Roster Sizes and other "Dream Brand" Questions


Pre-Show Stalwart
In the world of sports, I consider myself obsessed with the term 'All-Time Teams'. Been that way for as long as I've ever grasped the idea. Football, Baseball, Basketball, another sport here and there... I've dabbled with the idea. It's easier when there are actual teams to assemble, making them genuine competitions. To a lesser extent, it's true for one-on-one matchups, tennis, boxing, MMA, etc. Those you tend to want to arrange tournaments.

For Wrestling, I guess it's the "Dream Card" concept, or at least, it was. It's hard to really place importance on a "Dream Card" when you know the results will be dictated by politicking and creative teams rather than the ability of the wrestlers.

So I shifted my attentions to the idea of a "Dream Brand", a make-believe Wrestling Organization, run by the person who came up with the idea (I'd like to say 'Me', but anyone else can make a similar brand, so...) and using Wrestlers and other people involved in the wrestling business at any particular times you wish to pluck them from.

This isn't actually a thread about a Dream Brand I'm putting together; I'm sure as crap not ready. I'm barely even started. Rather, this thread is meant more to iron out the concepts of said "Dream Brand" depending on how detailed you want to make said brand.

For instance, the main "question" of this thread has to do with the necessary Roster Size of such a Brand. Keep in mind, for my Brand, this is mostly going to be the WWE-style organization. Three shows in the week; a A-Show, a B-Show(this is what Smackdown is, don't lie), and a C-Show. All shows are basically steps up or down from each other, to better use the talent in the low to mid cards so they're not just lounging in the locker room getting paid meager checks. In addition, there will be a Developmental League underneath that to train additional wrestlers, because this isn't a one-and-done deal. This is about the next ten-twenty years after the creation of said brand.

As for the Roster, I want the standard belts; WHC, MidCard belt, Tag Team Title, Women's Title... even a Cruiserweight title which I'm guessing will be assembled more like the X-Division from TNA.

But back to the question; How many Wrestlers can I have on the roster that skirts the extremes of 'Too Many Wrestlers doing nothing' and 'Too few Wrestlers getting stretched thin?'
Why not just play one of the freeware wrestling games out there?
There's all kinds of mods you can download for free.
On the game I have installed there's an All Star mod that has wrestlers from several eras.
Since you can change everything you can adjust stats and ages and everything. So if you want every wrestler from every era to all start out at 20 years old then you can go in and do that.
You can book story lines complete with angles and everything.
You book your own matches that you can determine the winner of or you can leave it up to your writers.
You can pick your promotion type. There are plenty to pick from and which ever one you pick determines how you run your shows.

I have 120 wrestlers in my organization. 60 per show which is a lot obviously but there were a lot of people I wanted in my company.

I have 6 titles that only get defended at pay per views and my pay per views are solely built around those title matches.

If you're going to put together a fake roster and all that stuff anyway then you'd probably have fun with something like this.

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