Mr Ziggles has...


Es exspectata.
I don't know whether 'twas the exceptional atmosphere of his cash-in or his consistently awesome over-selling, (I like over-selling) or that AJ accompanies himself to the ring (it's probably that) but Mr Ziggles (as the Face Punk once called him) has changed my mind on his capabilities. I now think his legacy will be that of an overrated mid-carder, overrated, but one that 'twas genuinely quite talented and just infected with nostalgia. He's got what it takes to remain on my television at the very least.

So I pose, dear and considerate participants of this discussion, do you think Mr Ziggles has what it takes to be a WWE Champion one day? A good WWE Champion? Or will he go down as a mid-card great like the Benoits, the Harts, the Guerreros, the Hennigs etc.?

I probably typed enough to make this a non-spam thread, but fuck it, I encourage discussion, not posturing or mediocrity.
Midcarder fo life yo. The dude is pretty marginal, and it's likely to stay that way forever.

It's okay, though. Wrasslin need midcarders. The E should start a long term feud between him and Kofi (another midcarder fo life, yo). They could run that shit for years! We all whine that feuds aren't fleshed out. Let that shit marinate for ten years.
Midcarder fo life yo. The dude is pretty marginal, and it's likely to stay that way forever.

It's okay, though. Wrasslin need midcarders. The E should start a long term feud between him and Kofi (another midcarder fo life, yo). They could run that shit for years

Indeed. Did Ziggler/Kofi themselves finish at 998 matches? Or did they reach that 1000? Doesn't matter, I know for a fact that they will wrestle again. My mystic ball and the unacceptably thin roster says so.

Until he headlines Wrestlemania, Mr Ziggles will always be behind the Miz.

I refuse to abide by this logic.


How dare you.

What is that long-haired bastard up to these days? Pornography? Indies? Acting? (Ha!) Hairdressing?
Once his world title reign ends he'll fall back to being an average upper-midcard heel who unless they turn face will continue not being a good bad guy and whose name shall never be heard alongside the likes of Henning, Guerrero and so on.
Once his world title reign ends he'll fall back to being an average upper-midcard heel who unless they turn face will continue not being a good bad guy and whose name shall never be heard alongside the likes of Henning, Guerrero and so on.

Ahh see, here's the thing. I think Ziggler wouldn't make a very good face. Just a little supposition there, I think the same thing about Cena turning heel. But Ziggles being a heel isn't really why anyone likes him, it's because of his top notch over-selling. So heel or face, you'll get the same thing in terms of his ranking on the card.

How do we make this man memorable?

His cash-in was a start...

As I've said, I think that if he produces consistently good matches until the end of his career with the occasional gem, then he'll go down in the same light as Guerrero and Henning etc.

The roster being the way it is... he'll probably get at least one WWE Championship win in the rest of his career.

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