Street Fight vs Tekken and why it's now my most anticipated game.

FlexAmerican Dynamite




At first I was alittle skeptical at how capcom would handle this game but after watching these reveals I think this game has the potential to beat Marvel vs Capcom 3. Now MvC3 was a perfect game to me but the only thing it's lacking is a entertaining storyline. Now this has been a problem with just about every fighting ever made,the way a fighting game is built just doesn't really make it possible have a story in between. Now mortal kombat vs DC was a game that I hate tremedously because of how Midway gave DC complete control over how powerful each character was but the one thing it did rite was it's story mode. No crossover fighting game to my knowledge has ever had a plausable and entertaining story besides MK vs DC. Instead of choosing one character(s) and going through a arcade mode just to get a cheap ending for that character you picked a side, and you played as each character from that side with multiple perspectives and angles. Now the reason I think SF X TEKKEN will be even better because it seems as their is a really interesting story taking place in the crossing of these two worlds and the gameplay will be fantastic. I'd love to know your thoughts. Plus tell me this doesn't look awesome.
Dynamite did you play the most recent MK? It had a story mode with a lot of cutscenes that let you play through several peoples perspectives. I think they did a decent job with the story but like you said fighting games are sometimes thin with their plots.

Yeah Street fighter X Tekken looks good, I was concerned because there respective fighting styles play different to me. Luckily the two franchises are well known and well regarded and it should be a hoot having honda fight ganryu finally!! Capcom also has a history of doing crossover games successfully I was a fan of Snk Vs Capcom and even some of the earlier marvel crossovers like street fighter vs x-men.

All in all its exciting I just hope the actual mechanics are smooth, in MVC Capcom had the benefit of making the Marvel characters play to the strengths of the Capcom engine. I hope neither side gets changed too much for this game
This would be bigger because it's two huge fighting game icons going at it. Honestly I've always found MK to be a low budget fighting game.
Street Fighter x Tekken has a lot of things looking up for it, and a lot of things looking down. That said, it's surpassed Mass Effect 3 as the game I'm most hyped for and I'm not even great at Street Fighter games. I'm more of a Marvel vs Capcom man myself.

List of pros that I can see:
The announced roster so far looks incredible. Probably the best they could do with it. Obviously I would love the inclusion of some characters such as Dan Hibiki but I'm fine with him being the in game tutorial.

The gameplay looks amazing. They have the Street Fighter engine blended perfectly with the Tekken juggling engine. Despite not enjoying the SF4 engine, I have to say, it's probably the best fighting game yet. A tad slow paced, but this seems to fix some of that since it looks fast paced with the juggles and whatnot.

Vega is apparently very, very high tier. I've been waiting for this for a long time. He's one of my favourite Street Fighter characters but he's always really low due to the fact he's complicated as heck to learn without any pros to use him over somebody else. Great to see him get some recognition that he oh so deserves.

The game looks beautiful. The stages look great and the characters look really fun, bar WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR FAAAACE.

Now, the only two cons I can really think of:

The gem system. I get what Capcom are wanting to do. They want to make mirror matches less mirror matches. That way Ryu vs Ryu will stop being boring. But this gem system seems like the complete wrong way to go. They say it isn't a broken system, but with there being an auto block gem and the fact you can purchase gems slightly stronger than normal makes me worry. I'll give it a try but I'm going in worried.

Megaman and Pac-man. Don't get me wrong here. I love that these two got added. Bad Boxart Megaman is hilarious and Pac-man is driving a giant Mokujin robot, both of them look like incredible fun to play as. The fact that they're PS3 exclusive for seemingly no reason is a tad awful though. I'm getting it for PS3 anyway so I can't complain, but...

Overall, really hyped for it. Looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. Possibly even game of the year, if the gem system turns out great. I also cannot wait for the Cross Assault side project. It sounds like The Ultimate Fighter with fighting games. And the two trainers are two of my favourite fighting game players. Valle and Aris, heck yes.

Jin, Ogre, M. Bison and Akuma just got leaked by the way. So heck yeah.

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