SummerSlam (To Me) In Trouble, Needs To Be 4 Hours!!


Dark Match Winner
On WWE.COM they have SummerSlam down for what looks like 3 Hours.
This PPV looks like it's going to contain about at least 10 or 11 matches.


According to the WZ News, the ECW Title, Women's Title might be on the line as well.

After seeing RAW (8/7), looks like a Kane/Nitro IC Title match is happening where I'm hoping they could throw in Benjamin & Carlito into the mix.

Also on Smackdown Finlay/Lashley fued is still happening, US Title could be on the line at the PPV

Besides all of that, some of these matches including a Last Man Standing & an I Quit Match needs some time.

How Do You All Feel About This ??
You forget the ECW matches that will be added. Look for Big Show vs. Sabu (or RVD) or RVD vs. Angle...maybe Test vs. Tommy Dreamer

Remember SS, WM, Survivor Series and Rumble are going to be joint all three brands now.
Nah, they won't give it 4 hours. They'll just cut short some of the matches, unfortunately. 4 hours would be good, so that each match can be given the right time. I could see the IC and US title matches being cut down a lot, maybe to six or seven minutes each. The longest matches I think will be the I quit and Hogan v Orton, maybe about half an hour each... DX/McMahons will either be a squash or SS interference... Edge/Cena will probs get about 15-20 mins, likewise with Batista/Booker. The last man standing will likely have a gimmick ending -- I can't see it being a clean finish, so that'll be about 20 minutes maybe. All adds up to a pretty long, but good show. Maybe they'll give it 3 and a half or something.

It has the potential to be the best SummerSlam for a while... if it's done right timewise.
erm I Think they are only aloud 1 ppv a year which is wrestlemania to go over 3 hours
Kionda said:
Nah, they won't give it 4 hours. They'll just cut short some of the matches, unfortunately. 4 hours would be good, so that each match can be given the right time. I could see the IC and US title matches being cut down a lot, maybe to six or seven minutes each. The longest matches I think will be the I quit and Hogan v Orton, maybe about half an hour each... DX/McMahons will either be a squash or SS interference... Edge/Cena will probs get about 15-20 mins, likewise with Batista/Booker. The last man standing will likely have a gimmick ending -- I can't see it being a clean finish, so that'll be about 20 minutes maybe. All adds up to a pretty long, but good show. Maybe they'll give it 3 and a half or something.

It has the potential to be the best SummerSlam for a while... if it's done right timewise.

Thats exactly right
It wont even be 3 and a half. Itll be 2 and a halflike it usually is
lol....if this ppv is 4 hours then this will easily be the best ppv of the year, well ahead of the overated wrestlemania 22.
this may be a dumb question but why are they not aloud to go over 3 hours? can tthey just pay more or something. i was just wondering
erm i think they would have told everyone that its 2 and a half hours as usual and carnt change there mind on it
I thought it was 4 hours... Ovbiously not. SummerSlam is like the WreslteMania of the Summer and should be 4 hours.

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