Kevin Owens' Debut Helped Cement His Persona


Kevin Owens, AKA Kevin Steen, kicked off tonight's NXT Takeover special with a match against CJ Parker. Towards the end of the match, Owens took a hard shot to the face that bloodied his nose nicely and he came back out at the end of the show to congratulate Sami Zayn and his nose was stitched. So, it's pretty obvious that his nose is broken.

However, given that Owens is there to "fight" and his persona is that is this tough guy, the fact that he had a blood pouring out of his nose after he defeated CJ Parker was one of those great accidental moments. Of course, it won't happen with every match but seeing as how this was his debut match in NXT, walking out looking like he'd been in a "fight" just seemed appropriate.

Plus, at the end of the night, after everyone had their feel good moment, Owens suddenly turns on Zayn and gives him a vicious beatdown. So, all in all, Owens has already established himself in NXT as someone to watch.
I am still to watch NXT Takeover R Evolution, but from the reports I've read, Owens has already made an impression. His first match kinda accidentally established him as a tough fighter (broken nose and still came back with stitches) and now he's already gunning for Zayn, effectively making him main event talent of NXT. I am sure that we have hell of a few months ahead of us in NXT.

WWE writers, are you taking down some notes?
From everything I have heard, this Steen guy(whom I have watched very little of thus far) is a huge talent. I'll have to find this match somewhere and see if this one impresses me.

Nevertheless, given how much people rave about NXT and the way it is booked, I wonder if time has come for Vince to step aside, or maybe, what works on NXT might not translate so well to the Main Show...

Loads of talent on show and that too on the Network, which could help gain subscriptions as time goes on. Makes you wonder, if NXT is a junior developmental ground for the Main Show, or if they might push it based on obvious quality as a virtual Brand Split...
From everything I have heard, this Steen guy(whom I have watched very little of thus far) is a huge talent. I'll have to find this match somewhere and see if this one impresses me.

Nevertheless, given how much people rave about NXT and the way it is booked, I wonder if time has come for Vince to step aside, or maybe, what works on NXT might not translate so well to the Main Show...

Loads of talent on show and that too on the Network, which could help gain subscriptions as time goes on. Makes you wonder, if NXT is a junior developmental ground for the Main Show, or if they might push it based on obvious quality as a virtual Brand Split...

Gotta admit, the idea of NXT being a Brand Split does not appeal to me whatsoever. The reason being, well, nobody wants to be the PCL to the NL or AL (If you get that, kudos to you), but as long as you're AAA, you've got a protected niche and you're not as screwed with. And make no mistake, a promoted NXT is an NXT with Vince's grubby hands all over it.

As for Owens/Steen- beyond my expectations, and that was BEFORE the swerve. I did not think he was going to be hot shit this fast, I did not think he was going to be booked as an unstoppable muthatrucka, and I got a kick out of people losing their bowels on /sp/ and the livestream chats. That stuff just adds to the flavor when everybody turns into baboons, good or bad.
Gotta admit, the idea of NXT being a Brand Split does not appeal to me whatsoever. The reason being, well, nobody wants to be the PCL to the NL or AL (If you get that, kudos to you), but as long as you're AAA, you've got a protected niche and you're not as screwed with. And make no mistake, a promoted NXT is an NXT with Vince's grubby hands all over it.

When I say promoted, I don't mean in the way the Main Shows are, rather that more hardcore followers who already read dirtsheets,etc. would see the quality in NXT being churned out on a regular basis, and would then be more enticed to pay the 9.99 for the WWE Network to get the chance to watch NXT on a regular basis.

That obviously means that the scouts will have to be regularly bringing in top talents as the current ones will obviously move onto the Main Roster eventually and into 'Vince's grubby hands'.
When I say promoted, I don't mean in the way the Main Shows are, rather that more hardcore followers who already read dirtsheets,etc. would see the quality in NXT being churned out on a regular basis, and would then be more enticed to pay the 9.99 for the WWE Network to get the chance to watch NXT on a regular basis.

That obviously means that the scouts will have to be regularly bringing in top talents as the current ones will obviously move onto the Main Roster eventually and into 'Vince's grubby hands'.

Forgive me, but I swear you're painting the concept into a total corner. Upgrading the focus of the developmental brand on the Network, and comparing it to those Main Shows even if only indirectly... that's really a promotion no matter how you slice it. And the growing fan base would only push the product further into 'competition' with the Main Shows.

Or I'm just talking out of my ass (the show sapped my thought process) and need to be enlightened further until I finally comprehend things. Either or. I'm easy.
Ofcourse he cemented his spot as a tough wrestler. The crowd went bezerak during his brawl with CJ why wouldn't they? Most people already know Kevin and his potential from the ROH.

He's a human wrecking ball and obviously we can see that in his somersault splash (Cannon splash) and his pop up powerbomb to end the show even after getting his nose stitched woah woah woah.

I'm just waiting to see what they'll come up with Kevin for the next show. But one thing can be so sure he's gonna spend more time in NXT than in main roster
Steen's debut was damn awesome.

I totally agree, he standing there with a bloodied nose celebrating, although accidental looked great.

Fight Owens Fight!
NXT being a Brand Split will serve no purpose whatsoever. It would just be the same thing. You'd have two separate rosters on two separate shows, occasionally having someone from NXT drafted to RAW/Smackdown. Actually, that pretty much sounds like what happens anyway.
Owens' debut was everything it should have been, plus the bloody nose which was just icing on the presentation cake. As for NXT being elevated to the level of a main roster show, why? Res Ispa Loquitur - The Thing Speaks For Itself. And the thing is an excellent wrestling show.
Kevin Owens already established himself as a main level NXT talent. It's awwsome the way the nose broke and it worked out. Apparently part of his deal was to request going to main roster sooner. This guy is a beast. Gonna be a World Champion one day for sure!
To a smaller degree, I felt it was the spiritual successor to a bloodied Austin, passing out in a Sharpshooter.

I don't think we'll come back to blading or gigging in the near future, but this match makes a strong case for it. Like stated above, the extra bit of color helped establish the BMF they're promoting in him, and it helped even more due to the rarity of blood on the programming. Blood in small doses is a good thing on a wrestling program.
Owens debut was amazing. JH is absolutely correct that the accidental bloody nose helped cement his persona. My question is whether CJ Parker gets punished for this accident? He shouldn't because it was pure accident, and actually made Owens look even tougher, but HHH may think that this may have done damage to his new prized pony. Maybe I'm overthinking it, I hope Parker doesn't get punished for this.
I'm sure Parker got an earful once he walked backstage, but it was probably followed with, "...but that was still pretty bad-ass." Knowing Steen, he probably thanked him.
I found him walking out staring amazed at everything around him with tears building in his eyes and the crowd chanting Fight Owens Fight to be more powerful than the blood (which was awesome). That look on his face walking down the ramp is one of the things that makes wrestling fucking awesome. Dude is finally living his dream after years. I always liked him but didn't think he would make it in WWE. I think and hope I'm wrong now.
I thought his debut was freaking great, no doubt about it and that bloody nose definitely helped get his persona over. Everything Owens did tonight really helped established him in his debut. His match got him over as not only a fighter but someone who is dangerous, the bloody nose was a great capper for him in his match, his embrase of Sami right before the turn and of course the apron powerbomb at the end. Everything came together for Owens and I loved how pissed off Regal looked after what he did to Zayn.

I don't know when he's going to the main roster but when he does it will take quite a bit to match the debut they did for him tonight.
Forgive me, but I swear you're painting the concept into a total corner. Upgrading the focus of the developmental brand on the Network, and comparing it to those Main Shows even if only indirectly... that's really a promotion no matter how you slice it. And the growing fan base would only push the product further into 'competition' with the Main Shows.

Or I'm just talking out of my ass (the show sapped my thought process) and need to be enlightened further until I finally comprehend things. Either or. I'm easy.

Put simply:
It is quite common knowledge for anyone who frequents the net for Wrestling news, that the 'smarks' generally like the guys who are in-ring specialists...

Thus, I think it is actually going in such a direction already, in that NXT seems to be geared to those type of "hardcore" fans who want that in-ring brilliance, that can't always happen on the sports entertainment driven RAW and SD Main Shows..

Thus, the way NXT is being 'promoted' on the WWE Network, is to entice the 'hardcore' fans with a..."If you don't enjoy the Main Shows and Sports Entertainment, give us your 9.99 and you can still get the awesome NXT shows."

Yes, NXT is referred to an developmental, but really, given the talent available on it and being continuously brought in, it might as well be called a WWE "Special Niche" product for the disgruntled 'smarks'. And judging by the reactions on the Net, it seems to be working.
Put simply:
It is quite common knowledge for anyone who frequents the net for Wrestling news, that the 'smarks' generally like the guys who are in-ring specialists...

Thus, I think it is actually going in such a direction already, in that NXT seems to be geared to those type of "hardcore" fans who want that in-ring brilliance, that can't always happen on the sports entertainment driven RAW and SD Main Shows..

Thus, the way NXT is being 'promoted' on the WWE Network, is to entice the 'hardcore' fans with a..."If you don't enjoy the Main Shows and Sports Entertainment, give us your 9.99 and you can still get the awesome NXT shows."

Yes, NXT is referred to an developmental, but really, given the talent available on it and being continuously brought in, it might as well be called a WWE "Special Niche" product for the disgruntled 'smarks'. And judging by the reactions on the Net, it seems to be working.

Alright, that makes sense to me. Thank you for the insight. :thumbsup:
I loved his debut, very good. Great finisher, I love when people use a powerbomb as a finisher.
Not many people use a powerbomb as a finisher that much anymore.

Nothing wrong with blood in the match.
I love blood in matches.

Made him looked more vicious.

I hate nowadays, when people bleed nowadays in wwe.
The match stops, thats so stupid.
Soft and sensitive world we live in. smh
I never saw a Kevin Steen match prior to Thursday, but after his debut I'm excited to see more of him. For a big man he can do some flying which makes him more entertaining then other big men. I think with some of the guys in NxT and some of the newer guys in WWE now I think the feature is bright especially if some of them develop some unique and cool personalities.
It was an awesome debut. The reaction from the crowd was unbelievable and the emotion from Owens is potentially iconic. I love how humble this guy comes across and it is wonderful to see but then, when the bell rings, he was amazing. Owens has so much to his game and he displayed it.

Indeed, I think he is slightly quicker which is important. His physique/size is too obvious too ignore especially in the WWE but he is good enough to overcome any of those problems.

The turn on Sami was cool. There is no need to build him up because he already has the crowd and his work is already fantastic. I say have him feud with Zayn before he moves up to the main roster. Owens can be an awesome heel and in the long run babyface. The debut, however, made him look like a star and a threat which is vital for the casual fan.

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