Prove It's Not A Bloodsport

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
MMA is a bit like wrestling. While non fans will always call it fake, you can explain all you want, and they won't change there minds. You can point out how athletic it is, how they'd cripple themselves just falling over. There's no real way of you getting them to change their minds. It's a fruitless task. It's the same with non MMA fans. They'll always call it a bloodsport, or another name that does the sport a total injustice. You can point out how the ground game is like chess, how unlike boxing they don't have 10 seconds to get up after they've been put down. You can explain all of this to them, but it's doubtful you can get the majority to change their minds. But if you did, if you were on a real mission to change somebodys mind, how would you?
If someone's wants to call MMA a ‘Bloodsport’, then I would just show them a tape of tonight's EliteXC show. I mean, the day of one of the biggest fights in that company's history, a fighter in that main event gets pulled off from it simply because of some little cut. A fucking cut. People continue working at fucking McDonald's if they get a cut on their head, but not in MMA. That alone proves that this is not some sort of 'Bloodsport'.

Also, the rules now are unbelievable compared to what people who don't follow the sport might assume what they are. You can't grab the cage. You can't stomp on your opponent. You can't hit your opponent on the back of the head. Basically, you can't do a whole bunch of shit that is usually perfectly fine to do in a "normal" fight.

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