Shogun out until March


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Yep, which means... Interim Title time.

So, who do you believe deserves a shot at Rashad Evans for the Interim Title to fight Shogun at a later date?


Now, the first obvious choice is to match up Rampage vs. Machida, with the winner of that fighting Rashad Evans. HOWEVER, Rampage wants absolutely NOTHING to do with Machida. He claims he doesn't want to fight him because Machida would be a "boring" opponent. Well, if you ask me, Rampage is completely full of shit. Machida's not a lay and pray wrestler... he's a stand-up fighter, and if you fight him, he will fight you back. Rampage is just scared to fight him, I think.

Some could argue that Lil' Nog vs. Rampage could be a set-up to where the winner of that faces Rashad, but fuck that... Lil' Nog hasn't beaten the quality of opponents to earn a shot that quickly, and if Rampage is ducking people, then he doesn't deserve a shot at anything.

So, who does that leave us with? I'll tell you who... Rich Franklin.

Now, if Franklin's arm is okay, then I say the UFC should match him up against Machida and the winner of that face Rashad in early 2011.

You could argue that all Franklin did was beat Liddell, why does that earn him a shot at the title? Well, Shogun got his shot at the title after beating Liddell... why is Franklin any different? Plus, the fact is, the only fight Franklin has lost at Light Heavyweight was a bullshit decision to Dan Henderson, which Franklin should have won.

So, yeah... fuck Rampage. If he doesn't want to fight Machida, then put somebody in there who will, and I GUARANTEE Rich Franklin would take that fight in a heartbeat.

What do you think?
This is the one weakness UFC has against professional wrestling. This is now the third champion in one year's time to get injured for a long period of time (GSP, Lesnar, and now Shogun). Losing anyone else to an injury can be worked around, but losing your champion just sucks.

As far as the matchup goes, I agree Machida vs. Franklin is the way to go. There's no reason Jackson deserves a chance at the title more than Franklin does, Franklin just won his last fight, Jackson lost his. Plus, we just saw Evans vs. Jackson, and Evans clearly won, and it wasn't even a very interesting fight.

I don't see any reason Jackson should have the chance to fight for the interim title at this point. And it seems that all the other possible contenders are injured right now as well, or fighting elsewhere. And timing is wrong for Ryan Bader, he'd need at least one more serious fight before being thrown into the title mix.

Machida vs. Franklin just seems like the right way to go.
I'm going to say that the UFC should make the fight they were going to make as a failsafe in case Shogun wasn't able to go at UFC 113... and that would be Lyoto Machida vs. Randy Couture.

We don't know how Franklin's arm is. If he does need surgery to repair that broken arm, chances are he won't be available until very late in the year, or early next year. Since returning to light-heavyweight, Couture has incredible, with impressive wins over Brandon Vera and Mark Coleman. He's derailing his quest for the title for the time being by taking this James Toney fight. He's doing the UFC a huge favor in taking the fight, and he should win dominantly and to the point where it wouldn't take him much recovery time to get in shape for an opponent like Machida. I'm not really sure how Franklin would fare against Lyoto a second time. He was beaten very soundly against Machida in his third professional fight, and he's only gotten better since then. The matchup isn't nearly as interesting as a Couture/Machida fight would be. Plus, a Couture/Machida fight would be a huge money maker for the UFC.

Furthermore, you know Randy wants one more title before retiring. James Toney is going to be fight #4 on his six fight contract. Who knows if he'll re-up? I know he could go until he's 50, but does he want to? Potentially, fight #5 would be Machida, and then fight #6 would be Rashad... at which point he could potentially unify the title against Shogun.
First of all:

Rampage saying that him vs. Machida would be boring is just a crock of monkey shit.


Rampage lost his fight, while Franklin won his fight. To me, it rules out Rampage for the Interim Title picture. It would make sense, and I'm agreeing with you all, that Machida vs. Franklin is the way to go. BUT, Couture should be considered as well. What could happen is:

Machida vs. Franklin (if his arm is healed up by then): winner faces Couture

Machida/Franklin vs. Couture: Winner faces Evans for the Interim Title, and the Interim Title is unified in Early April, when hopefully Shogun is cleared to fight.

It's pretty much a toss-up, but hopefully, Machida, Franklin Couture, and Rashad (especially him) can be considered in contention for the Interim title.
Couture's a nice suggestion, and I thought of him as well, but here's why I'm against him...

First of all, look at his last two fights:

Brandon Vera
Mark Coleman

Now, he looked like shit in the Vera fight and almost lost the damn thing (some say he should have lost the decision). And we're talking about Brandon Vera here... who hasn't had a big win since he beat Mir in, what, 2005?

Mark Coleman... I mean, do I need to explain? Dude was completely washed-up and looked like he was 60-years-old in that fight.

So, those were Couture's last two wins, and his next fight is against someone with an 0-0 MMA record. When Couture smashes Toney and makes him look like the joke he is, in no way should that equal him getting a title shot.

I say, match-up Couture against Rampage or Griffin in his next fight, and if he can win that one, then he'll be deserving a shot at the title. Until then, however, Couture has done nothing, in my opinion, that validates him worthy a shot at the LWH Tile, Interim or not.
I'm not as up on the MMA world as most of you all but what about Anderson Silva? Silva has been fighting alot of catchweight and 205 fights recently and is obviously one of the best in the world, so why not? Silva vs Evans for the interim belt would be a huge draw and both could easily be contenters for when Shogun returns. I'm not sure if there's a rule against holding two belts at once or not but he could always forfeit the Middleweight belt or if he loses to Sonnen at 117, I had heard something about him wanting to move up a weight class and this could be his best chance. Or maybe I'm just pipe dreaming.
I'm not as up on the MMA world as most of you all but what about Anderson Silva?

It's possible, especially if Anderson loses against Chael Sonnen, but for now I don't think that's an option. For some reason, Dana and co. are hell bent on seeing Anderson Silva vs. Vitor Belfort, so if Anderson beats Chael like he should, then there's no way your theory happens, since Anderson vs. Vitor for the Middleweight Championship all is but signed to go down sometime around November.

Now, if Anderson loses to Chael Sonnen... like I said, it's an interesting possibility. However, the UFC might then want to match-up Anderson against Jake Shields, since one of the terms Shields is asking for is that his first fight be against Anderson Silva. The UFC could gladly give Jake wants he wants in that aspect if Anderson lost to Chael, so you never know there.

Another thing you must keep is mind is that Anderson and Machida are great friends who refuse to fight each other, so that throws a damper into the thought as well.

Anyways, it's a great suggestion and one I hadn't thought of... but for now, I have to say it's very unlikely Silva gets put into the LHW Title mix right now. However, for the record, if Anderson were thrown into the mix... I certainly would not bitch about.
Hey Yo!

I dont really agree with Couture there because his last two fights weren't that impressive i know he's older and i dont expect him to go like he used to but still it's Randy Couture man, so for me Couture is a no no.

The most logical and best choice would be for Rich Franklin to step in against Lyoto 'The Dragon' Machida that is assuming if his arm is all good.

BTW, Quinton Rampage Jackson is ducking Lyoto for sure, boring fight i dont think so mate, he's scared shitless, and i think he should fight lil nog to elevate the nog, but thats a diferent story.

So im all for Rick Franklin going to war with Lyoto Machida.
Machida just lost, and in all honesty he basically lost twice, so I don't think seeing Machida vs Shogun III is really what Shogun wants, I mean come on, three straight times the same guy? Not exactly "fun". So you take out Machida.

Based on that logic I have to, although I don't want to, eliminate Rampage because he as well lost in what was a total snooze fest vs Rashad, I mean come on for all the hype they made it was one boring fucking fight.

Now Randy Couture has a fight against James Toney at UFC 118, so he wont be able to fight for a while, however being as it would be a fight in the Heavyweight division, a win and one could make the case he should get the Interim Title Shot.

Now you also have Franklin who beat Liddell and like what was said based on Shogun getting a shot after beating Liddell the same should be true for Franklin.

My resolution? If Couture beats Toney at UFC 118 then set up Couture vs Franklin and Machida vs Rashad winners fight for the interim belt.

If Couture loses then set up Franklin vs Rashad for the Interim Title right there and then.
- Rashad got a Title shot on the back of KO'ing Chuck Liddell.
- Shogun got a title shot on the back of KO'ing Chuck Liddell
- Where is Rich Franklins, after KO'ing Chuck Liddell.

People have prospered from winning against UFC's past most dominant fighter. Now Rashad was on the back of beating Michael Bisping, Jason Lambert, Sean Solomon.... etc he beat Chuck Liddell I believe he deserved the title shot. Now with Shogun I believe he didn't deserve it the first time around with coming into the UFC and losing by RNC in his debut for the UFC, he than beat a old, run down...... completely gassed Mark Coleman at UFC 93.... IMO Rua looked pathetic here, so far he hasn't deserved it he than faces the Iceman at UFC 97 and beats him (who is a former shell of himself) and go a title shot.

Rich Franklin showed how dependable he is for the UFC. He beat Matt Hamill at UFC 88 a fighter with great wrestling creds and a much bigger fighter. He faced Dan Henderson and got hard done by but lasted and gave as much as he took against a former Pride LHW and MW Champion, he dominated Wanderlei Silva at UFC 99 who was a Grand Prix Champion in Pride. He lost to Vitor Belfort in what some would say a shocking fashion who is a former HW Champion for the UFC. Then he faced the biggest name in MMA a focused greatly conditioned, agressive Chuck Liddell at UFC 115 and after Chuck who was/is the most dominating Light Heavyweight in MMA History with the Highlight rell of KO's against the who's-who of MMA......... well he made him kiss the canvass and won in no doubt his biggest career fight to date.

These are stories about how fighters are treated differently. Rua came in all hype and UFC spent their money of hyping him as one of the greatest fighters in MMA...... lost barely won, won then lost..... in a nutshell. A legit case is he didn't deserve the first shot, so he could very well be considered lucky to have faced Lyoto the second time.

Rashad was slowly built up and the right way to bring someone up through the ranks. He deserved his shot bno doubt.

Rich Franklin, who before getting a title shot looked far more impressive than Shogun. Rich has fought some big fights...... won, yet he is still in the middle of the pack.
Anyways, it's a great suggestion and one I hadn't thought of... but for now, I have to say it's very unlikely Silva gets put into the LHW Title mix right now. However, for the record, if Anderson were thrown into the mix... I certainly would not bitch about.

I would completely bitch about it. That's essentially a slap in the face to fighters who've poured blood, sweat, and tears into the LHW title picture. Anderson has only had two fights at LHW. James fucking Irvin and Forrest. That's not even close to being considered good enough for a title shot. Look, I get that people won't care because he's the most dominant champion in UFC history, but that's at MW. I don't think that his MW credentials should trump what others have done at LHW. I've been pretty vocal about this on other MMA threads, so I'll say the same here. Anderson hasn't earned a title shot at LHW, and, MORE importantly, if you do give Anderson the shot and he wins the title, you stagnate the division. Two of their biggest names at LHW are Black House fighters; Machida and Lil Nog. Anderson has vocally stated time and time again that he will not fight his fellow Black House teammates. That effectively removes two names from the LHW title picture. Both of whom are great fighters.

Also, I agree with what someone said about Randy having no business at the LHW title. I am one of those people who do not believe that he won that fight against Vera and was rather pissed at the judges decision. Fuck a win over Mark Coleman, that fight would have been epic when it was scheduled to go down but, as it stands, that fight took place when both fighters had a combined age of 91. UFC: Geriatric is what that event should have been called.
I would completely bitch about it. That's essentially a slap in the face to fighters who've poured blood, sweat, and tears into the LHW title picture. Anderson has only had two fights at LHW. James fucking Irvin and Forrest. That's not even close to being considered good enough for a title shot.

Being a majority of people's number one P4P fighter kind of allows you that kind of stuff honestly. Couture got an immediate HW title shot. Belfort was going to get a very quick title shot at Silva after only being in the MW division for a few fights. Silva has beaten a former 205 champion. Trust me, I hate Anderson Silva. With a passion. I wouldn't be completely against him getting a title shot though. He deserves it for what he has done, who he has beat and how he has beaten the. Plus I would love to see him against any of the top LHW contenders. Fight fans love good/interesting fights, and him against any top contender would fit that billing.

As far as an interim title goes, Rashad should be a part of that fight. Carwin had to compete for the interim title after he had already been given a shot at the real title, everyone knows what happened with Brock and the rest is history. Who his opponent will be is the biggest question. You have Rampage who is coming off of a loss to the number one contender, so that wouldn't make much sense unless he were to defeat a contender in the next two months. Maybe then it would make sense for him to compete for the interim. The only men that would put him in contention though are Machida, Forrest and maybe Couture simply on name value. Forrest is injured I believe and Rampage has bitched about fighting Machida. If Couture beats Toney, I could see them making a title eliminator between Rampage and Randy to see who fights Evans. Couture has said that his fight with Toney doesn't put him in contention, but honestly at this point Dana and friends need very little reason to give Randy a shot.

If not Rampage/Couture taking on Evans for the interim, I could see them doing Couture/Franklin. That fight for whatever reason really doesn't interest me. Franklin I feel would need this fight and another victory on top of that against someone like Rampage or Forrest to be in contention. Somewhat hypocritical I know because Couture hasn't beat those names, but everyone knows how the UFC treats Randy. There are so many up and comers in the division right now like Bader and Jones and fighters already looking to step up like Diet Nog. I would rather see Couture or Franklin fight any of those guys. It would show that both Randy and Rich still have enough to hang with the new breed and that the new breed can hang with the legends.

Personally, I would love to see them shake it up a bit to avoid a merry go round division. It's been Machida-Evans-Shogun-Rampage-Forrest for what seems like forever now. If the time frame for the fight and Shogun's return fits, I would like to see an eliminator bewteen two younger fighters. Jones is a star on the rise and is likely to attach another W to his record in August against a veteran in The Janitor. Nog isn't a newer fighter but has a damn good resume and would be an incredible match up for Jones or Evans if he makes it to the interim bout. This is just a personal wish though and something they aren't likely to do. Neither have that main event appeal yet and I have a feeling an interim title fight featuring either of these two men and Evans wouldn't be a huge draw.
Being a majority of people's number one P4P fighter kind of allows you that kind of stuff honestly. Couture got an immediate HW title shot. Belfort was going to get a very quick title shot at Silva after only being in the MW division for a few fights. Silva has beaten a former 205 champion. Trust me, I hate Anderson Silva. With a passion. I wouldn't be completely against him getting a title shot though. He deserves it for what he has done, who he has beat and how he has beaten the. Plus I would love to see him against any of the top LHW contenders. Fight fans love good/interesting fights, and him against any top contender would fit that billing.

Couture got a title shot because the HW division was all but obsolete at that time and Belfort got his shot because Anderson had already ran roughshod through that entire division and the idea of a new fight with with Belfort looked more appealing than rematches with Marquardt or Henderson. With that being said, I completely see where you're coming and would fully expect it to go down just as you predicted. It doesn't mean I wouldn't bitch about, though, haha. I'm at least consistent when I bitch, you'll find that out as I post more, haha.

I never supported Couture getting an immediate tile shot, I don't think beating Liddell or Jardine (now) should EVER get someone an immediate title shot. The only reason I gave Vitor a pass is because he was riding a five fight win streak and I really didn't want to see Anderson fight another fucking rematch. I've given up on ordering his fights, to be honest. UFC 112 was the last straw for me. I only stream his fights now.

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