Impact Wrestling Will Tour India in May


Gone. For. Good.
During the week, IMPACT Wrestling also reached agreement with its partners in India to begin taping in India. On May 30 and May 31, episodes of IMPACT Wrestling will be taped in Mumbai to be aired in the four weeks leading up to Slammiversary. Discussions are now underway with local sponsors and promotions to launch a new show featuring local talent in association with the IMPACT Wrestling roster to be filmed in India commencing as early as Q4 2017.

“We are excited to be in a position to bring our show to our fans in India,” said Ed Nordholm, president of IMPACT Wrestling. “This is an initial step in what we hope will become a regular part of our programming cycle, leading to live events in all of our key markets.”

Man, I'm damn happy. I might even go to watch the tapings if I can save enough money to travel all the way to Mumbai. I will surely miss Drew Galloway and Hardyz. Impact Wrestling still has my favorite in Ethan Carter III though.

Also about the new show, don't make it like King Of The Ring. That wasn't good by any measure.

Anthem's money is solving some significant problems for Impact Wrestling. Also, I hope that it doesn't get cancelled due to any sort of reason like the previous time.
I actually really liked Ring ka King. I enjoyed it more than Impact at the time. What was it you didn't like about it at the time.

Either way, this is great news! Seems Anthem will have Impact do what Dixie said they would do. haha

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