Should there be more title matches on PPV's?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
I'm pretty sure this hasn't been done yet, and if so I couldn't find it.

Basically, what I want to know is this. Should there be more title matches on PPV's? There is always talk of wanting to raise the prestige of the midcard titles, womens titles, and (up until recently) the tag team titles. The obvious answer in my book would be to have less "boring filler" feuds on PPV and have more matches featuring the midcard titles and/or women's titles in PPV matches.

It wouldn't have to be like Night of Champions.... but a typical PPV card seems to be something like this:

  • WWE title match (every PPV)
  • World title match (every PPV)
  • Midcard title match (1, if any, most PPV's)
  • Women's title match (rarely, if ever on PPV)
  • Tag Team title match (more often now, used to be never)
  • Boring filler feuds (every PPV)

Not that all non-title feuds are boring. Kofi/Orton is great, and others in the past have been.... but you gotta admit that most PPV's have at least one match on there that is 100% filler. I say get rid of the filler matches in favor of more title matches because the whole point of being a wrestler is SUPPOSED to be about winning championships.

Would you be in favor of getting rid of filler feuds and replacing them with more title matches, and why?
So true, PPV matches have always atleast have one "filler fued" s you called then. But is it smart to replce them with a title match that either
a) is not build up well or
b) is most likely going to suck wresling wise or
c)Nobody really cares about

The point of a PPV is to have people buy the product. Now you say lets fill them up with all titles matches. But lets be honest. Allot of people do not care about the tag title or the womans matches. And if you are going to rush a storyline for the titles just the have a title match in the PPV, it is not going to work. I much rather have a match a filler match that is build up then a rushed fued for the title.
Now, I am not saying that I would rather have a filler match then a title match. But it does need to work to the benefit of the ppv selling. And so it needs to be well build up so people can care. And you need to know that they will put on a good wresling match
Honestly, I think they should have less world title matches at PPVs so there is a chance for build of a title feud. Wrestling was better when there was more build up. Some feuds end up two weeks build, and If you go out or miss an episode , you miss the whole reason for a feud. The feuds are boring because no one knows the purpose of these feuds, no time to build hate or guile.
there should be more title matches at ppv but you won't see that happen because they are not building enough for those matches on tv. if you look and see we see the same people fighting week after week so other wrestlers really don't have a chance to show themselves in the ring and are just used a backups to make things look good. from my point there's to many wrestlers in wrestling and not being used for any purpose.
there should be more title matches at ppv but you won't see that happen because they are not building enough for those matches on tv. if you look and see we see the same people fighting week after week so other wrestlers really don't have a chance to show themselves in the ring and are just used a backups to make things look good. from my point there's to many wrestlers in wrestling and not being used for any purpose.

There isn't any build for those matches on tv because they aren't going to be on PPV. If they were going to have a match for the IC/US title at the next PPV then they would be showcasing the talent more on Raw/Smackdown. Same goes for the Diva's/Women's titles. If a title is going to be defended on PPV then they begin showing the champion and contender in more action on tv.

This could bring prestige for midcard and female titles back up. They could alternate through several different combinations by having one midcard title and one female title on the show, then switch it up and have the other midcard title defend on the next show but maybe have the same female title be defended.... or any other combination. There are enough PPV's to have both midcard titles and both female titles defended frequently on PPV without being on every single one like the two world titles are.

I honestly think this would bring prestige back to those titles faster than anything that the WWE is currently doing because people would begin to care about those titles more.
The problem with the women's title being defended on PPV on a regular basis, is that outside of Japan, no-one cares enough about women's wrestling to not use the women's match as an excuse to leave their seat to go to the toilet or to the confectionary stand for sweets.
I don't think they need any more, to be honest with you. They didn't even do this back in the day, so why they'd start now seems a bit strange. I think you have to look at the true meaning of what it would mean. You could have an Intercontinental title match between Drew McIntyre and Finlay, or you could have a non title fight between Rey Mysterio and Batista. Far more people would be interested in the latter match and it would be more interesting. If you have more main eventers than you need for title feuds, which a successful company should always have, then there are going to be more non title feuds, because they feature the wrestlers that people are willing to pay to see. The flip side is that it also makes Night Of Champions special, and it means that it becomes a marquee event that piques people's interest.
I don't believe that they need to include more title matches on pay per views. I think they put on enough especially at TLC which had the two World Championships, the ECW Championship, the Tag titles, the Intercontinental Championship and the Women's then Kofi vs Orton. I believe that was a pretty good card. Personally I would of took out the Women's and put in a non title fued as I prefer them for some reason. Most probably because you can trade wins between eachother without anything on the line except bragging rights about who is the best but in a title fued if you wan't both competitors to seem even then personaly I believe that they have to trade the title within themselves. Also you get more high profile fueds when its not for a title instead of match for lets say the U.S title between The Miz and Santino or a match between Mysterio and CM Punk. Which one would get more viewers to tune in? And which match up would you prefer to see. Also with non title fueds you don't get thrown together matches, you get matches that actually mean something so it is more interesting for me to see who comes out on top.
There should be less if anything. If there was any more then what there was now, every pay-per-view would mostly resemble the Night of Champions PPV, rendering that somewhat pointless.

And with the WWE having 14 PPV's last year, I don't want the majority of PPV's having the same belt defended 10 or so times a year. Let feuds develop a little more before making a title match at a PPV. It diminishes the belts and they seem more stale to have the belt defended every month.
I would say yes. The US/IC titles should probably be defended just as much as the world titles, but try to do it on PPV for the most part. They need to seem more important. Those two titles need to be big steps to getting a world title shot. I would try to keep it at one woman's championship match per PPV, because as said before, the crowds usually get pretty quiet for these. The tag titles I wouldn't worry about getting on PPVs as much until they actually get a GOOD tag team division going. Now they're pretty much using them as something else for main event level starts to do.

Bottom line. They need to try to put more title matches on the PPVs because that will make them at least seem more important. In MMA or boxing, you won't see any title fights on live TV. You want to see it, you have to buy the PPV.

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