Nobody is Retiring Tonight Impact LD

I marked out when Flair wheeled down the stage and extended his cane for AJ to grab onto to get extra pressure on the submission he was applying to Jarrett behind the referee's back, I haven't seen that in a very long time and I fucking love it. Good old-school heel tactics at their finest.
I marked out when Flair wheeled down the stage and extended his cane for AJ to grab onto to get extra pressure on the submission he was applying to Jarrett behind the referee's back, I haven't seen that in a very long time and I fucking love it. Good old-school heel tactics at their finest.

It's the little things that make those matches good. From a simple assist from the outside on a Figure Four... to a thumb to the eye. It's the simple things that make a heel a good heel.
Despite some sloppy execution and a bit of overbooking, Jeff Jarrett and AJ Styles did infact put on a pretty good match on Impact.
Man going fromw watching the WWE to TNA is so different. TNA looks like it's stuck in the 90s, WWE is looking to the future.
I swear I want to punch someone when I see Anderson on my TV. What the fuck is the appeal of this guy?

Only Vince Russo would book a Cage match before a pay per view that featured all Cage matches.

2) I hate Anderson as well. I don't see what everyone else does.

Oh come on now, he does repeat his surname twice, as well as call his fellow wrestlers injury prone (can you say irony?).

I don't see the appeal with him as well. Over-rated from day one, WWE is better off without him, TNA can have him. The next Stone Cold Steve Austin some say? Please, he's not even the next Santino.
Lulz at the Anderson/Kennedy haters, you guys sound like Cena haters in 2006. Whether you like it or not, he's talented on the mic and in the ring. Sorry you don't like him, but he's not going anywhere, and he's damn good at what he does. Get over it.
Actually, he did go somewhere. He was released because he wasn't getting the job done.
Bullshit, he was released because he almost injured Randy Orton, who's untouchable backstage.

I don't get how you guys can sit there and objectively try to tell me that Anderson isn't good on the mic and in the ring. You simply aren't being objective if you think otherwise.
How is Anderson good on the mic? He says his name twice, and then gets super creepy. You think he's a God now because he's feuding with Angle, and there's all there is to that. He wasn't good in the WWE when everyone was sucking on his dick, and he isn't good now when he's carving up Angle's head with a medal.
How is Anderson good on the mic? He says his name twice, and then gets super creepy.

Have you ever heard him cut a fuckin' promo? He's damn good on the mic, and no, not because he "says his name twice", it's because he's charismatic and puts emotion into his promos, something lots of wrestlers are lacking. You're being delusional if you don't think he's good on the mic, simple as that.

You think he's a God now because he's feuding with Angle, and there's all there is to that.

Shut the fuck up Razor, me being objective about a wrestler's talents has nothing to do with him feuding with Angle.

He wasn't good in the WWE when everyone was sucking on his dick, and he isn't good now when he's carving up Angle's head with a medal.

Keep telling yourself that, but it isn't true.
Anderson is a sloppy fuck, nothing to do with Orton being untouchable. When Cena and Orton shit on you, you're fucked. Anderson had his chance, couldn't get it done.

Anderson simply isn't that good on the mic. He's obnoxious, and not in the good way. The good way makes me hate him and want to see someone kick the shit out of him, his way is I want to click fast forward on the DVR but I don't for the sake of objectivity and hoping that one day he will actually say something relevant.

Everything that Kennedy has done or does do, The Miz does 1000x's better.

And I've been saying this about Kenderson since he was in the WWE, so it isn't a TNA bias.
I remember when Anderson started feuding with Regal as a face that I totally bought into him for about two weeks. After that, I just don't get it anymore. He has some good talking sometimes, but it's not epic like everyone else claims he is. In the ring, he's passable and watchable but not great.
Sorry Shocky, but you're simply wrong on this one. Anderson is good on the mic, really don't know how you could argue otherwise. Maybe you want to change the channel when he cuts a promo, but no one else does. His promos that he's cut on Angle thus far have all been good.

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