Meltdown (Episode 3): Northern Lights vs. 2Fly and Tristian Kist

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The Great Khali is really immortal
Northern Lights (Koala Typhoon and Windy Bridges) vs. 2Fly and Tristan Kist

Northern Lights will make their much-anticipated debut as WZCW rolls into San Diego. The team of Koala Typhoon and Windy Bridges have already been seen on WZCW TV, but the time is now to back up their talk with action. While their opponents 2Fly and Tristian Kist maybe less well known to the WZCW audience, they will still be out to upset the Northern Lights debut match, despite not being a proper team these two talented individuals will do all they can to make Northern Lights time hell. So will Northern Lights have a happy debut? Or Will 2Fly and Tristian Kist sending them running back to Canada with their tales between their legs? Also, will Sex & Violence choose to interfere in this match, to extract their revenge on Northern Lights for stealing their spotlight two weeks before? The tag team scene is heating up in WZCW! Tune into WZCW Meltdown to catch all the action!

Keep all RPs in here.

RP deadline is Friday, July 27th at Midnight, Eastern Standard Time.
*Back at the beach, the sun is still shining. Not a cloud in the sky, it’s a beautiful warm day, and that’s translated into the activity on the beach. Scantily clad women in tiny bikinis are sunbathing on their towels in the sand, families are sitting under umbrellas having picnics. Dads are letting their stomachs and backhair be shown to the world, kids are frolicking in the wavy sea.

Further into the ocean, several surfers are catching the waves. As one of the surfers climbs onto his board and stands up… he looks familiar. Once the camera focuses in a little closer… yes! It’s Koala Typhoon, member of Northern Lights, surfing in the ocean off the beaches of San Diego. Koala rides a wave almost perfectly and lands it before going back for another one.

The camera turns back 180 degrees, back to the beach. Walking along the sand in his wetsuit is none other than the other half of Northern Lights, Windy Bridges! Windy, smiling as always, approaches an umbrella with two beach chairs and takes a seat in one of them. The other is occupied by a beautiful lady, wearing, of course, a bikini, but wielding a microphone with “” written on it. That’s right, it’s the beautiful interviewer, Rebecca Serra! As Windy sits down, he turns to Becky.*

Windy: Well it looks like you made yourself a little more comfortable.

Becky: Well I don’t know how I could just sit here on this beautiful beach without getting a little more comfortable. Luckily I had my bathing suit in the trunk of my car.

Windy: hehe, yup, you gotta come prepared when you’re touring southern California!

Becky: So how do you and Koala like it down here so far? I can bet it’s much different than Alberta, eh?

Windy: You can say that again. Koala and I had obviously gone swimming in the beautiful Albertan lakes, and we’ve driven down to BC and been to the beaches there, but it ain’t nothin’ like this! This place is just amazing. And I ain’t just talking about the beaches! I love the States, I can’t believe I had never been here before!

Becky: Well I’m glad you like our country. And you’re certainly going to see a lot of it touring with WZCW. But before you can head off to the next town, you have a big night at Meltdown here in San Diego on Monday. Two matches in one night for Northern Lights, how do you feel about that?

Windy: Well it’s going to be a challenge, I can tell you that, especially considering it’s our debut night. But Koala and I will fight to the finish, and I can tell you something, we’re gonna come out of Meltdown on Monday night lookin’ good!

Becky: I’m sure of that! Specifically though, how do you feel about your opponents Tristan Kist and 2Fly?

Windy: Well we don’t know much about them. They just started out around these parts but they haven’t shown their faces yet. Not much tape available on them but from what we can tell they’re fresh. I hate to brag, it isn’t the Northern Lights style, but I have a good feeling about this match Becky. I can tell you right now, I think Northern Lights will be on winning side of things this Monday, at the very least during the tag match.

Becky: And the battle Royal?

Koala: We’re going to make an impact during that battle royal, I can tell you that for sure!

*Koala walks up wearing his wetsuit and holding his board from the beach, wet from surfing. He sets his board down next to the scene and opens up a beach chair and takes a seat.*

Koala: Let me tell you something, Becky. We’ve had a lot of guys badmouthing us these last couple of weeks. Aaron Craig, the guys from High Society. And that’s fine, they don’t know us, they haven’t really seen what we can do in the ring. They’re afraid. They’re afraid us the unknown, afraid of us. And we’re just going to have to prove to them that we not just another couple of Canadian boys. We’re something special. We’re Northern Lights.

Windy: Ace Cannon, Aaron Craig, they don’t know what they’re talking about. They think they can trash talk everyone because they have a couple wins under their belts. Maybe they’re justified in that, but when Northern Lights arrives and woos them off their feet and out of the ring during that battle royal, they won’t have anything bad to say about us anymore.

Koala: And as for those two guys, Tristan Kist and 2Fly. What else can we say about then when they don’t even bother to show their faces to us? It’s kind of embarrassing actually. We have kids showing up to the arena with their families – THEIR FAMILIES – to see us put on a good show for them, and these two new guys might not even show up. It’s embarrassing to everyone. But I’ll tell you what, Becky, we’ll put on the best show we can, because that’s what kind of guys we are. Come on Windy, let’s go ride the waves! Thanks a lot Becky!

Becky: Err, thanks guys, good luck this Monday! Strong words from both members of Northern Lights. This Monday we’ll find out whether those words can be backed up by action in the ring!

*Koala picks up his board, and Windy does the same, and the two head out into the ocean to do a little more surfing, leaving Rebecca behind to enjoy the sun and nice weather in San Diego.*
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