John Cena:the turning point?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok I am aware there are other Cena threads but theyu are quite far back and also I believe this is a diffrent topic to the rest. I am no Cena fan but..I believe his title regien was badly managed(see my post on worst WWE champs for more).However at ECW ONS I began to see a new CEna after the match finished the quote fom Brets DVD regarding The Bulldog match kept running though my head "Bulldog thought it was his defining moment it wasn't it was mine". I felt the same bout ECW ONS it wasn't RVDS defining moment it was Cenas. He went in against a hostile crowd and(sorry ECW fans) played them to perfection(in this he was only topped by Orton). Also it was(at last) a diffrent type of Cena match from the ones we'd seen from the past year. At Vengance he had a great match against Sabu,which again was very diffrent from the ones he'd been having. His promo on Raw this week was quite intense and I was quite into it and I havn't liked a Cena promo for over a year.I guess the point for dissccussion is: is John Cena now about to be the star Vince things he can be?:wwf:
Sabu had a great match vs Cena. Cena hasnt had a good match in years since he always does the same thing.
Governmentuser85 said:
Sabu had a great match vs Cena. Cena hasnt had a good match in years since he always does the same thing.
I must disagree. Triple H v Cena was a great match(although it was Triple H what do you expect) RVD vs Cena I thought was great,Sabu vs Cena was a great match and diffrent. You infer Cena was carried by Sabu IMO that wasn't the case.:wwf:
Cena hasn't had a great match against anyone ever. Sabu could have a great match against a tackling dummy or a pylon. Cena was a negative on the whole to the performance.
Zoltaire said:
Cena hasn't had a great match against anyone ever. Sabu could have a great match against a tackling dummy or a pylon. Cena was a negative on the whole to the performance.

I really disagree with this because if Cena never had a good match then he would never have been champ Vince knows what he's doing he's been doing it for years so if Vince didn't think Cena wasn't a good wrestler or good for the business he would not have been champ.
BretHartfan82 said:
I really disagree with this because if Cena never had a good match then he would never have been champ Vince knows what he's doing he's been doing it for years so if Vince didn't think Cena wasn't a good wrestler or good for the business he would not have been champ.
OK I want to point out that I'm not defending Cenas title regin(which IMO the fans didn't want and was the most badly booked I can remember). I'm asking now he's moved away from the"I love my Chain Gang gimmick" can he succeed?In the fans eyes as well as in Vinces?:wwf:
BretHartfan82 said:
I really disagree with this because if Cena never had a good match then he would never have been champ Vince knows what he's doing he's been doing it for years so if Vince didn't think Cena wasn't a good wrestler or good for the business he would not have been champ.

Hulk Hogan
Ipswichicon said:
OK I want to point out that I'm not defending Cenas title regin(which IMO the fans didn't want and was the most badly booked I can remember). I'm asking now he's moved away from the"I love my Chain Gang gimmick" can he succeed?In the fans eyes as well as in Vinces?:wwf:
You had better point out that you're not defending Cena or the marks will come out in droves to flame you! On the topic, I want to say that it looks like he is becoming some type of G.I. Joe character. You know? An american hero type of thing.. OMG! As I typed that Hulk Hogan's name popped in my head! *shudders* That kind of character is easier to get over, I think, because people won't be able to say that he's gangsta or whatever lame critiques they had of him. Many will still be upset that he beat the guys that they mark out to(many of the Cena haters at wrestlezone), but that won't matter because women and children will lift Cena to the ranks of Superstar! I would like to see the stats on this, and not made up stats by haters at wrestlezone. I'd like the demographic sheet of a WWE audience. The other night, I know guys on here like to talk about fat chicks(lawl) and kids, but I saw football players and other assorted males cheering for Cena. I'm not gonna say that there were not people, that disliked Cena for reasons that they could not list without calling someone a name or stating what their opinion was, at the event. I'm not saying that, but c'mon.....and I'm not even a cena fan! If it's only women and kids that keep Cena as a main eventer, I'd better call Ripley because he's not gonna believe it. Neither will the smarks on this board who always talk about the WWE's target demographic. I think their heads would explode. On the subject of Hogan...Hogan may be one of the worst wrestlers of all time, BUT he is a good businessman. He WAS good for business. He WAS good for the WWF. Anyone that says he wasn't is living in a dreamworld. I think Cena is a far better wrestler than Hogan, but that isn't really saying much. I think I am a better wrestler than Hogan. What I was trying to say before I interrupted myself is that Cena, like him or not(along with guys like Randy Orton and Batista), is highly marketable. Mic skills? No worries. We have hack script writers that can put something together. Not a lot of moves? Hmm. You can take Rock's Megaman gimmick. He won't be needing it. Besides, for Cena's style, which is brawling, he has a fair number of moves. I find it funny that no one cared to read that one guys post about RVD, which was sooo true. RVD does the same stuff too. Marks are generally mesmerized by his "educated feet" to take notice. Most of his moves are variations of a kick, which for all intents and purposes is a kick. So, RVD's movelist is this: Kick, kick, highspot, kick, kick, highspot. It's "better" or "more exciting", though, because he does it fast! In ECW, he had 3x John Cena's moves! How ya like that?! Here is the list: kick, kick, highspot, kick, kick, chair spot, backflip, backflip, chair highspot. I know I'll get flamed for that, but you guys know it's true. You can't compare one style wrestler to a different style wrestler, but you can mark out to anybody. Oh, crap what was the question again?
I agree with you Vato you can't say one style is better than the other they both work,and it's just a matter of taste.
Ipswichicon said:
I felt the same bout ECW ONS it wasn't RVDS defining moment it was Cenas.:

They each had defining moments. Cena dealt with a hostile crowd and had to perform in an arena where everyone hated him. Thats hard to do...Cena proved that he was more than just a "gimmick"
But RVD had his moment when he won. He finally got his time in the spot light and won the tittle not for himself, but mainly for ECW, and thats admirable. He's been a middle-carder with main event talent and finally RVD got the chance to prove himself.
p.s- If I spelt anything wrong, sorry, I just dont care about spelling really...
west15ryan said:
John Cena sucks
kurt Angle sucks. Triple H sucks. HBK sucks. Bret Hart sucks. Anyone who didn't think this before will now because I have used such a convincing arguement(Like yourself) to point this out.:wwf:
Ipswichicon said:
kurt Angle sucks. Triple H sucks. HBK sucks. Bret Hart sucks. Anyone who didn't think this before will now because I have used such a convincing arguement(Like yourself) to point this out.:wwf:
Yeah, his posting skills leave me in awe. He actually put "John Cena" instead of just "Cena". Also...notice the way he stayed on topic, not letting our ramblings pull him off course. Kudos, dear sir. Kudos!
John Cena is damn good and you all know it
I'm tired of hearing him get booed in places where he used to be cheered

You're all just jealous
hinkey1 said:
John Cena is damn good and you all know it
I'm tired of hearing him get booed in places where he used to be cheered

what that guy said
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