Should Goldberg Return?



Just today, I saw this interesting little mark on Wikipedia's site on Bill Goldberg underneath the "In Wrestling" article under the Entrance Themes:


Now, understanding that Wikipedia is notoriously known to be 20% false on what is listed, especially without verification, but I couldn't help to wonder, since Goldberg hasn't been mentioned much, either in the wrestling world, or even the entertainment world.

Also, looking at the dates, November 29 lands on a Saturday. That Saturday isn't a day that is particularly of interest in the WWE, aside from the fact that RAW/Smackdown/ECW is being held as a dark match on that date, and I highly doubt Goldberg, with his status, would show on a dark match, or even without hype. Unless I'm missing an unscheduled Saturday Night Main Event somewhere.

Furthermore, if one would read a little above this little mark, Wiki states that in August 2008, Goldberg has been preparing to make his imminent return to wrestling, but hints not for WWE or TNA.

Do you believe that Goldberg is coming back to the WWE?

Instead of just closing a thread that is entirely based on the aformentioned wikipedia and someone editing in crap, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and see if it has any legs.

Instead of Goldberg returning, lets ask the question, should Goldberg return to the WWE? Goldberg himself has stated, he doesn't like the WWE, doesn't like Vince mcMahon, and doesn't liek the way they handle business. Some say that its a bitter former wrestler, but Goldberg is certainly in a position to question the McMahons and the WWE.

For me, there is no reason why Goldberg would return. Sure a DVD compilation would be nice, maybe a legends contract, but Goldberg seems to have a pretty bad perception of the WWE. Goldberg has made a good amount of money, and really doesn't need the money from a Legends contract. I think it would be nice to see something to commemorate the career of Goldberg, but I think it's nothing that he needs.
Personally i would love nothing more then for him to return. I'm a huge Goldberg mark and I would totally go crazy if he returns. However he will not return to WWE.

I don't think he'd return to WWE. He has problems with Vince and really hates WWE and even went as far to say he'd never go back to there. While I like him to return to WWE more I just don't see him putting his problems with them to the side. He has to much pride to do that.

If he were to return to TNA i'd be just as happy as if he'd return to WWE. I think TNA would be nothing short of perfect for him. He could have an amazing feud with Joe, Nash I thought their feud in WCW was great, Sting and him could form a pretty good alliance, and so many more people I could name. It would deffinently help TNA for him to go there.

Overall I don't see Goldberg returning to WWE. I think he will wrestle for Hulk Hogans promotion or take independent bookings. That is the only way I see him returning, considering he doesn't need the money or anything, so yea to answer your question no he will not return to WWE.
I wouldn't really want to see Goldberg in the WWE, but he is a big name and the ratings are slipping so maybe he could help, but I doubt it. Goldberg was a huge force in WCW one of the top guys and when he came to the WWE it seemed like he just tried to live off his WCW reputation. I really wasn't impress with anything he did in the WWE(yes he won the belt, but the regin was nothing great)I just don't think Goldberg has anything to really offer the WWE and I don't think he would ever choose to go back. Most wrestlers usually stay in the WWE for two reasons. 1, they love wrestling, it's their passion and desire, or 2. they need the money. I don't think Goldberg is broke and he doesn't seem to have the passion for the business(that half ass job him & Lesnar did at WM helps prove that)so I say don;t bother Goldberg just retire and spend your millions of dollars.
To start off with, that statement is completely false. They already edited it off of wikipedia, you just happened to stumble on it when it was there.

I could really care less about Goldberg coming back to WWE. Sure, he might help out the ratings, but what could he actually do there? He could be billed as an unstoppable monster agaon, but that would just be repeating what has already been done. If he does go back to WWE, whatever tehy do with him will just be a repeat of what he has done. M_F put it perfectly. You stay in the WWE for two reasons, because you love what you doing or you're broke. Goldberg doesn't love it anymore, and he wouldn't be broke, so there's no real reason for him to go back. If for some strange reason he does go back to the WWE, it will only be for a one night deal, and not permanently. I say don't even bother coming back Goldberg, there's no point.
I don't see Goldberg doing anything. How old is he now??? He doesn't need to wrestle anymore, nor is he probably in the condition to wrestle a full schedule again. I could be wrong but by now he probably isn't used to it anymore and feels no need to put his body through it. He made his fortune and got out, end of story.

A lot of people talk about why he would be interested in going back to WWE and I as why would WWE even want him back. He's probably too old now, and he isn't really capable of anything but his same old gimmick of squashing everyone he gets in the ring with. They don't need him, they have Batista who I think is much better. You can argue all the nostalgic memories of him in WCW you want but without their fluke of giving him some huge streak he wouldn't have been such a big deal. Batista has worked his way up the ranks and given us plenty of great matches with all the top talent. So once again what do they need Goldberg for when they have Batista??? I think all they would accomplish with him is discrediting the younger talent and you have to know he wouldn't want to put anyone over.

Why do you think he doesn't like Vince or the WWE, because they probably didn't want to just let him steamroll their talent and have the same luxury he did in WCW of looking invincible. He probably got a lot of heat from the WM19 match and didn't like that either. No doubt he felt underpaid as he was the great Goldberg and deserved to get more money than everyone else since he was who he was in his mind. And I wouldn't be surprised if no one just kissed his ass and I bet he didn't like that either. WCW needed him big time and gave him his way, WWE didn't need him so much and made him do things their way. After all though, what more than name value does he offer. He has limited skills in the ring, limited mic skills, and is a risk to put in the ring with anyone, ask Bret Hart.

If he were to come back I highly doubt that WWE would be the place, and TNA couldn't afford him. That leaves the NWA and I don't really see him going to a small promotion like that either. Goldberg is a one trick pony, I don't think anyone but a smaller promotion would want him, especially at his age. It would be hard to watch him have to be carried in a match by someone of lesser age and greater skills. Maybe TNA could cough up enough money to get him in there for a while but I don't see him having any longevity anywhere at the time as a full schedule wrestler.
He won't return, because he dosen't need to. He has enough money saved up and seems to be doing fine as he is, so he wouldn't need the money from returning. Plus, he dosen't like the WWE, Vince or anything about the two. He didn't like his run and didn't like the way his character was handled, so I highly doubt he would return unless he had creative control over his character like Hogan did, but that is something that Vince would never give him.

Perhaps a one time match at WrestleMania could be done, because it's only for one night and getting around $1m just for one night is something he could do, just for the easy money.
I don't see Goldberg doing anything. How old is he now??? He doesn't need to wrestle anymore, nor is he probably in the condition to wrestle a full schedule again. I could be wrong but by now he probably isn't used to it anymore and feels no need to put his body through it. He made his fortune and got out, end of story.

A lot of people talk about why he would be interested in going back to WWE and I as why would WWE even want him back. He's probably too old now, and he isn't really capable of anything but his same old gimmick of squashing everyone he gets in the ring with. They don't need him, they have Batista who I think is much better. You can argue all the nostalgic memories of him in WCW you want but without their fluke of giving him some huge streak he wouldn't have been such a big deal. Batista has worked his way up the ranks and given us plenty of great matches with all the top talent. So once again what do they need Goldberg for when they have Batista??? I think all they would accomplish with him is discrediting the younger talent and you have to know he wouldn't want to put anyone over.

Why do you think he doesn't like Vince or the WWE, because they probably didn't want to just let him steamroll their talent and have the same luxury he did in WCW of looking invincible. He probably got a lot of heat from the WM19 match and didn't like that either. No doubt he felt underpaid as he was the great Goldberg and deserved to get more money than everyone else since he was who he was in his mind. And I wouldn't be surprised if no one just kissed his ass and I bet he didn't like that either. WCW needed him big time and gave him his way, WWE didn't need him so much and made him do things their way. After all though, what more than name value does he offer. He has limited skills in the ring, limited mic skills, and is a risk to put in the ring with anyone, ask Bret Hart.

If he were to come back I highly doubt that WWE would be the place, and TNA couldn't afford him. That leaves the NWA and I don't really see him going to a small promotion like that either. Goldberg is a one trick pony, I don't think anyone but a smaller promotion would want him, especially at his age. It would be hard to watch him have to be carried in a match by someone of lesser age and greater skills. Maybe TNA could cough up enough money to get him in there for a while but I don't see him having any longevity anywhere at the time as a full schedule wrestler.

Goldberg is 41 right now. You ask why we say he doesn't like Vince and WWE and then go onto say because they wouldn't let him destroy everyone. First off Goldberg was billed in WWE as unstoppable. He destroyed EVERYONE from The Rock to Triple H. He stated in an interview he hated the way Vince treated his wrestlers, making them wrestle so much and keeping them away from their family. Then you say he is a risk in the ring because of the Bret Hart incident. That was an accident and the only time he seriously hurt someone. Many other botches have happened, like Stone Colds neck.

Second you talk about WWE not needing him because Batista's better. Goldberg really made squash matches before Batista. Goldberg had many great matches with top stars also, and was great in them all. He really carried Hogan through their title match on WCW. Without Goldberg Batista would not be where he is now because Goldberg made the unbeatable monster persona. Sure they don't need him now, but saying it's because of Batista is stupid.

Now the final thing I disagree with is you always say Goldberg isn't set for a full schedule. I guarantee you Goldberg is in amazing shape just as he always has been. If you actually did research on him you would see that he is younger then both Shawn Micheals and The Undertaker, and he has had far less injury's then both of them. If you say Goldberg wouldn't be able to work a full schedule then your just plain stupid because if Shawn can do it with his back then Goldberg can easily do it.

Next time do your research on the man before you speak on stupid reasons why he can't wrestle anymore. He is in a fine financial situation right now and would only wrestle if he wanted to. And FYI you said he'd get heat for the WM19 match when he wasn't even in WM19. That alone shows you have no clue what your talking about.
Id like to see Goldberg get another run in the WWE. He still is a star in the buisiness and still is in good shape. There are still some matches Id like to see like against the likes of Undertaker, Batista, Umaga, Khali. I agree that Goldberg paved for guys like Batista and Lesnar.
Well, now that I saw that it really was a fluke (as Wiki already did edit the comeback date out), it does confirm that Wiki is usually 20% wrong without citations.

But my take on Goldberg returning (and to all posters, this thread ORIGINALLY was titled "Goldberg Returns" but we have particular mods who abuse power where they see fit and alter things to their liking) is of mixed feelings;

Sure, Goldberg felt that his character was not utilized in the sense that should have been used, but those were times of the beginning of the WWE Draft and Brand Extensions, where creative had so much on their plate to eat off of, I'm guessing they probably didn't know where to start. Also, WWE Creative might have been just stuck with the idea that Goldberg was a massive wrestling machine from WCW, and intended to keep him that way.

Of course, the door swings both ways. I'm not sure if Goldberg had even stated anything to creative or management, but if he was so upset about his position in the company, then he should have been at least vocal about it and not take the usual route that former WWE talent has took and berated Vince and the company AFTER his tenure with the WWE. With the new creative team now, maybe the WWE could have a better storyline for him. Michaels/Jericho was awesome (and I see an awesome Cena/Jericho feud coming up). Edge/Undertaker was awesome. Maybe a Goldberg/Batista, Goldberg/Triple H or even a Goldberg/Cena squash feud would be great too.

As for Goldberg and his health and age, the man is in great shape at 41 years old; Batista himself is 39, 'Taker and Shawn Michaels are 43, and even Sting, who is a current TNA World Heavyweight Champion, 49 years old! Goldberg has what it takes still to even destroy many top dogs in the WWE, and then some.

It may not happen, but it would be a great last run for Goldberg to come and take a shit on some superstars and turn the wrestling world on its face and show that he's still got it.
Goldberg is 41 right now. You ask why we say he doesn't like Vince and WWE and then go onto say because they wouldn't let him destroy everyone. First off Goldberg was billed in WWE as unstoppable. He destroyed EVERYONE from The Rock to Triple H. He stated in an interview he hated the way Vince treated his wrestlers, making them wrestle so much and keeping them away from their family. Then you say he is a risk in the ring because of the Bret Hart incident. That was an accident and the only time he seriously hurt someone. Many other botches have happened, like Stone Colds neck.

Now the final thing I disagree with is you always say Goldberg isn't set for a full schedule. I guarantee you Goldberg is in amazing shape just as he always has been. If you actually did research on him you would see that he is younger then both Shawn Michael's and The Undertaker, and he has had far less injury's then both of them. If you say Goldberg wouldn't be able to work a full schedule then your just plain stupid because if Shawn can do it with his back then Goldberg can easily do it.

Well, so you think you can tango with a big boy now huh??? Let's begin with your destruction shall we???

(Public Service Announcement: Class is Now in Session)

You mention that Goldberg was billed as unstoppable and so on yes...? Yes he was, I doubt he would have had it any other way or he would have not been there. That is also a testament to the fact that I said he can only perform one kind of match. If he's not walking all over someone he doesn't seem interested in it. You said he destroyed everyone... Yet another point to my defense that he is more a detriment that an asset. All he does is devalue everyone else, and once again can only wrestle one kind of match.

Apparently his whole reason for disliking Vince is because according to him Vince overworks everyone and keeps them from home??? Well what do you expect, those are the rigors of the business, you want to play in the big leagues your going to wrestle a lot and be on the road a lot. If Goldberg had a problem with that too bad, that only shows that he couldn't cut it, obviously that was too much for him or he would have been there longer. I also still say that it goes beyond that. Vince runs things his way, and in WCW there was less than structure and complete disorder which allowed guys to do whatever they wanted including Goldberg, not in Vince's house. You're going to do it his way or no way and I am sure Goldberg with his super ego didn't like that.

On another note, Goldberg was a risk in the ring, and Bret Hart's incident was a prime example. Goldberg was shotty at best, he could do his signature moves and that was it, he made John Cena look like a technical genius in the ring. He had little to no actual wrestling skills and any time you have a guy in there who doesn't know what exactly he's doing that is dangerous. Like if you were in the ring with me, I know how to wrestle, you don't, so obviously you would do some r-tard thing to cause me to get injured because you wouldn't know what you're doing, but like a true mark think you do or that you know something about wrestling. Goldberg was so bad in the ring, people who really could wrestle thought it a travesty to have to lay down for him or work him through a match. One time William Regal who is a great wrestler was told to lay down for him, and instead he worked Goldberg so bad during the match he made him look like an idiot as any real wrestler would and then just let him win to show how bogus he was, Regal got serious heat from management for that one, but was just in his actions, and the locker room loved it because many on them didn't like having to give him great matches while he was a liability and a shitty wrestler who couldn't give anything back.

You mentioned that Goldberg is younger than both Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker right??? Well that is a moot point because he's never been in the business for the lengths of time they have or been in the crazy ass matches they have to sustain the injuries they have, he was always babied and put against guys much better than him so he didn't get hurt because he was a moron in the ring. If he had been in the HIAC matches they have, the ladder matches Shawn has been in, or been put through the rigors of either man he would have broken just as they have. The point I made though was that they are also more used to the schedule and been doing it for a long time, he hasn't and would have to get used to it again as his body is not used to taking bumps anymore or working the schedule he complained about before or wrestling matches in general. So there you just took my words to twist them and try to look smart but make yourself look stupid by not paying attention to the details of my words or thinking about it before you shoot your mouth off. Who is to say he's in great shape still either, last time I saw him on t.v. he looked pretty soft all over. You just assume he would be because your all going gay fro Goldberg because I shot the idea of him being in WWE down and pointed out his flaws.

Second you talk about WWE not needing him because Batista's better. Goldberg really made squash matches before Batista. Goldberg had many great matches with top stars also, and was great in them all. He really carried Hogan through their title match on WCW. Without Goldberg Batista would not be where he is now because Goldberg made the unbeatable monster persona. Sure they don't need him now, but saying it's because of Batista is stupid.

Sure they don't need him now

Well you just made my point for me there so you look dumb trying to argue it.

And did I not mention something about " You can bring up all you nostalgic WCW Goldberg you want but it doesn't matter " I made the point that his big run was a fluke, and it has even been said from the mouth of Eric Bischoff that it was a fluke, he wasn't great they were just so busy with the NWO they put him over whoever for no apparent reason then suddenly after a bunch of wins realized what was going on. So I don't see where you can say he was some innovator of that whole thing, it was an accident and he had little to do with it.
Your big defense is Goldberg had many great matches with top stars also, and was great in them all. He really carried Hogan through their title match on WCW

Really??? Because Goldberg had all the character and charisma of an orange peel, it was the fact that he was in a match with Hogan that made it great. As far as carrying Hogan in any match, less than likely, he can always do his part and play his role well. He doesn't need anyone to carry him, he's Hulk fucking Hogan for god sake. All Goldberg had to do was let Hogan work the crowd, make the match, and wait to do his finishers. As for being in matches with other top stars, that means nothing, they had to put him against those guys to make him big, people were cheering for Batista before he ever had a huge match.

Without Goldberg Batista would not be where he is now because Goldberg made the unbeatable monster persona.

I disagree, The Ultimate Warrior made that persona, he was the first guy like that, not as big but twice as entertaining, better marketed, and man was that guy nuts!!! One could argue the Undertaker as the next guy like that, so you can't really say that Goldberg was the first. Batista would have been a success without Goldberg you know why??? Because history has already proven so, he has become a success with Goldberg no where in sight. How dumb can you be? Batista has the look, the mic skills, the ability, and the credibility to do anything in the business he wants. He's also waaay better than Goldberg because that wretched schedule your beloved Goldberg preaches against Batista works. And speaking of work, he is a much better worker than Goldberg ever was, Batista can actually make his opponent look good unlike your boy. Batista has also been in tougher matches such as the 3 HIAC's against Triple H, Royal Rumble's, Steel Cage, Stretcher Match, and so on and so on. Not to mention has had much better match quality.

And FYI you said he'd get heat for the WM19 match when he wasn't even in WM19. That alone shows you have no clue what your talking about.

Ok ok, I made a typo, my mistake Wrestlemania 20 excuse me. The numbers are right next to each other on the top of the keyboard and I didn't proof read, my mistake. I actually didn't realize I even did it until you made some big point of it like I don't know what I am talking about. But thanks for pointing out my typo and assuming it was a lack of knowledge. Obviously through my entire post I have shown that it is you who have no clue what you are talking about. Next time, do your research before defending one of the worst wrestlers to step foot in a ring.
No. He shouldn't. We don't need Goldberg. We don't need old guys to return for one last ride. What we need more than anything is to establish young guys as main eventers. Things like Goldberg returning or people not stepping away from the main event (*cough* Paul and Michael *cough*) are the kinds of things that keep a young guy from breaking out.

Besides.. Goldberg is boring.
Well, so you think you can tango with a big boy now huh??? Let's begin with your destruction shall we???

(Public Service Announcement: Class is Now in Session)

You mention that Goldberg was billed as unstoppable and so on yes...? Yes he was, I doubt he would have had it any other way or he would have not been there. That is also a testament to the fact that I said he can only perform one kind of match. If he's not walking all over someone he doesn't seem interested in it. You said he destroyed everyone... Yet another point to my defense that he is more a detriment that an asset. All he does is devalue everyone else, and once again can only wrestle one kind of match.

Apparently his whole reason for disliking Vince is because according to him Vince overworks everyone and keeps them from home??? Well what do you expect, those are the rigors of the business, you want to play in the big leagues your going to wrestle a lot and be on the road a lot. If Goldberg had a problem with that too bad, that only shows that he couldn't cut it, obviously that was too much for him or he would have been there longer. I also still say that it goes beyond that. Vince runs things his way, and in WCW there was less than structure and complete disorder which allowed guys to do whatever they wanted including Goldberg, not in Vince's house. You're going to do it his way or no way and I am sure Goldberg with his super ego didn't like that.

On another note, Goldberg was a risk in the ring, and Bret Hart's incident was a prime example. Goldberg was shotty at best, he could do his signature moves and that was it, he made John Cena look like a technical genius in the ring. He had little to no actual wrestling skills and any time you have a guy in there who doesn't know what exactly he's doing that is dangerous. Like if you were in the ring with me, I know how to wrestle, you don't, so obviously you would do some r-tard thing to cause me to get injured because you wouldn't know what you're doing, but like a true mark think you do or that you know something about wrestling. Goldberg was so bad in the ring, people who really could wrestle thought it a travesty to have to lay down for him or work him through a match. One time William Regal who is a great wrestler was told to lay down for him, and instead he worked Goldberg so bad during the match he made him look like an idiot as any real wrestler would and then just let him win to show how bogus he was, Regal got serious heat from management for that one, but was just in his actions, and the locker room loved it because many on them didn't like having to give him great matches while he was a liability and a shitty wrestler who couldn't give anything back.

You mentioned that Goldberg is younger than both Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker right??? Well that is a moot point because he's never been in the business for the lengths of time they have or been in the crazy ass matches they have to sustain the injuries they have, he was always babied and put against guys much better than him so he didn't get hurt because he was a moron in the ring. If he had been in the HIAC matches they have, the ladder matches Shawn has been in, or been put through the rigors of either man he would have broken just as they have. The point I made though was that they are also more used to the schedule and been doing it for a long time, he hasn't and would have to get used to it again as his body is not used to taking bumps anymore or working the schedule he complained about before or wrestling matches in general. So there you just took my words to twist them and try to look smart but make yourself look stupid by not paying attention to the details of my words or thinking about it before you shoot your mouth off. Who is to say he's in great shape still either, last time I saw him on t.v. he looked pretty soft all over. You just assume he would be because your all going gay fro Goldberg because I shot the idea of him being in WWE down and pointed out his flaws.

Well you just made my point for me there so you look dumb trying to argue it.

And did I not mention something about " You can bring up all you nostalgic WCW Goldberg you want but it doesn't matter " I made the point that his big run was a fluke, and it has even been said from the mouth of Eric Bischoff that it was a fluke, he wasn't great they were just so busy with the NWO they put him over whoever for no apparent reason then suddenly after a bunch of wins realized what was going on. So I don't see where you can say he was some innovator of that whole thing, it was an accident and he had little to do with it.

Really??? Because Goldberg had all the character and charisma of an orange peel, it was the fact that he was in a match with Hogan that made it great. As far as carrying Hogan in any match, less than likely, he can always do his part and play his role well. He doesn't need anyone to carry him, he's Hulk fucking Hogan for god sake. All Goldberg had to do was let Hogan work the crowd, make the match, and wait to do his finishers. As for being in matches with other top stars, that means nothing, they had to put him against those guys to make him big, people were cheering for Batista before he ever had a huge match.

I disagree, The Ultimate Warrior made that persona, he was the first guy like that, not as big but twice as entertaining, better marketed, and man was that guy nuts!!! One could argue the Undertaker as the next guy like that, so you can't really say that Goldberg was the first. Batista would have been a success without Goldberg you know why??? Because history has already proven so, he has become a success with Goldberg no where in sight. How dumb can you be? Batista has the look, the mic skills, the ability, and the credibility to do anything in the business he wants. He's also waaay better than Goldberg because that wretched schedule your beloved Goldberg preaches against Batista works. And speaking of work, he is a much better worker than Goldberg ever was, Batista can actually make his opponent look good unlike your boy. Batista has also been in tougher matches such as the 3 HIAC's against Triple H, Royal Rumble's, Steel Cage, Stretcher Match, and so on and so on. Not to mention has had much better match quality.

Ok ok, I made a typo, my mistake Wrestlemania 20 excuse me. The numbers are right next to each other on the top of the keyboard and I didn't proof read, my mistake. I actually didn't realize I even did it until you made some big point of it like I don't know what I am talking about. But thanks for pointing out my typo and assuming it was a lack of knowledge. Obviously through my entire post I have shown that it is you who have no clue what you are talking about. Next time, do your research before defending one of the worst wrestlers to step foot in a ring.

You proved me wrong in absolutely no category in this post.

In your first post you said that Goldberg was not billed the way he wanted to be so he left. Then in this post you agree he was billed as unstoppable. So there is no argument in there and you were wrong about this.

Second, you just rambled on about the rigors of the business and said that he should have known about them, when in your first post you said the only reason he disliked Vince is because he did not get what he felt he deserved. Goldberg knew what Vince treated his wrestlers like and he didn't like it. By no means was it because he didn't get what he thought he deserved because he did get that. That means you changed your point of view on this part also.

Next, you said I look dumb for putting up saying they don't need Goldberg. You cut off the other half of my post where I said sure WWE doesn't need Goldberg now, but it's not because of Batista. WWE nor TNA NEED Goldberg now. It would be a plus to their roster, but he is not needed. Your point was that WWE doesn't need Goldberg because they have Batista and I clearly stated that sure WWE doesn't need him, but IT'S NOT BECAUSE THEY HAVE BATISTA. Your original argument was because they have Batista they don't need Goldberg and I showed that that is not the reason. next time make sure you read the whole thing because I have a valid argument to your point that WWE doesn't need him because they have Batista.

Next you tried to argue about Goldberg's charisma when I stated nothing at all about that, and was talking about him in the ring. Then you say just because hes Hulk Hogan he doesn't need anyone to carry him. Ok at this point Hulks career was running low and he could not do some stuff that he did back in the day. So just because hes Hulk Hogan doesn't mean someone can't carry him through a match. Hell Shawn carried him all the way through their fucking match a few years ago.

Your original argument was that Goldberg was to old to come back when in reality he is in better shape then half the older wrestlers. You said Shawn and Taker have been in tougher matches which is why they were more injured, and Goldberg hasn't. This makes no sense considering your original argument was that he is to old to come back. This proves you were wrong on that point also because it proves me right that Goldberg is not to old and could actually return.

I'm not arguing that he was a good wrestler, but I will argue that he was good and can return, because it can easily happen, and his age can't stop that.
I would love to see Goldberg return, but after his unkind words about the McMahons it will never be to the WWE. I also think he will not return to any federation unless he is given complete control of his character (which isn't gonna happen). He never loved wrestling it was just a job for him and he always lacked the passion.
Goldberg doesnt want to return.

His run in WWE was purposely sabotaged by Triple H...while some would disagree...just take a look at the title chase he had and the eventual dropping of the title by torn groin bicycle shorts Triple H...who at that point, couldnt even walk properly.

Part of this ruining of WWE Goldberg goes back to the whole Vince McMahon not pushing WCW guys he didnt create, not to mention, Goldberg and Triple H had a problem before Goldberg even signed, so when he was given the shaft, it's easy to see who was responsible.

Goldberg has even gone on record lately saying that the backstabbing in WWE is one of the reasons he doesnt need or want to go back.

Bottom line, Goldberg won't be returning. A, because he doesn't need to and B, because WWE wouldn't use him properly....
Goldberg and Vince would never sign a deal for him to fight again lets face it. Goldberg could not face it that the WWE have a wider base then the WCW had. I am sure that they even paid more then WCW. I think he is only saying this because he had to play stooge to HHH like everyone else at the time.

If Goldberg ever return it would be nice, but only if he does not fizzle like he did the last time when he had to deal with HHH. And he could not devastate each match. He would have an actually match against those people.
I'm terrible when it comes to nostalgia. I'd love to see all the old guys back, that's why I enjoy the Main Event Mafia in TNA so much. So therefore, I would love to see Goldberg do another stint. WWE is lacking the stars right now, and has been carried by HHH, HBK & Undertaker for a while now. Bring back Goldberg, they've got the money to do it, even if it's for say, 6 months, he could do his regular thing of destroying everything/everyone in sight, and then perhaps put someone over on his departure to hopefully boost their career.
Ok, enough of this Goldberg was outstanding rubbish. There's nostalgia and there's the delusion that in his last run Goldberg was good. Really all he did was win the title off HHH and then a feud with Brock Lesnar which was so well organised that he didn't appear in the two weeks beforehand, feuding against a leaving star with a special guest referee who stole the show in an otherwise awful match. So Goldberg's last match put STONE COLD FREAKING AUSTIN over. A guy who had pretty much retired... way to give the push to a new guy.

And you want that back?
Never, ever, ever, ever......... Should Goldberg return to the WWE. The WWE was nice enough before to give Goldberg the title and a full year with the WWE, nothing more is ever needed from him again. He fought Rock, he fought Jericho, he fought HHH, he fought Lesner. Aside from Austin, there wasn't anyone else people were really excited to see Goldberg fight, especially now with all the new wrestlers around and the old ones slowly making their last rounds. Goldberg's greatness rests on his streak which doesn't mean two shits that he was any good of a wrestler. He was a terrible worker who didn't give anything back to the business that gave him so much so fast. Goldberg has nothing else to prove by coming back, he's done everything he really could do in the WWE, won the world title and won at Wrestlemania. The only thing Goldberg could do by returning is humiliate himself further and damage his career. So to reiterate, no, no and no. Goldberg should never return to the WWE.
Let's be honest if Goldberg was making his WWE return the WWE would be boasting this all over the place. Promos would be placed throughout all three shows in an attempt to build him up and would end with "Who's Next?", but no such attempt has been made. This leads me to believe that not only is he not returning to the ring, but may never return at this time in his life. He is in fact 41. To be honest the WWE doesn't need another age wrestler on the roster, they need fresh talent. Put energy into Goldberg and it takes away from the new guys.

I was a huge fan of Bill Goldberg when he was part of WCW! The nostalgia of that time has come and gone. Goldberg must remain on the shelf if wrestling and the WWE is going to move forward.
We're starting threads based on something we saw on Wikipedia now? In that case I must remember to make articles on Chris Benoit's future push and Chuck Palumbo's 15 World Heavyweight Championship reigns.

Either way, to re-hire Goldberg would be a big risk for WWE. Sure, he's got intensity and at his best can put on a good match but he's overrated like hell and as mentioned before is a walking risk factor. Goldberg's previous WWE run was a bust because some people refused to let him go over them like everyone in WCW did back in the day. Hunter Hearst Helmsley comes to mind. Goldberg's WCW push worked so well because there hadn't really been anything like that before - a big muscleguy comes and dominates absolutely everyone on the card for 100+ matches. In WWE he didn't get that and as a result, since "The Streak" was the thing about him that stuck out the most, his WWE tenure failed miserably.

Goldberg's ringwork was hardly worth the hype last time we saw him and I can't imagine him being better now. Let TNA have him, WWE should focus on the younger guys and not burn themselves on a risk factor like Goldberg again.

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