Is Anderson Silva Ducking Chael Sonnen?

Turd Ferguson

I have been trying to pinpoint why I don't like Anderson Silva. He's a real good fighter, and I'd even go as far to say that he's the Muhammad Ali of MMA. He puts on great fights when he's on. He seems like a nice guy. But for some reason, I do not like him at all.

I think it has to do with the fact that the man who represents him, Ed Soares, is really a bag of shit who is in this more for himself than anything else. He's just as bad as Vadim Finkelshtein, who represents Fedor Emelianenko. He basically acts like he has Dana and the UFC by the balls, and only wants to accept fights that he feels are from people who are "top contenders"... you know, guys like Patrick Cote and Thales Leites instead of Dan Henderson, Nate Marquardt, and now, Chael Sonnen. He's even said that he will not let Lyoto Machida ever fight Anderson Silva, despite Machida saying that he would absolutely fight him, regardless of the fact that they are friends. Ed Soares is trying to overrule Dana White and Joe Silva, when he should live with the decisions that they've made. He even tried getting Anderson Silva out of the Vitor Belfort fight.

Here are his comments on Chael Sonnen:

"We've spoken with Chael on many occasions and have the utmost respect for him. He's never really come across in this manner, and it's obvious he's just drumming up hype in hopes to get a bout with Anderson...We are fine if this is what the UFC wants, but if you look at this logistically, Sonnen should fight Demian Maia first. Demian beat [him] easily, by submission, so why not make them fight first, to determine who gets a shot at the title?...

It's funny, but really, who actually listens to what Chael Sonnen has to say? The only time people listen is when he talks about Anderson. Who is he, really? If you walk down the street and you mention his name, does anyone really know who this guy is? Likely not, but if you mention Anderson Silva, people know the name...Chael's also said a few things about Anderson's choice of clothes and that he wears earrings, didn't he? Sounds to us like he may have a crush on Anderson."

In the end, despite that it's coming from Ed Soares, it gives the impression that Silva himself does not want to take the fight. And so what if Maia submitted Sonnen? Sonnen's earned his shot. He is now on a three fight win streak and has won four of his last five, all of which were against very respectable names. Maia is coming off of a fight where Marquardt knocked him out in seconds, and he had an unspectacular decision win over Dan Miller. There's no reason for Sonnen to fight Maia right now, when he beat the guy who beat Maia. I don't want to get into MMAth, but that's the way it shakes out.

What happens if Maia beats Sonnen in a hypothetical rematch? At that point, does Maia have to face Marquardt again? And then what if Marquardt wins that fight? Jesus Christ, Ed Soares is really acting like he has the UFC by the balls here, and he has for a while now. He even tried to put the kibosh on a Machida/Shogun rematch.

I also have a major hatred for Ed Soares for basically forcing Dan Henderson out of the UFC. It was widely thought that with a win over Michael Bisping, Hendo would have gotten a title shot against Silva. Then, Soares came in, said not so fast, he should fight Marquardt first. Now look, Hendo's fighting in Strikeforce. Soares wasn't THE reason Hendo left, but he was definitely a major factor in his decision to leave the UFC.

And with Chael being a pretty hardcore Republican, I can't wait for him to comment on Soares saying that he has a "crush" on Anderson Silva.

If Anderson Silva and Ed Soares really think Chael Sonnen is a nobody, when why not grant him the title shot? It's an easy victory for him, right?
Dude, I think Anderson Silva's manager does make sense to the certain extent, but at the same time... he needs to realize that the fight between Chael Sonnen and Nate Marquardt was a #1 Contender fight, for the Middleweight Championship. And since Chael Sonnen won, he's now the #1 Contender. That's all there is to it.

Now, do I think Anderson Silva is ducking Chael Sonnen? Absolutely not. I think the real definition of ducking an opponent is someone refusing to fight someone else just because they're not fully confident they can beat that person. But, that's not the case in this situation. If Anderson Silva ends up refusing a fight against Chael Sonnen once he beats Vitor Belfort, it would be ONLY because he doesn't believe Chael Sonnen is a worthy contender. It has been reported countless times that Anderson Silva only wants to fight the best of the best with his last few fights under his UFC contract, and the fact of the matter is... he just might not believe Chael Sonnen is anywhere near the best of the best in the fight game, or anywhere near his league.

And the fact that Damien Maia did sub Sonnen so easily just 3 fights ago, that makes Sonnen look bad. Sonnen looked good against Marquardt, sure, and he's a fun guy to listen to run his mouth, but it's his mouth that's getting him attention, not his fighting talent. And I don't think someone like Anderson Silva respects that.

Moreover, I doubt Anderson Silva wants another type of fight like he had against Patrick Cote and Thales Leites, and there might be a part of him that thinks if he were to fight Chael Sonnen, then Sonnen would pull the same tactics Cote and Leites pulled in their fights with Silva. And of course Silva wants nothing to do with those kinds of fighters right now.

So, at the end of the day... I can't blame Silva for having reserves, and to me it doesn't add up to him "ducking" Chael Sonnen, but if/when he beats Vitor Belfort, if he doesn't want to fight Sonnen and instead fight another bout at Light Heavyweight, then he needs to do the right thing and forfeit the title once and for all. But the fact of the matter is, if he wants to keep that Middleweight Title, then his fight after Vitor Belfort needs to be against Chael Sonnen, and Sonnen definitely doesn't have to beat someone else to prove that he's worthy of that shot.
Soares is just looking out for the best interest of his prized possession. Any manager will do that. Whether it's Ed or Ken Pavia or even Monte Cox. That's their job. As for Anderson ducking anyone? With his absolute drubbing of former champion (of the 205 class, no less) Griffin, I think it's safe to say that Anderson is realistic and understands what everyone else pretty much does: The middleweight division doesn't offer him much of anything anymore. It hasn't since he beat Henderson. The current crop of 185ers doesn't really offer him a challenge. Vitor and to a lesser extent, Sonnen. Otherwise? Meh.

Anderson Silva vs. Chael Sonnen is tentatively on for UFC 117 in Boston.

I am going to be marking out so hard in the audience when Chael wrestles the fuck out of Silva on his way to a unanimous decision to become UFC Middleweight Champion. Silva's relatively easy to take down, don't let the Maia fight fool you. He's also at his weakest against wrestlers, which is what Chael is. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he could finish Silva, but to get on top of him and just stay like that en route to winning the title? Count me in.

Dana also said on Jim Rome Is Burning that if Silva pulls those shenanigans like he pulled during the Maia fight again, he's cut. I would never doubt Dana White to pull the trigger on anything. If he says he'll cut Silva, he'll do it. Silva's going to get frustrated as all hell as Chael Sonnen becomes YOUR new UFC Middleweight Champion.
Guy, you are the luckiest motherfucker in the World. The one fight you wanted for MONTHS, now not only does it happen, but you'll get to witness it in person. I'm happy for you, man.

However, come UFC 117, as an Anderson Silva fan, I'm going to be extremely happy for myself, since I'll be able to witness on television the Spider beat the living fuck out of that snobbish prick Chael Sonnen. Oh, it will be glorious. :D

But yeah... perfect decision by the UFC. This had to happen now, and there's no way Anderson can pull the same tactics against Chael Sonnen, since Sonnen will be constantly looking for the takedown. Plus, he has nothing to worry about on the ground with the guy, since Sonnen's not the least bit well-based in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, whereas Anderson of course is a BJJ black belt under Big Nog. So, no toying around for Anderson in this fight, just total domination. ;)

Oh, and one last thing... I guess the question to the thread is answered now, eh? Anderson stepped up to the plate, and took this fight on. The man was never ducking Sonnen, and I don't see him ever ducking anyone, since I'm fairly confident that he's confident that he can beat any living human being on this planet in a MMA fight.
I'm completely with Guy on this one. I don't give a shit if I agree with Sonnen politically or not, the dude is entertaining. He has some of the most memorable quotes in the history of mma. The business needs people like Sonnen. Hype guys who can also get the job done. Not to mention this may be the first time that Sonnen is cheered, against Silva of all people. I'm seriously stoked more for this fight than any other coming up.

As far as Silva ducking Sonnen goes, who knows. Something just really pisses me off about Silva. For the longest time people said that he asn't mocking his opponents, he was doing it for the fans and yadda yadda. I called bullshit a long time ago and it looks like people are finally with it. Nobody can deny his talents obviously, but people are extremely hypocritical. They give Lesnar shit for being a douche, when really he's never done anything douchey to anyone that didn't talk shit to him first. Couture acted like a gentleman so Lesnar returned it. People also knock Evans' showboating. While it clearly is just a dick move, why isn't it cool for him to do it but it's alright for Anderson? Anyway, I really wouldn't be surprised if Silva fears Sonnen. There's a clear favorite on the feet, but Sonnen's wrestling and ground control are top notch and I honestly believe that he can control Silva on the ground. Maybe not a tko victory, but I can absolutely see Chael riding out a decision.
Chael Sonnen's latest:

"[Silva is] really good, he's really effective, and he's as unpleasing to watch as grass growing. That's why they called me to get rid of this cancer of the company."

"Nobody has challenged Anderson Silva. Not one human being, not one interview. Go to what the kids call 'Google,' and prove me wrong. Show me one athlete in any weight class that's challenged this guy except me."

"He won't even acknowledge the challenge. He just overlooks it like it's not happening. The first and only time he's ever acknowledged the challenge is on Feb. 7, 12 hours after I became the number one contender, he put out a press release stating seven different reasons he didn't think he should have to fight me."

"What's different about me is that I acknowledge Anderson Silva's going to hit me and kick me. I acknowledge it's going to hurt a lot. But I don't care. I don't care if he hurts me. I'll go to the hospital later that night. But in that 25-minute period, he's going to be in a fight."

"If he does it to me, it's going to work. It's going to make me angry, and I'm going to come after him. If he wants to throw those punches, by God throw them. But I'm going to walk straight through them."

"I guarantee you between now and Aug. 7, I'll get hurt. I'll get sick. I'm sure I'll get a staph infection that seems to be the new wave throughout MMA – oh, I have a staph infection, wah. When my music hits those speakers on Aug. 7, I will make that walk."

"That's a tremendous difference between me and the prima donnas who like to see their names on posters but are not real fighters."

"(Anderson Silva) is insignificant, really. Nobody cares about him. They never have. If BJ wasn't on that card, that arena would have been a ghost town."

"Look, I'm not a gang banger. I don't talk about “respect.” That term is for street thugs, not me."

"I compare Anderson to Britney Spears. She shaved her head to get headlines. Britney Silva went up to 205, retired, etc. Nobody cares"

"When my music hits and the doors close, the fight's on. I'm not going to dance, juke or jive. I will find him"

"You know what you're getting (with SIlva). A guy who pretends he doesnt speak English, is a fantastic athlete, and acts like a fool. If you like that, go buy his t-shirt with the other two guys who like him."

"I've beaten every champion of every company out there. I've lost ten seconds total of my fights combined. You ask me how I'm going to beat him, ask the other 25 guys that got in my way."

Look, I see why you guys find this dude funny, because he is in a ridiculous kind of way, but do you think he's serious? I mean, check out this quote for example:

"If he does it to me, it's going to work. It's going to make me angry, and I'm going to come after him. If he wants to throw those punches, by God throw them. But I'm going to walk straight through them."

Really, who the fuck does this guy think he is? The Incredible Hulk?

All that said, I hope Sonnen stays true to his word and goes in there and fights. If he acts like Leites, Maia, or Cote in the fight, then the dude is the biggest hypocrite/douchebag in all of sports, not just Mixed Martial Arts.

However, if he does stay true to his words and is willing to take Anderson's shots like says, thinking he's going to walk right through them, then he's losing the fight just as quick as Chris Leben did. That's a fact. But, even if that were to happen, my respect for Chael Sonnen would instantly go up. Sure, I'd still think he's a bit of holier than thou prick, but at least he has balls. Brains? No, but balls.... yes.

But yeah... really, really looking forward to this fight. How do you promote Anderson Silva? Put him in there with someone who runs his mouth like Chael Sonnen. Who is not going to want to see this now?
Chael Sonnen is an interesting character to say the least. The man truly is a legend in his own mind. I find him funny but I in no way believe Anderson Silva is ducking him. If anything I think Anderson Silva is looking down on Sonnen and doesn't think he should be anywhere near the same cage as him.

Now I have nothing against Sonnen. He is a very good fighter but personally I do not think he can beat Silva. Obviously, he has a punchers chance and is a great wrestler which is Silva's weak point but his submission defense is a little untested in my mind and could lead to his downfall. He is talking all this shit which is going to build for a good fight hopefully but it may also fire Silva up and let us see the Anderson of old, when he was breaking peoples faces like Franklin and Leben. I will be rooting for Sonnen but I don't think Anderson is ducking or afraid of him at all. I think we will see some fucking fireworks when this fight happens though.
It's wierd how people gave Maia some sort of chance against Silva but not Sonnen. What was Silva going to do, accidentally fall into Maia's gaurd so he could submit him? What are the chances of that shit happening. The only chance Maia ever had was if Silva was dumb enough to try and take him down or Maia got lucky and landed a hip toss from the clinch and fell into gaurd. I'm not trying to rag on Maia, but it was never his fight. His stand up is far too weak and he was fighting arguably the best striker in all of mma.

Sonnen doesn't have to hope that Silva fucks up. He has the greatest advantage any fighter could have: dictating the location of the fight. That's why wrestling is the best base to have in mma right now. He can, no question in my mind, take Silva down. As always, there is the chance Silva can escape or submit, but I don't see it happening at some who can blanket as well as Sonnen. I know that doesn't always make for exciting fights, but we're just taking about win or lose here. This isn't going to be as one sided as people think.
It's wierd how people gave Maia some sort of chance against Silva but not Sonnen. What was Silva going to do, accidentally fall into Maia's gaurd so he could submit him? What are the chances of that shit happening. The only chance Maia ever had was if Silva was dumb enough to try and take him down or Maia got lucky and landed a hip toss from the clinch and fell into gaurd. I'm not trying to rag on Maia, but it was never his fight. His stand up is far too weak and he was fighting arguably the best striker in all of mma.

Wait a second... who here actually gave Maia a shot at beating Anderson Silva? Absolutely nobody is who. Nobody thought Maia was going to win that fight, and nobody thought he was deserving of the shot @ Anderson's MW Championship in the first place. Even Rizza, Maia's one and only true fan here, thought Maia didn't stand a chance.

However, you and Guy both believe Sonnen will win this match, so that's already DOUBLE the people who believed Maia had a shot. So, man... I have no idea where you're getting this idea that people actually thought Maia stood a chance. There was as much of a chance of Maia catching Silva in a submission as there is Chael Sonnen laying on Anderson Silva for 5 rounds to a decision victory. That's what I believe, and that's what I think most do, who aren't buying into Sonnen's bullshit, anyway.

Sonnen doesn't have to hope that Silva fucks up. He has the greatest advantage any fighter could have: dictating the location of the fight.

Dan Henderson had that advantage as well. What happened in his fight against Anderson Silva?

That's why wrestling is the best base to have in mma right now. He can, no question in my mind, take Silva down. As always, there is the chance Silva can escape or submit, but I don't see it happening at some who can blanket as well as Sonnen. I know that doesn't always make for exciting fights, but we're just taking about win or lose here. This isn't going to be as one sided as people think.

But see, the thing is, Sonnen's Jiu-Jitsu is terrible, so even if he is able to get Silva down (which is no guarantee in the first place, I might add), Silva will still be able to submit his ass.

The bottom line is, the cards are stacked against Chael Sonnen, not Anderson Silva. Anybody who believes any different is just buying the nonsense that comes out of Sonnen's mouth. If Sonnen had the submission defense GSP and Fitch has, then maybe he'd stand a chance (and even then that's a HUGE maybe), but since he doesn't... in my mind, he stands literally zero chance, and the only way I'll believe any differently is if he proves me wrong come UFC 117.
Wait a second... who here actually gave Maia a shot at beating Anderson Silva? Absolutely nobody is who. Nobody thought Maia was going to win that fight, and nobody thought he was deserving of the shot @ Anderson's MW Championship in the first place. Even Rizza, Maia's one and only true fan here, thought Maia didn't stand a chance.

I was speaking of the world outside of these forums. There are mma fans there. There were still some people giving Maia some chance. Trust me I don't agree with it, but there were some people. Just like every fight no matter how one sided.

However, you and Guy both believe Sonnen will win this match, so that's already DOUBLE the people who believed Maia had a shot. So, man... I have no idea where you're getting this idea that people actually thought Maia stood a chance. There was as much of a chance of Maia catching Silva in a submission as there is Chael Sonnen laying on Anderson Silva for 5 rounds to a decision victory. That's what I believe, and that's what I think most do, who aren't buying into Sonnen's bullshit, anyway.

Maia would have to rely on Silva fucking up. Sonnen would use his wrestling skills and ground game to keep Silva there. How is that even similiar? One man is hoping for things to go their way, one man is going to do his hardest to make it happen. I honestly don't know how you're comparing the two. How can Sonnen not be able to hold Silva down? Marquardt is stronger than Silva and he held him down, not to mention Nate is a far a better ground game than Silva. I'm not ruling out the possibility of Silva catching Sonnen in submission or even that Sonnen WILL win this, just that he has a greater chance than people are giving him.

Dan Henderson had that advantage as well. What happened in his fight against Anderson Silva?

Henderson made bad choices in that fight and everyone knows it. He had won the first round, but he should have grounded him early on in the second and he would have faired better. I'm not saying Silva wouldn't have still won, I'm just saying it could have ended differently for Henderson. He would have had a better chance, just like Sonnen does.

But see, the thing is, Sonnen's Jiu-Jitsu is terrible, so even if he is able to get Silva down (which is no guarantee in the first place, I might add), Silva will still be able to submit his ass.

I wouldn't say terrible, but yes his submission defense is lacking. Which is why I sid that Silva could potentially submit him. Again, I'm not saying that Silva could never submit him. I honestly think there's a better chance of Sonnen losing to a submission than a tko.

The bottom line is, the cards are stacked against Chael Sonnen, not Anderson Silva. Anybody who believes any different is just buying the nonsense that comes out of Sonnen's mouth. If Sonnen had the submission defense GSP and Fitch has, then maybe he'd stand a chance (and even then that's a HUGE maybe), but since he doesn't... in my mind, he stands literally zero chance, and the only way I'll believe any differently is if he proves me wrong come UFC 117.

When did I ever say I believe what comes out of his mouth? It's funny shit talking, that's it. Do I think he's the best in the world? Obviously not. I'm just being an unbiased viewer and calling it like I see it. Silva only has two real submission victories on his resume. One was Lutter he is a failed prospect and the other is Henderson which I give him full credit for. Half of Hendo's losses have come from submissios though, just pointing that out. I don't know where you got this idea that Silva is a bjj master. He got his blackbelt from his friends the Noguiera's. I have an incredibly hard time believing he earned it the hard way like others have.

How are you going to say that there's zero probabilty? How long have you been following mma? There's been huge upsets over the years. It's wierd to me that someone can say that there's a zero chance a fighter can win. This fight is not nearly as lopsided as people think it is. It's also made me defend Chael Sonnen more than I'd ever want to.
I was speaking of the world outside of these forums. There are mma fans there. There were still some people giving Maia some chance. Trust me I don't agree with it, but there were some people. Just like every fight no matter how one sided.

On most MMA Forums I frequent, I didn't see much Maia support. Sure, there's a very loud minority, but every fighter has that fanbase who believes he can beat anybody and will troll forums like Sherdog/UG to let them know what they think.

Maia would have to rely on Silva fucking up. Sonnen would use his wrestling skills and ground game to keep Silva there. How is that even similiar? One man is hoping for things to go their way, one man is going to do his hardest to make it happen. I honestly don't know how you're comparing the two.

Maia catching Silva in a submission would not have been Silva "fucking up." It would have been Maia finding yet another way to defeat someone with a submission, which he has done eight times in his MMA career, out of 14 fights. Think about that... over half his fights, he was able to defeat his opponent with a submission. Now, does that mean all 8 of those opponents "fucked up" as you put it, or that Maia is just superb at what he does?

How can Sonnen not be able to hold Silva down? Marquardt is stronger than Silva and he held him down, not to mention Nate is a far a better ground game than Silva. I'm not ruling out the possibility of Silva catching Sonnen in submission or even that Sonnen WILL win this, just that he has a greater chance than people are giving him.

The Chael Sonnen victory over Nate Marquardt, while extremely impressive, has a lot of people overrating him. Sonnen is still the same guy who Maia made tap out, and he's still the same guy who has three losses to Jeremy Horn (two guys Silva has defeated).

And you bring up Nate Marquardt, dude... Anderson EASILY defeated Marquardt himself, and unlike Sonnen, Anderson was actually able to finish the fight (and he did so in the first round).

Henderson made bad choices in that fight and everyone knows it. He had won the first round, but he should have grounded him early on in the second and he would have faired better. I'm not saying Silva wouldn't have still won, I'm just saying it could have ended differently for Henderson. He would have had a better chance, just like Sonnen does.

Doesn't make any difference. Henederson is twice the wrestler and twice the fighter Sonnen is, but Anderson Silva beat him. Bottom line. No excuse you can come up with will take away from that fact.

I wouldn't say terrible, but yes his submission defense is lacking. Which is why I sid that Silva could potentially submit him. Again, I'm not saying that Silva could never submit him. I honestly think there's a better chance of Sonnen losing to a submission than a tko.

Fair enough.

When did I ever say I believe what comes out of his mouth? It's funny shit talking, that's it.

Fair enough, but for the way you're defending up for him, it shows me that you give him more of a shot than I personally believe he deserves. Besides Marquardt (who, like I said, Silva was able to defeat in one round), Chael doesn't have many impressive victories in his career. Yushin Okami? No, Okami's only now starting to live up to his potential after joining an American camp. Paulo Filho? Okay, I'll give Sonnen that one, but who else? There's nobody, so why should I believe this guy could ever defeat Anderson Silva?

Do I think he's the best in the world? Obviously not. I'm just being an unbiased viewer and calling it like I see it. Silva only has two real submission victories on his resume. One was Lutter he is a failed prospect and the other is Henderson which I give him full credit for. Half of Hendo's losses have come from submissios though, just pointing that out. I don't know where you got this idea that Silva is a bjj master. He got his blackbelt from his friends the Noguiera's. I have an incredibly hard time believing he earned it the hard way like others have.

Look, we can diss Travis Lutter all week long for some of his career choices, but the fact of the matter is that the guy is one of the best American Jiu-Jitsu fighters in the sport, and Silva was able to catch him and submit him. Lutter only has one other submission lost to his career. One.

Dan Henderson, again... you can make excuses, but how many times has he been caught by someone other than Silva? Twice, and against who? Oddly enough, the same guys who gave Silva his black belt, both Nogueira brothers.

And as far as this "friendship" deal... I don't buy that, man. I bet everybody who has a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is friends with the person who person who gave it to them.

How are you going to say that there's zero probabilty? How long have you been following mma? There's been huge upsets over the years. It's wierd to me that someone can say that there's a zero chance a fighter can win. This fight is not nearly as lopsided as people think it is. It's also made me defend Chael Sonnen more than I'd ever want to.

Saying there's zero probability is just a figure of speech, man. Of course I know there's a possibility that Sonnen wins, but I just think you believe there's more of a possibility of that happening then you should. The fact is, IF Sonnen won, then that would be considered as big of, if not more, an upset as BJ/Edgar and Serra/GSP 1.

And for the record, I've watching UFC regularly since UFC 40, and even as a kid every so often I would rent early UFC videos, so I have been watching for quite some time. ;)

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