Tatanka going HEEL!

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Pre-Show Stalwart
i expected him to do it sooner or later. this is goint to be good for him. is it just me or wasnt tatanka better as heel when he feuded with lex luger back in the day.

too bad for bobby lashley looks like hes the 1st one tatanka will take down.:dark2:

edit- well i saw a similar post about rivalry's with this one being mention didnt see it in time. you guys can delete this one i guess. MY BAD!
I think this heel turn by Tatanka is going to be interesting to see because 12 years ago when he turned heel on Lex Luger, he sold out to the Million Dollar Man. Now he acts as if he's going to bring in some more indians or become sadistic. Either way, he should be more over now as a heel because Smackdown need as many heels as possible.
I hope he starts a new tag team with someone. It's good to see a guy in SmackDown in the mid-card with an actual storyline. It should be good for him and it'll be interesting. Like Swimfan said, they need heaps of heels to balance it out a bit.
I could'nt care about Tatanka. He was an average wrestler 12 years ago and he's a below average wrestler now. The promo he cut on Smackdown almost sent me to sleep.
I just hope that his comment about bringing in other Warriors doesn't make everyone's fear become reality and the Ultimate Jackoff will be reappearing...eesh, talk about a show killer
Im sorry, but I only see Tatanka as a waste of space on the roster.. Do you actually think the guy will get a lot of heat? The crowds couldnt careless about him.. Turning him heel for about 2 months is prob the best thing they can do with him.. But after that, I guarntee he gets released...

too bad for bobby lashley looks like hes the 1st one tatanka will take down.

Tatanka will not beat Lashley.. If they let that happen, all there goals for Lashley will seriously be killed.. If he loses to him, people wont see him as anymore then a jobber...
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