"Mr.Perfect" Curt Hennig or Bret "The Hitman" Hart?




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Soul Reaper

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Two technical greats who do you enjoy more Bret Hart or Curt Hennig?

Out of these two I did, I will, and I always will enjoy Curt Hennig more. Mr.perfect was always more entertaining to me he made me laugh and he made me hate him and he was a great wrestler to top it all off. Bret Hart always bored me he was a great wrestler but to me he never had personality. I always thought Curt Hennig should have been the top person in the WWF rather then Bret Hart. Curt Hennig was the total package he had a great look, he had great mic skills, and he was very athletic. He truly was PERFECT!
Both of them are great but I'll give this to Hennig just barely. His gimmick as mr. perfect was one of my all time favorites. Also, the endings of hart's matches never made me get fired up for some reason, whereas Hennig's matches usually would be more exciting to me, as it would be him trying to lock on the pefect plex rather than typically trying to get hi opponent to finish. I think mainly it's just that I prefer Hennig's style over hart's, but i'd watch either of them at any time.
I go with Hart for numerous reasons, first the crowd reaction. Everytime he came out as a heel or a face the crowd popped. Second he was better in the ring. His skill set far surpassed Henning. Henning in AWA wasn't very good and in WCW and in his second WWE stint wasn't very good. The gimmick in my opinion made the wrestler with Curt while the wrestler made the gimmick with Bret. Also length of time on top clearly goes to Bret as Curt wasted a year or so of his highest prime as Flair's manager. Overall its clearly Bret.
As much as I'm a huge fan of both of these superstar's and their styles, I enjoyed Curt Henning more. As tnafan95 said, Bret Hart really didn't have a personality when Mr. Perfect had all of the Charisma, mic skills, wrestling skills and so much more. Bret Hart did lack Charisma though as he didn't have the best mic skills, but he was an amazing performer in the ring. But I'd say Mr. Perfect here, just because he has more Charisma than Bret Hart, plus incredible Athleticism. So I basically enjoyed Curt Henning more.
I love Hennig he is sooo underated, could have been great but he came at the wrong time and never broke into the main event scene. Possibly the greatest IC champion ever though, and without a doubt if he had come along 5 years later would have taken Bret Harts spot. Hennig was a fantastic technical wrestler because not only was he a great technical wrestler, he was a great all round wrestler. The guy was versitile and could brawl, he could make a match seem so realistic with his spots and selling, he could mat wrestler and execute moves perfectly, and had all the charisma and mic skills of hulk hogan, savage or flair. IMO he was a more complete wrestler than all of them, but for various reasons he never got the chance to run with the main title. Bret HArt was ok, he's far too overated by the IWC because, although he was a good technical wrestler and seller his matches often were boring, and Hart's lack of agility made the matches slow and unbalanced. Hart's mic skills weren't the best either but I don't think he is judged about right on his mic skills they werent great but they werent terribly bad. His wrestling is slightly overated but thats just my opinion. I can see where you are comming from as there were some similarities between the two int here style, but Hennig did anything HArt could do better- be it selling, mic work, or mat wrestling.
Hands down my 2 favorite wrestlers of all time. Summerslam '91 was amazing and if you are one of those people who say KOTR '93 was a great match too, you didn't watch Summerslam '91 hard enough!!! My God, I don't want to pick but, sice I am being made to by a poll, I will say Bret Hart by a very thin hair.

Hennig would have been a world champion if not for the power that is Hulkamania!

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