Outdoor Sports

Rhonda Rousey's Sports Bra

Kinda Sorta Old School
What are your favorite outdoor sports? I consider hunting and fishing sport and they are two of my favorite things to do. Probably my favorite thing to do is go deer hunting in November. To be out in the woods all day taking in the scenery, looking for that huge buck to walk by. Sometimes the best days are the days you don't see anything you just sit there with a clear head and no cares in the world, just enjoying the great outdoors.

By outdoor sports I mean pretty much hunting and fishing. Not just sports you play outside. Sorry if I wasn't specific enough.
Well since you can consider hunting and fishing, I would say fishing to be my favorite. When I go out to my Unlce's in the country we have access to around 6 very nice private ponds that we can fish. His old boss has two huge ones that are stocked with large and small mouth bass and pumpkinseeds, that are all huge. I love using a smaller pole just so like a 3 foot shakespeare makes for better fights with the fish in the ponds. In the city I only live 5 minutes away from lake Erie, but I normally dont like to fish it unless Im on a boat (no pun lol). Its just our waters got infested with gobies and those little fuckers rob your bait constantly when your fishing on the shores.

As for a sport to play its a toss up between beer league softball and some good ol' football. Softball I used to frown upon it thinking mainly girls played it but didnt realize untill I got a little older than men play it too. Some of my friends will play 3 to 4 nights a week. The most I ever did was two, one mens and one co-ed. But it is definitely fun and you usaually get good bar specials after the game and get to meet girls from the other teams in the co-ed leagues always a bonus!! Football is fun just because you can just throw a ball around with a friend or get a group together and play tackle or touch. A group of my friends and I will always form a group on Thankgiving day for the annual turkey bowl.
Golf is probably my favourite outdoor sport,nothing beats a crisp morning standing on the 1st Tee with a few buddys all nice and quiet.superb

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