Ric Flair Hospitalized


It's been reported by TMZ that Ric Flair was hospitalized over the weekend and that, sometime over the course of today, he was placed in a medically induced coma to undergo surgery. Exactly when it's due to take place isn't mentioned, it could've already happened for all I know, but it's apparently extremely serious.

PWInsider.com stated that while there is no confirmation on Flair's exact issues, it was written in his To Be The Man autobiography that he suffers from Alcoholic cardiomyopathy. The condition is a result of prolonged alcohol abuse and can result in heart failure. The effects of the alcohol damage the myocardium where it is unable to efficiently pump blood. His manager, Melinda Morris Zanoni of Legacy Talent and Entertainment, initially said that it wasn't anything serious earlier today but in a later interview had a different tone and asked for fans for their prayers and positive thoughts.
I'm not gonna sit here and pretend to say I'm perfect. Far from it. Nor am I gonna call out people for the decisions they make in their lives-it's ultimately their choice. Flair is a tough SOB-he has 10 lives. Truly hope he makes a full recovery and keeps on strutting. He's on the MT. Rushmore and likely the GOAT of pro wrestling. Likely the best heel the business has ever seen. He was John Cena before John Cena-Naitch will kick out at 1, apply that figure 4 and win once again. Keep fighting Naitch!
The main page is now reporting that Flair is in an "extremely serious" condition, whatever that means, following surgery. There's some seriously mixed messages here though, considering that the representative suggested that there was nothing to worry about. Of course, that could be just to reduce the panic, which is surely understandable. But it definitely seems as if panic is on the agenda right about now. This seems somewhat out of the blue, but if it is that condition that you mention, then it definitely isn't, and it's just something that we, the general public, haven't been too exposed to.

I sure hope that Flair pulls through. Of course I do. It would be terrible to say anything otherwise. But you want your heroes to go out the natural and normal way. Not to some disease whether or not it was self-induced. Flair has led the life of a star because he is a star and always will be. Cena may overtake his record, and anyone else for that matter, but Flair will always be the 16-time champion and that will always mean something. Flair will always be one of the best heels of all-time, and will always be considered an innovator and an icon. I sure hope that whatever is going on in that hospital right now is a positive step forward to making Flair better again.
Just read the story, how sad and I hope he pulls through. Mind you looking at him these days, he's not the the greatest shape, but hopefully he'll make it.

Wonder if anything does happen will Cena go for the record or just let it stay as is with Flair holding it forever.
It seems like he just got worse and worse every year. Poor guy, I wasn't always the biggest Flair guy but he grew on me eventually. The last few years he was looking pretty worn out. The Mahal vs Orton match, he looked at his worst in the crowds next to Ace. Hoping he jumps out of this, throws his jacket on the ground, slaps both of his shoulders, does a strut and WOOOOO's back to health.
Wow this is just awful news. Flair is one of the best ever and has inspired many of today's wrestlers. I hope he makes a full recovery. It's hard to imagine what him and his family is going through. My great-grandfather was recently hospitalized and also in ICU. My grandma took it very hard. We should all pray for Ric and his family.
I can relate to this issue somewhat, as my father died two months ago in hospital, eight days after a massive heart attack, while he was in an induced coma.

Hopefully, Flair pulls through. But some do, and some don't, and it isn't fair, no matter who it is, when they don't make it.

It makes me wonder how Charlotte is feeling, and whether she will take time off, especially if her father passes, or will work through it. I know how she and Flair's other children must be feeling at the moment.
We can't have another one gone just too many of our childhood favourites are gone already and most way too soon. He lived life in the fast lane and probably lived more in one year than most live in a lifetime and if stories were true could probably out party most people less than half his age right up till the end.

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