Missed WWE Draft Opportunity


Pre-Show Stalwart
As I was watching the WWE Draft last night, i kept waiting for one name, and one name only to be announced as a draftee, and that was Evan Bourne to be drafted to Smackdown. Unfortunately, he wasn't drafted as part of the show, so I kept looking at updates for the draft that took place today. Bourne was still not drafted, and now that the draft is over, he will remain on Raw. My problem is, Evan Bourne's talent is misused. He has great potential! he has never held a championship, and he is always getting squashed in matches against bigger people. So, my questions are these:

Do you think Bourne should of been drafted to Smackdown?
If so, how would you book him to make him better?
Now that Bourne remains on RAW, what do you think will happen?
He probably should be drafted to SmackDown, but I think it's time for everyone to come to the sad realization that he's a glorified enhancement talent at this point. I hate to say it, because you're right in saying he's very talented, but to WWE all he is is a shooting star press with a face. He had his shot last year during his feud with Jericho and for whatever reason they scrapped it.

If he had been drafted, I think the only way to make him better is to give him some quality wins over bigger (as in size) opponents. It's tough to convince people a guy his size could ever be a top star when they have him getting tossed around by Sheamus every week.

As far as what happens now, I think it's more of the same. I expect to see him a few times a month, mostly in short, meaningless matches. It's a shame, and it's the last thing I want to see happen, but I really don't see it working any other way.
I didn't really matter to me. Wherever he went; i knew he was just going to job.

What needs to happen with him is that he needs to be paired up with a partner and hit up the tag team scene. At least make him relevant and put some gold on him for a little bit. They need to pair him up with someone big, like they had going with Mark Henry. I'll be honest; him and Mason Ryan looked good together during the Battle Royal. They would be an interesting concept and it would help them both in the long run.

If they don't put Bourne in a tag team, then i think he will just be overshadowed and job to the other superstars coming over in the draft.

:( Sad day for Bourne fans.
They should have drafted bourne to smackdown and maybe put him in the tag team picture with another small highflier like trent barreta. They have the same fighting style, amazing finisher, and they are both wasted talents in the WWE who only job. It would definately be interesting and make tag team matches more fun to watch.
Thing is for a guy the size of Bourne is that they need to stick around for a very long time and pay a lot more dues than the big guys to get a chance at greatness. That's just the way it is. So he might as well pay his dues on the big show (no pun intended).

Besides if all smaller guys went to Smackdown it would look like they are bringing back the cruiserweight division. That is not the plan, and while some would appreciate it, most fans view cruiserweights - how did Jericho put it - as lepers.

Same goes for guys that are better wrestlers than talkers. Raw needs some talented grapplers, too, or the product would suffer too much.

It's all a way of balancing things out in the right proportions.

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