Junior Fatu on the Mic...

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Has anyone else noticed that everytime Junior Fatu (Rikishi) has been on the mic in TNA he keeps stealing the Rock's old material??? I'm pissed that he keeps calling everyone a jabroni and then finishes his interviews off with "do you smell that" or "can you smell it" like the rock did and how he tries to talk and do the same motions exactly how the rock did all through out the interview? any thoughts? (this is my first thread so my bad if anythings wrong with it)
Yea its a little odd...

I am not sure what he is getting at with the whole do you smell that thing...Confusing..To be fair i dont like him on the mic at all, he sounds like a jackass, plus the stinkface annoys me...and his sit down piledriver always looks weak....to be fair now i think about...i am not too fond of the guy at all...hmmm
Yeah me neither, hes really slow, his promos are really weak and if he beats Roode in the Fight For the Right ill be mega pissed. Apparently hes not contracted to TNA so I really dont see why they are keeping him cause hes not got much to offer anymore.
I'm glad other people are picking up on this, too. I am not a fan of Junior Fatu in any way. I think he is terrible in the ring, his gimmick was stale 5 years ago, and his mic skills suck. He fumbles over his words and uses material that was used 10 years ago. There is nothing fresh about this guy.
I'm happy there are other people out there that has noticed it, and its not just in my head. I wonder whether The Rock is watching clips of it and thinking "what the hell is this guy doing?"

I never thought he was a good wrestler, he's too big and slow. I know there are many wrestlers his size, but they wrestle slow; they don't try to be some sort of fast wrestler like Fatu has been trying to do for years.

His mic skills are bad and him copying The Great one is a testament to the fact that the only thing that stinks when he is around, is the crap that comes out of his mouth....
Yea he's pretty horrible and i really wish he would go away.. His interviews have been embaressing at best. But since im forced to see him in TNA i wish they would just put him in a tag team and show his team on impact once every 7-8 shows or something.. wouldnt mind that i guess lol
Isn't he related to the rock?
considering the rock doesn't care about wrestling anymore why would he care if fatu uses his lines?


FATU:If you're going to stell the rock's lines. learn how to talk. seriously, it worked for the rock because he knew how to speak. what he said fit him.
this shows why you weren't allowed to speak in the wwe. there's no charisma behind these interviews, take a note from Umaga, go out squash opponent and shut up
Well, like it was stated before, the Rock and Junior Fatu are family, so why would the Rock care if his cousin is using his lines? It would probably be the same way if Umaga stole some of the Rock's material, or if Duece ever becomes a big enough name in WWE, i'm sure the same would apply to him if he borrowed some of the Rock's material. However, I do agree that Junior Fatu is weak on the mic, and it really shows when he has to take so much of his cousin's old material, instead of focusing primarily on his own stuff.
The first thing I'd like to clearify is this.. while stealing old material, & classic sayings.. the "Do you/Can you smell" bit.. could easily be refering to his butt, in reference to the "Stink Face."

The Jabroni thing is pure rip-off, & if I'm not mistaken, I honestly think W.W.E. owns a trademark to this saying. (I swear its been used in something of theres, & by that, they normally trademark it) Then again, they may have given up rights to it, assuming noone would be stupid enough to attempt picking it up (nationally) & attempting to use it in promos.. as people would be doing exactly what we're all doing.. bad mouthing Fatu, for not having material of his own.

Finally, Regarding my own opinion on Fatu. I somewhat like the guy in wrestling, I mean.. he's a name from the past that I think can go for another 2 monthes, before he gets boring. (kinda like when I was on the Dustin Rhodes return a while back, but its now 1 month passed time to go)

I honestly think they'll run a Fatu/Samoa Joe tag team for a month, then have Fatu turn on Joe.. (Hey, Fatu's stealing Rock's lines.. may as well steal old storylines too -- Rikishi turned on Rock, why not have it happen 7 yrs. later)
Junior Fatu should not be in TNA. Sting should not be in TNA. All these old WWE guys for the most part they bring in, dont need to be there. TNA would survive without them. I would watch more if this was the case. You never see the Fallen Angel, Motor City Machine Guns, Jay Lethal, Abyss, and some of the other TNA originals that can actually wrestle, wrestle on IMPACT. TNA just wants to push the same ol crap that we've seen in WWE. Dudleys, Steiners, Sting <wcw>, Rhino, Raven. We've already seen it, its a tired act. That why at bound for glory in the main event, fans were chanting "same ol shit". How bout Styles as Champ, how bout Fallen Angel as the center piece of the X Divison, Motor City Machine Guns as Tag Champs! Come on TNA, your getting lamer and lamer by the week. Let the young stars shine and let the old guys go!!!!!
it's the same gimmick used in wwe which was fine at the start but got old very VERY quickly. just hoping TNA rnt going to reunite the old band with the nasty rumours of Brian Christopher and Scotty being brought in.

it's just not a good gimmick, the same tired move set from wwe and shoving your ass in a guy's face?!?! it's not pleasant, but ur not really gonna lose the will to go on after it.

there r better ways TNA can use time than promoting someone who's never actually gonna do much
So far he has been very bad on the mic, and sadly does seem to be using the same (or slightly changed) lines as the Rock. I think what was most shocking was that he couildnt remember Robert Rudes name, i know TNA is taped which would make it seem it was intentional but it just came across as if he had no clue as to who he was and was just too busy trying to big himself up to remember he isnt the only person on the show.
I hope that he is gone soon, i didnt mind that they brought him in for a short period to help the Cage - Joe feud but i think he has now overstayed any welcome he may have had, and after hearing that he is already demanding more money i think TNA should just tell him that his time is up.
Forget the rock stuff

This guy said THE WORST LINE IN A PROMO I HAVE EVER HEARD. i couldn't believe he even said this

It went something like...im here to open it up and shut it down like the buffets

All i have to say is...it sure looks like it champ...

thank god hes done with TNA
honestly, im glad you guys are as pissed about this as i am. who does he think he is stealing the rocks signature material??? it makes me sick.

Who does he think he is? I believe he most likely thinks he's the rocks cousin (b coz he is), whether hes good or not is not for me to say but i dont think Rock will have a lot of heat if a guy in his family tries to ride his coat tails.

I'm not Jim Cornette, but that's my opinion.
I only have one thing to say about Jr. Fatu aka Rikishi and that as Streetlight Manifesto would say he's "Gone gone gone, gone gone gone". And quite frankly good riddance he was average at best in the ring and his promos were some of the worst I've seen in recent years and we've had some bad ones
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