Shelton Benjamin in TNA.

Where should he go?

  • TNA

  • WWE

  • He sucks and should never wrestle again.

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Goliath Uterus

Getting Noticed By Management
Much to my suprise, i search Shelton Benjamin and find that no one has made a thread listing and discussing his options, so while it wasnt planned, here is the second installment in the where should _ go?

Shelton Benjamin is a guy who I have always loved, even as a young kid, when i hated heels, i still loved the heel Shelton Benjamin. He is (of course) extremely athletic, has great in-ring ability and has good in-ring charisma. The one thing he lacks is mic skill, while everyone bashes his skills on the mic, ill say that he really isnt that bad, he just isnt good. He is capable enough to have someone tell him what to say, and say it, if he were given more of a chance to get over than his promos/interviews wouldnt seem as bad. I know that if TNA got ahold of this guy, then they would push him to the moon. Would you like to see him in TNA? There are rumors WWE might want him back after he finishes his degree (or whatever it is) should he go back to WWE? Is he such a horrible wrestler that he should stop? You tell me.
I say WWE... But under one condition. He needs to find a way to show Vince and others that he deserves a nice solid push. If the WWE doesn't recognize his talents then he should ask for his release and bounce to TNA. He is an amazing athlete and should be utilized as such! If WWE brings him back and drops the ball AGAIN TNA will have no issues picking him up and using him as a major player in the X Division...or he and Haas teaming back up as World Greatest Tag Team 2k10!
I hope he returns to WWE....I remember reading that he was getting his college degree and that might be why he was he could finish that up..I really think he would have a lot to offer TNA but imo they are overloaded with guys just like Benjamin (WWE Rejects)
I personally don't think it would matter if he went to tna or wwe. Primarily because in the past, the wwe offered Shelton Benjamin a chance to be in the main event but he refused because he said he did not want the pressure, and you can't push a guy who doesn't want to be pushed. So regardless if he went to tna or somehow returned to the wwe, Shelton wouldn't go farther than mid-card level unless his attitude about being in the main event changed.
Back to the WWE. Guy is another card-carrying member of the DPC and TNA has no use for yet another ex-WWE guy simply because he's available on the free agent market when their roster is already jam-packed with a slew of underutilized talents – some of which are ex-WWE guys just like Benjamin themselves like Kendrick.
Definitely the WWE. Shelton Benjamin has tons of talent and can put on great matches. I would love to see him come back to Smackdown where he could shine with all the big names moving over to RAW. I would love to see him feud with Jack Swagger, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, or Christian.
Primarily because in the past, the wwe offered Shelton Benjamin a chance to be in the main event but he refused because he said he did not want the pressure, and you can't push a guy who doesn't want to be pushed. So regardless if he went to tna or somehow returned to the wwe, Shelton wouldn't go farther than mid-card level unless his attitude about being in the main event changed.
What!? Unless you work at WWE and know Shelton personally, then you just made this up. They never offered him a chance to be in the main event or he would be in the main event, thats just the way it works. If Shelton returns to the WWE he won't get farther than the mid card, and with the way things are right now, I dont even see that happening, if he goes to TNA then they will push the shit outta him cause anyone (cept the 'E i guess) can recognize that his crazy ass athletic ability will get him over with the fans.
What!? Unless you work at WWE and know Shelton personally, then you just made this up. They never offered him a chance to be in the main event or he would be in the main event, thats just the way it works. If Shelton returns to the WWE he won't get farther than the mid card, and with the way things are right now, I dont even see that happening, if he goes to TNA then they will push the shit outta him cause anyone (cept the 'E i guess) can recognize that his crazy ass athletic ability will get him over with the fans.

If all it took to be in the main event was the wwe offering you the chance then kane would have been in the main event by now, but he's not because he doesn't want to be, he wants to put over younger talent instead. Now as for shelton, look on the internet man. There are tons of forums talking about how he claimed to be in the mid-card, and really didnt want to be in the main event.
I've heard the rumors his release was mutual due to him wanting to finish getting his degree. If that's the case a WWE return seems likely. Personally I hope he goes back to WWE rather than TNA.

TNA is already overloaded with former WWE stars and other deserving talent that are underutilized and deserving a push. I don't see him getting a major singles push. Most of the web sites are reporting TNA will most likely sign Haas also and reform their tag team. Which would be a step back for his career in my opinion.

I know he wasn't being used to his full potential the last couple years, but I'm sure most people including myself. Would rather make 100's of thousands in WWE mid card or even jobbing. Than doing the same In TNA for way less money. He's a phenomenal talent, but honestly signing with TNA wont help the ratings or PPV sells one bit.

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