Just got sent this


Turn Bayley heel
Hi Kate,

Hope you enjoy(ed) the festival while we clean the whole house, ferry your stuff to the dump and charity shop and clean up the disgusting pile of cat shit and piss in the air raid shelter in between finding the time to go to a wedding and Jane's party. I don't mind so much taking stuff to the dump etc but having to clean up after your cat is too much. It's demeaning and insulting and, frankly, a pretty shocking sight considering you worked in an AR organisation for so long. We're going to have to dowse the whole thing in bleach and sawdust and scrub in the vain hope the smell won't linger. Plus Licorice would have been walking it all in to the house. And all this despite the fact that we took off three days of work to try and get everything sorted so we'd have a free weekend and we STILL have loads to do because you couldn't be bothered.

Apparently, my name is kate and I'm not looking after my cat.
It's ok guys, I'm off the hook. Look:

Greetings! Bet all that got you thinking, didn't it! Heartily apologies, the below was meant for a similar email address. I'm sure your approach to pet care and shared houses is beyond reproach.

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