Semi Final - (2) Golden Eye v (6) Super Mario 64


  • GoldenEye 007

  • Super Mario 64

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Once again, I'm voting for violence. I don't have time for eating imaginary mushrooms, there are plenty of real ones out there for me to procure and devour. it's getting old praising this game. I've said it about a thousand times now: it's the best FPS ever created, and a giant of the industry and was just about the coolest thing not named Stone Cold among me and my friends when we were kids. I will never forget the great memories of playing Goldeneye alone and with friends.

Don't get me wrong, I love Super Mario 64. But after I got tired of it, I always came back to Goldeneye. Nostalgia for the mother-fucking win.

Vote Goldeneye. Fuck this frilly save the princess bullshit, vote for AK-47s and proximity mines.
GoldenEye 007 is my favorite video game of all time, so of course this gets my vote and for me... it's not even contest.

Just like with the Ocarina of Time, I had more fun watching my little cousin played Mario64, than actually playing it myself. In my opinion, it just wasn't nearly as fun as the original three Mario games for the regular Nintendo. Sure, the graphics were better and all that, but I was bored playing it.

GoldenEye 007 was also a game my cousin had. I remember the first time I watched him play that shit and just being blown away by it (I thought it was going to suck because I've always hated Bond movies, and do to this day). As soon as I got home, I made sure to let my mom that I wanted a Nintendo64 for Christmas and GoldenEye 007 to go with it, even though just a few months earlier she got me a Playstation and I had ZERO interest in ever getting a N64. But after playing GoldenEye 007, I had to have that game. Never did I want something as bad as I wanted for that. And my mom, being the awesome lady she is, granted my wish and got it for me for Christmas. Even playing it a 1,000 times at my cousin's house before that Christmas morning, when I hooked up that Nintendo64 and popped in GoldenEye 007, I was blown away by it like if it was first time playing it. And I never, ever got sick of it. Never.
Got to give to Goldeneye because it was the more 'complete' game of the two. Where Mario was the first game for the N64 and got it launching, Goldeneye was the one that kept N64 on the map and was rightfully branded the best N64 game of all time!

Goldeneye provides one thing that Mario does not have, multi-player. And where you have an amazing single campaign, this also excelled in the multi-player because of the awesome range you could play with from characters to locations to weapons. This is one of the only games I've seen where the bonus cheats you get for single player gets added as a multi-player option.

Mario is a great game, but it feels very limiting, and I feel it's been outdone by later games, Galaxy namely. Goldeneye is a game that never truly got replaced or out done, yes graphics have been updated and styles been done, but this is the one that is still played by those with an N64 because Microsoft & Nintendo won't give in over finances for downloading this game, this is how much of a gem it is when two of the big companies want to re-release it, but can't.

People talk about amazing FPS, this is the first game to minds, they even tried a crappy "Sequel" from EA but it never got off the crowd. Again, SM64 is a great game, but future titles have come and outdone what it did originally.

Vote Goldeneye
I really hope its Golden Eye vs GTA 3 in the final.

That would be a perfect finale for the greatest video game ever made(so far), in terms of replayability, ground breaking ideas and concepts and just how much they changed the gaming industry.
Super Mario 64 was the first game I ever owned for my 64 at the tender age of 7. It was the first game that I really enjoyed figuring out how to compete each objective to complete a mission on my own without the use of any guides or cheats. As a child I wasn't allowed to have any violent games (my mother was overly anal about violence and I was too lazy to earn my own money) so I missed the boat on Goldeneye as a child.

I did play it at friends that owned the game but I was always destroyed in battle mode which further broke my spirit on the game (I didn't have a copy of my own to practice with)

I own Goldeneye now, and it's an enjoyable game and well worth its hype. But it's too late for the game to have the same kind of lasting influence that Super Mario 64 does.

Super Mario 64, a game that I can beat in 30 minutes while only obtaining a forth of the amount of total stars... even today I can start a new game and every time still be entertained.

Voting Super Mario 64
These are two the best games that came out on N64. Each had it's own die hard fans. I really like both of these games, but. When it comes down to who I have to vote for... I have to go with a gun before I go with yoshi. Goldeneye is one of the best games not only on N64, but of all time. It changed a lot of peoples mind about first person shooters. Including my. I enjoyed every second of this game.
I went with Goldeneye. Mario 64 was great, and I enjoyed it immensely, but the multiplayer of Goldeneye and its general longevity mean that it is the only winner for me here. They are probably both top 5 games for me, but I think Goldeneye edges this one.
Super Mario people! Mario has been able to stand the test of time, and deserves to go over Golden Eye. I'm a huge fan of Golden Eye, and it's one of the few games I ever played(and beaten), but I can't help to think it's a little "ordinary". Nothing overly spectacular or unique about it, but Mario is timeless! Ugh! Where all my fierce people at!

Mushrooms>Golden Gun
Have to go with Goldeneye as well for the multiplayer aspect. Even if Mario cancels out the single player mode, it has no multiplayer option. Goldeneye has one, and it's among the best of all time. Mario is epic to say the least and it holds up very well, but Goldeneye has a completely separate aspect to it in the multiplayer mode. It's almost like an extra game, which combined with the single player mode, trumps Mario for me.

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