Round 1; 58 Resident Evil 2 v 71 samurai showdown 2


  • RE2

  • SS2

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Resident Evil 2 fucking scared the shit out of anyone who played it. Same for most Resident Evil games. But those first Playstation ones instilled the fear. It goes to show how a game that's been around for this long can stick around and not change itself all that much.

I mean, it's a simple plot. A corrupt company release a virus that turns people into zombies. You're either A) Stuck with the zombies or B) Sent to find out what the hell is going on.

Samurai Showdown 2? I'm assuming it's just a fighting game. Vote Resident Evil.
Resident Evil 2 and here's why.

Basically it just batter the SS2. IN R.E. 2 you have one of the best Survival Horror games ever. You end up holding your breat wating to see what will jump out from behind the next corner and the puzzles are fantastic. You need to pick up everything because you don't know when or if you'll need it and backtracking is usually a bitch and takes a long time to find what you missed.

I have never played SS2 but it looks like you basic SF/MK kind of game where all you do is kill the person in front of you to go on to the next round. Yeah sounds boring

Vote Resident Evil 2
I couldn't play Resident Evil 2 at night. It scared the SHIT out of me. I got the game on the release date, and holy shit did I love it. Just a basic storyline, but it was difficult as hell for me, and yes like Milenko said you have to pick up EVERYTHING. Samurai showdown was just EH. Basic fighting game. Resident Evil wins here easily.
samurai showdown 2: For me was another average beat em' up, With the exception of the first ever "parry" (offensive blocking) system, In a game.

Resident evil 2: In my opinion was the greatest survival horror game ever, The suspense would make me turn off my playstation, Without saving. It was heart in your mouth stuff, The first game was expanded on, And it was made to accustom 7 zombies at one time, Which was a hugh acomplishment back when it was released.

RE2 has got my vote.
I've never played Samurai Showdown 2, so Resident Evil 2 would get my vote out of default. The fact that I've actually played and loved RE2 helps as well.

Aside from RE 4 (haven't played 5 yet, but I've heard amazing things), 2 was definately the best of the series (Outbreak is also a big guilty pleasure of mine, fuck you, that game is the SHIT. Only zombie game that actually plays like a zombie movie). It took all of the great things of the original, and made them even better. Except for the original Silent Hill game, no game scared me like this one. And the fact that there were two different stories you could play through just added to the greatness.

So, have to go with Resident Evil 2 here obviously.
Haha Samurai Showdown, I remember that, I actually have a few good memories.

That said, Resident Evil 2 hands down, its in another league, and I dont think there even is an argument so I wont even bother
Just like a lot of these threads for this specific round, I have not played one fo the games involved. However, I decided that I would stall a little but from voting and allow myself to be convinced by the arguments. Or, failing that, go find out what the other game is all about and give it every chance to convince me to vote for it.

This match, however, is one that I will not be convinced about. I gave SS a chance and did my research but I am still going to vote for Resident Evil 2. Milenko will be pleased. Anyway, RE2 was one of the first games that I ever owned and is a marks a turning point in my life. Before games like RE2, House of the dead etc, I never thought to play horror games and to be quite honest, didn't even play games a lot. RE2 changed it because it is a game that just draws you in. The mystery of the game is intense and the game play as very good for the time. In my opinion, it is genre defining game and has paved the way for more horror games.
Yeah, arguably the greatest game of the best Franchise to come out in the last dozen years, against a relatively obscure hack and slash game. Resident Evil 2 for the win for sure.

I'm saving the big arguments for the Resident Evil series for later, as I've just finished Resident Evil 5 and am in love once again with this series as a whole.
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