets himself up for the Chokeslam. He catches Daniels in the Chokeslam, lifts him but Daniels reverses it into a hurricanrana pin

1...2...Kick Out

The audience is on the edge of its seat.

"What a great match and the audience definitely agrees!"

Daniels slams his hands on the mat in anger, runs for a diving crossbody buts gets caught and Kane hits the Tombstone Piledriver.


Match Time (12:56) Winner and US Champ- Kane

I'll post the rest in a few minutes so keep reading!!

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