RF Shoot With Powers of Pain


Occasional Pre-Show
So this came out back in 2004 but these guys aren't exactly high profile stars. Nevertheless, I liked the team and ordered the vid.

I just thought I'd jot down and share the more interesting bits.

On Fuji:

Warlord: Fuji was funny. One time we were at Mariott - we did a pay-per-view show Barb and me and it was in Miami - and we went back to the Mariott and downstairs in the lounge, the place was packed afterward. And Fuji was sitting there ya know and he started talking to the manager and I go over to Fuji and look down....Fuji's pissing in the plant, talking to the manager the whole time. He didn't care.

Barbarian: He did something to Lex Luger? In Phillie?

Warlord: It was Philadelphia, went to eat, and Fuji heard about Lex's attitude; the way he was. And so Fuji goes and sits across from him, starts talking to him, then he starts pissing on Lex's boot. Lex didn't move his boot because he heard about the way Fuji is. He just let him piss all over his boot. This was in a restaurant.

Interviewer: What are your memories of your first feud, I guess was with Demolition right? What are your memories of working with those guys?

Warlord: I think it was great. When I was in Kansas City at the time I went down to a show one time just 'cause I knew one of the Demolition, Barry Darsow

Barb says something. I think "he's from Minnesota"

Warlord: Yeah from Minnesota and I talked to Barry for a little while while down there that day and that stuff. Ya know, just say hi, see how he's doing over there, and he loved it. Just going on just, the gimmicks, I love the gimmick outfit they had. It was a great, great outfit. And um, they were another team that over in the WWF they were almost invincible. No one was touching 'em. And then first time we (I think it's "went out' or "were in") [some place] Indiana, Barb and me came in babyfaces and boom they were bumping and the people went crazy. They'd never seen Demolition ever do that before.

Opponents -

nterviewer: Who were your favorite opponents in the WWF to work with?

Warlord: As a tag, Rockers. We had great match with Rockers. Demolition was excellent because they tagged up with us real good. As far as singles, it would have been Davey-Boy and Bret.

Barbarian: As far as singles, it was Bret and Steamboat.

Interviewer: is there anybody you didn't like to work with at all in WWF? You were like "oh, this just ain't working"?

Warlord: Um....not really in that stuff ya know. I mean, you'd have your runs with somebody and then you'd go off to something else Pretty much everybody that came to WWF had to be somebody or something somewhere to make it there. There's a few times the styles don't go together and that stuff ya know just happens. But there wasn't anybody I didn't like working with. I just enjoyed wrestling back then.

Interviewer: Who was the locker room leader around this period? Was there a locker room leader or was there a lot of cliques and stuff?

Barbarian: No, there's no locker room leader.

Warlord: There was...actually there was no cliques, not like the NWA. NWA had many more cliques. Um, really, WWF everybody's pretty much on their own. You had a couple of them to hang on together ya know. Mostly you didn't want to do anything wrong otherwise Davey-Boy or with Dynamite there, they'd be on ya.

Everyone laughs

Barbarian: (says something I guess is like "they liked us though")

Warlord: They loved Barb and me. But if you're in, you're having problems or whatever, those two took care of it. Or Fuji.

Interviewer: Was there a lot of politics involved in that company compared to-

Warlord: Always politics. Always. But I understand it's all about business. It's all about making money.

Interviewer: Did you guys get involved?

Warlord: No.

Random Stuff I Liked:
Interviewer: What about Luger?

Warlord: I like Lex. A lot of guys don't like Lex. When I first came into the business, Lex had kind kind of an attitude. Ya know, he first came in, he'd just kinda come in the room and wouldn't talk to anyone, wouldn't come up and say hi and that stuff at first.

Barbarian: He don't speak to anyone.

Warlord: Yeah. Then after a while - actually, he was kinda like that through the NWA a little bit - till he got to the WWF and I know Davey-Boy took care of that back then. He ribbed him every day and after that, Lex just mellowed out and real nice cool and everything, come in and shake everybody's hand and Lex was great. Lex's been great ever since. Really, really good.

Barbarian still has a Six-Man Tag Belt at home from when he worked for Dusty.

Kind of a garbled conversation between Barb and Warlord about how Warlord gave Shawn a push when they wrestled at Madison Square Garden and he(Shawn) hit the light above the ring.

Warlord was still talking to Warrior via email about a year before this interview so 2003 I guess. Says he always liked him.

Barbarian made Andre mad once. They were in Italy and they told everyone to make sure their passports weren't expired. Barb's was and Andre got pissed so Barb ended up hiding in the back of the bus.

Story About Andre vs. Warrior:

Warlord: I'm sure everybody heard, [Andre'd] go in the locker room and play cards and he would drink bottles of wine. And the biggest thing I remember about that is when Ultimate Warrior had to work with him. Ultimate Warrior's very, very nervous. As big as Andre was into that stuff so, first time I've ever seen Ultimate Warrior get to the building early, and actually buy a ton of wine and sit down and play cards with Andre up until his match. To keep Andre happy. Because if he didn't keep him happy, Andre would kill him.

Funny little story about when WCW repackaged them as the "Super Assassins" and they were under hoods. The crowds just called out "take off the hoods Warlord and Barbarian."

Fucking Warlord runs security and is a bodyguard. Imagine running into that guy. He was actually part of 50 Cent's security crew here and in Europe back then.
I've seen a lot of shoots, but managed to miss this one for some reason. Thanks for sharing bits of it. Very interesting stuff. I liked hearing their thoughts on Demolition. Been a while since I watched their shoot, but I always liked how they matched up. I notice the Rockers were pretty much everyone's favorite team to work with.

Fuji is evil.

I'm hearing more and more how Lex just wasn't a people person and was misunderstood because of it.

I was watching an MMA event a few years back and thought I saw the Warlord as a bodyguard, as I knew he was in that business. Just looked it up and he was a bodyguard for Kimbo so I imagine it was the Warlord I saw.

Interesting to hear that Warlord and Warrior were still friendly at the time. In hindsight, I wonder why the WWF didn't use either Warlord or Barbarian in a feud with Warrior in late 1990. I always thought one of them, particularly the Warlord would have been good in that role as a credible threat to the title. Both guys had been built up strong during mid 1990 and the Warrior's title reign was crippled due to a lack of credible heels, with Earthquake being tied up with Hogan. But, can't change the past now. Again, thanks for an interesting read.
I got this from another site, but it was funny.

Back when he first arrived in the WWF in the early 80s, Mr. Saito got an apartment in the same complex as Mr. Fuji, somewhere in Connecticut. They had a show one night in Hartford, and Fuji told Saito that it was a long drive, and that Saito would drive there, and Fuji drive home so Saito could relax. So they leave at like 9 AM and Fuji directs Saito (with no knowledge of the local geography and presumably unable to read road signs in English) all over New England, north to Massachusetts and Vermont, over to New Hampshire and then back down through Massachusetts and Rhode Island before finally arriving in Hartford, some 8 hours later. They work the show and go to drive home, Saito equipped with a case of beer for the journey. Of course, Fuji has them home in twenty minutes.

The beauty of course, is that Fuji subjected himself to the rib and ruined his whole day just to see the reaction from Saito wheh he figured out what had happened. Anyone top that?
Very good. I enjoyed reading this- I love Warlord- i think he had one of the best heel looks of all time. He has got to be one of the most massive wrestlers of all time. Ill have to look into ordering this- I wish they would do an updated shoot with guys like this and Adam Bomb- and some other of the real big men of the 90s.
Always enjoyed the Powers of Pain. They seem to really love the sport. Thanks for posting this, it was a great read.

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