Seriously, Fuck these guys.

Beastmode 24

Ok, I don't normally post a lot of political stuff. If I feel strong as something, I'll say something about it, but normally I just go with the flow.

This is not one of those times.

The Westboro Baptist Church has made it known that they plan on protesting the funerals of the children killed on Friday in CT. The reason they plan on protesting is because they believe "God is punishing the people of Newtown, CT for their sins" and that "The children are paying for the sins of their fathers."

Seriously, fuck these assholes.

This link is to the White House's official website where a petition has been set up to legally recognize these assholes as an official hate group. I believe very strongly that these idiots are a hate group, and I've seen one of their "peaceful protests" firsthand. Not only are they protesting the funerals of these precious kids that were taken too early from us by an asshole, but they constantly are protesting the funerals of American Soldiers proclaiming "since we've turned America to the ****, they're coming home in bodybags."

Please, Pleas PLEASE sign this petition. It might work, it might not, but make your voice heard.

Because seriously, Fuck these guys.
Denouncing an attention ****e with a martyrdom complex doesn't work; it just makes them feel vindicated.

Either kill 'em all or ignore them.
Had I only just found out about them I would be shocked. However, they've had way too much free press over the years so I think the best course of action to deal with these people is simply to ignore them.
Oh no! It's the Zero Church!

I joke. Of course it isn't, they're not Japanese. They're American. In that instance, they're the American Zero Church. So there's a strong chance they're just a band of incestious rednecks that really like the colour white. As you can probably tell, I don't actually know who these attention craving fools are. And I've probably given them more acknowledgment than they deserve.
Oh no! It's the Zero Church!

I joke. Of course it isn't, they're not Japanese. They're American. In that instance, they're the American Zero Church. So there's a strong chance they're just a band of incestious rednecks that really like the colour white. As you can probably tell, I don't actually know who these attention craving fools are. And I've probably given them more acknowledgment than they deserve.

That's about it. It's a natural side effect of there being too many stupid people and not enough wolves, bears, and mountain lions to eat them.
By the sounds of it, if you really wanted to get to them, actually fucking those guys could be best route to go down. You supply the lube, I imagine D-Man is the only person here old enough to get perscription viagra, so we'll need to draft him in as well.
So there's a strong chance they're just a band of incestious rednecks that really like the colour white.

That's not it at all. They're a group of lawyers who push every law possible, hoping someone will violate the law so they can sue and make money. They're nothing but a bunch of disgusting litigious lawyers, who use tragedies in other people's lives to make money.
That's about it. It's a natural side effect of there being too many stupid people and not enough wolves, bears, and mountain lions to eat them.

I'm sure Louis CK came up with an idea for releasing a bunch of lions into a shopping centre. You two should get to work.
That's not it at all. They're a group of lawyers who push every law possible, hoping someone will violate the law so they can sue and make money. They're nothing but a bunch of disgusting litigious lawyers, who use tragedies in other people's lives to make money.

Have you seen Fred Phelps's wife's eyes? Completely dead. She probably doesn't even realize this is Fred's agenda.

It works, too. They posted scans of two of the checks they got for suits won. One was for 540k if I remember correctly

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