John Laryngitis now on Twitter


Yes, calling himself the Interim General Manager. Goodbye, computer! Using it purely to put the angle over it seems.

Fortunately, Laryngitis seems to be a) a competent speller and b) able to drop the odd burn here and there, as seen by his reply to this comment:

"Can we dislike you on Facebook?"

"I'm not sure, I'll ask @ZackRyder."
I instantly followed him, mainly so I could see what he has to say. The Zack Ryder thing got me, that was quite funny. Also, he's communicating with Miz, which obviously makes it all look good.

P.S - Ollie, surely under your Sig, Macios' name should be in red now?
I came in here to make a joke about Laurinaitis, but then I realized that he's so boring that there's nothing to joke about.
Wow, how uninteresting just like Johnny Ace. I've had more entertainment watching grass grow than listening to this kiss ass.
Something I don't get, a shit load of the guys that walked out on Triple H, have made it known on twitter that they feel John Laurnetis is a worse choice to run Raw than Triple H... so then why the fuck did they return? why not walk out on Johnny Ace too?
This is all leading somewhere, probably JR as GM. I really feel like it's only a matter of time before they walk out on Ace.
Something I don't get, a shit load of the guys that walked out on Triple H, have made it known on twitter that they feel John Laurnetis is a worse choice to run Raw than Triple H... so then why the fuck did they return? why not walk out on Johnny Ace too?

I guess because the guys spearheading the whole thing (Christian, Otunga, Dolph and the like) have actually been stooges for Laurinaitis all along. Sure it's all been under the pretense of "What's best for the WWE" but this may just be lip service and an excuse.

I mean, Triple H's attitude has been pretty shit in terms of dealing with the Miz & R-Truth, but apart from that what's he really done wrong?

I wonder if they really had a "problem" with Triple H at all. Maybe these guys have been promised lucrative rewards for helping Laurinaitis subjugate Helmsley, and Otunga's more of a spin doctor/PR guy than a legal advisor. He could just be spouting jargon to make it all seem legit. Also Laurinaitis is supposed to be "Interim" but we all know he's angling for this to become a full-time thing.
JR won't be GM. No way they go that direction.

Why would people want him as GM anyway? The only use he serves as a character is getting bullied and drawing sympathy. He's a phenomenal commentator and that's where he should stay.
JR won't be GM. No way they go that direction.

Why would people want him as GM anyway? The only use he serves as a character is getting bullied and drawing sympathy.

I could ask you the same questions regarding Teddy Long's never ending run as SD! GM.
Long has a decent amount of charisma and is a completely impartial boss who never gets involved in the storylines.

If JR was made GM, he would be involved in storylines. And he doesn't have the same mic ability outside of the booth.
Long has a decent amount of charisma and is a completely impartial boss who never gets involved in the storylines.
Someone seems to be forgetting the Undertaker/Punk storyline. Or his admitting he gave Mark Henry leeway due to their past before he chose to put his foot down. Or him admitting to wanting to help Tommy Dreamer when Dreamer was on his ECW contract-ending run towards the title. Impartial, Long is not.
What I meant by that is that he doesn't CONSTANTLY make the show about himself like other authority figures do.

You thought of a few instances out of the seven or so years that he's been either GM or assistant GM of SD/ECW. That's not a bad ratio compared to people like Bischoff, Vince, and Vickie.

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