Rank the Promos of The Rock/Cena/Miz Debacle

0) The Rock Return (Beyond Rating)
This was a wrestling sensation. You can't just compare it to any other promo, since it had the most emotion in it, a huge surprise factor, and a true feeling of greatness. That was a moment that'd be remembered in WWE history.

1) The Miz's Rock impersonation 9.5/10
This doesn't include the earlier promo, just the last attack.
Anyhow, this segment is better than anything he's done. You can say that his first attack and promo paged the way for this one, but it doesn't change the fact this 1 is better.
First, he actually had me fooled - I watched the show in medium quality, and I really thought he was the Rock at first. Than, I noticed he acts a bit as a heel, and Cole supports him, so I started suspecting and went back to watch his face. Than I noticed it's the Miz lol.
But the greatest part came later. The way he beat up John Cena, and the way he looked with only his jeans, everything, it make him look like a real top champion.

2-3) Rock and mini-Cena 9/10 <Tie>
Excellent. Were more people here a bit smarter, or less Cena marks, they'd be rating it much much higher. The only weak point was him making mini-Cena crying, since it looked a bit cruel, but apart from that, everything there was pure gold, so many entertaining segments, and so many places he owned John Cena at, I just can't count. Just too much win in 1 segment.

2-3) Cena's First rap 9/10 <Tie>
Cena actually owned the Rock in this first segment. He said pretty much everything others thought against The Rock, and did it in a both serious and entertaining way. If only he kept it on this level in the weeks to come..

4) The Miz's First Cena Ambush 8.5/10
This is what made Miz look relevant for the first time, not only in his current fued, but as a top heel champion. For the first time, he not only dilivered a great promo, but undoubtfully looked strong while delivering it. The Awesome Elbow was brilliant as well. Only reason for it not ranked higher is cause it was outshined by other spots...

5) The Rock's 2nd Promo 7/10
Well, it certeinly had some emotional, some impactful and some funny parts, but it just didn't flow that well. Only reason it was above mediocre is - now yet another one oh his catch phrases - "Yabba Dabba Bitch".

6) Miz's 14/3/11 promo 5.5/10
The promo itself was good, but simply "good" isn't enough at this point. Miz is at the position where he needs to prove himself, and not only on the mic, but through his actions. Luckily, later that night he did solidify himself even farther.

7-8) Miz's first and second promo's building up to WM 4.5/10
Completely overshadowed by The Rock and Cena feud. He later got his point across, but that ws later..

9) John Cena's a knockout - blow 1/10
The first rap was both original and serious. This time, he looked completely not serious, unoriginal, and finally, he went back on his word (he earlier said he only went to Thugonomics once - yet he didn't, now did he?) . As The Rock said: "Of course you didn't laught, nobody on the planet laughed. [...] Because it stank."

10) Cena and the Doctor's Note 0/10
Corny piece of garbage. It's obvious why nobody ever mentions it.
I apologize in advance for this sounding both off-topic and a little bit on the defensive, but I would like to share a small piece of information that some people may find interesting or had previously thought very little about.

The Rock does not show up to the live RAW events for 3 important reasons.

1. The WWE Universe would find it hard to believe that if both Rocky and John were in the same arena at the same time, they would NOT find each other and start something physical. Since this is all a steady work to hype Wrestlemania, they obviously can't have ANY interaction face to face until April 3rd in order to successfully cash in on the lead up of the past 2 months. However, since they DO need at least one of them to constantly appear during the lead up, and John is the one with the actual ongoing contract, Rock is the one who needs to "not be there" in order to keep things moving forward. His regular appearances via satellite are what keeps him in the game until Wrestlemania weekend.

2. John has very limited ammo in his "Anti-Rocky" gun, and his only sure shot is the "you're not here like I am" routine. Take a look back at the promos from both men over the past several weeks. The only accurate argument John has against Rock and his return have to do with Rocky's regular absence. If Rock DID show up on a weekly basis, John wouldn't have much left to toss in The Great One's direction. "Your movies are bad!" Like 'The Marine' was an academy award winner? With all respect to John and his ongoing work ethic, if he didn't have that ace in the hole, this promo war would be HEAVILY one sided. All interest would fade and the eventual collision of the two stars on April 3rd would seem diminished in comparison to its current course. Simply put, if Rock showed up, it wouldn't end up being as interesting in the long run.

3. (Opinion time) I think the final reason is that a face to face interaction with little preparation would end poorly. John is a fine worker and a solid contender, but much like a few other Champions in the past, I see him to be more of a "place holder." In verbal assault and sheer on stage charisma, Dwayne Johnson is streets ahead of John Cena and his usual rhetoric. John, in all respect, doesn't really have the wit to tackle a live showdown against Rocky. Honestly, and completely from a 3rd person perspective, Rock has always had "it." Even when Rock was a heel, he still got half the crowd cheering for him because he had so much power over everyone. Cena, on his BEST night still has a quarter of the crowd booing him while he is pushed as the biggest face of the company. So, to end this, and get to the point, those who complain that Rocky isn't there, and thus is losing the war of the words might want to step back and look at the reason he's not there. He's not there NOT because he doesn't love the fans and the WWE universe, but because him showing up would give us an unsatisfying conclusion to what could be the greatest Wrestlemania clash of all time.

P.S. My order of best promos goes as such;

1. Rock's return (Shot out of Barney The Dinosaur's anus)
2. John's return rap (Go ahead and blow me)
3. Rock & Kid Cena (Go enjoy your cereal, you no-talent fruit loop)
4. Miz's Cena Interuption (Take all your catch phrases, sun glasses, t-shirts; turn 'em sideways...)
5. Rock's second (Yabba Dabba Bitch!)
6. Miz's Raw opening
7. Cena's Final KO (I mean, balogna fudgin' mustard)
I'm new to this site but i figured this would be a good start as my first post. The more I enjoyed a segment the more I'll talk about it.

1) The Rock Returns- This is easily my favorite, the rock coming back as his old self is something everyone has been waiting for, he broke down the PG rating barrier, he did all the catch phrases, and made both Cena and Cole look stupid like only the rock can. I've been a fan for over 15 years and this might have been one of my favorite moments I witnessed on RAW, it was just perfect.

2) The Rock Responds to Cena- Not homering the rock or anything, but this was honestly my second favorite. Cena rapping is funny and all, but I don't find it as funny without the cocky thuggish persona to go with it, seeing super cena rapping to me is like seeing the Undertaker drive out on a motorcycle in his "Phenom" attire. The rock showed such emotion in this promo that it seemed as if he was really upset about what cena said, and it almost made you forget it was all just an act for a second.

3) Cena's First Rap- This was one of Cena's best promo's in a while. Was it a great promo? Nope. Let's be honest when we had the priveledge of having stone cold, the rock, taker, kurt angle, and jericho all in their prime back in the early 2000's. We would probably hear 1 or 2 promo's cut better than this every monday and thursday night. He went back to rapping which is just about the only thing he could do after the rock verbally destroyed him. He had some funny lines, he made a few good points, it was a GOOD promo.

4) The Miz's promo last night- To be honest I was never a miz fan. But after Cena and the Rock started going back and forth, I really started to enjoy his Promos. He reminds me of a heel Chris Jericho in a way. His cockiness draws a lot of heat, and he made good points about why he can trash talk the Rock. He is pretty amusing and is quickly becoming a guy I love to hate. This was a perfect heel promo and I thought the miz did everything right with this one.

5) The Rock meets Mini-Cena- I don't have a lot to say about this one. It was childish and very "PG" in some aspects. But aside from that I liked it a lot, he got right to the point with Cena just plain and simple.. "not that talented." Also am I the only one who laughed out loud when after little Cena wiped his nose with Cena's shirt the rock spit in it right before he threw it, to me that looked like classic rock.

6) The Miz attacks Cena- Was I the only one thinking thank god someone put an end to that horrible promo? The Miz is the one who shined in Cena's "knockout blow promo". Laying out Cena with the belt, then trash talking the rock using his own catch phrases. The Miz nailed it, and I really loved how he hit the scf on Cena before finishing the catch phrase. Good stuff.

7) Cena's Knockout Blow- Hated it, the rap wasn't even somewhat funny. The crowd was silent, the rhymes sucked, he hyped it up so much on twitter and promised a knockout blow and gave us... that? really? (no miz pun intended) Cena dropped the ball with this one, the only funny thing about it was the rock's altered t-shirt which I doubt was even his idea.. thank god for the Miz to save this segment. You know what Cena just fuck you, your not in the same league as the peoples champ.


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