IMPACT Wrestling LD for 03.06.15 — Angle v. Roode v. Young in #1C Match!

Solid enough episode this week, but I'm glad we're through it.

The whole tour was building to the final night in London that will air over the next two weeks, and off of the taping results, it looked like one of the best night's of wrestling that TNA has produced in years. I can't wait for the next two episodes of Impact.
I get that feeling internet people like'd last night episode.

Like I didn't care about the EC3 Spud thing and then my friend Sheldon Cooper was like, "Challenge Accepted," what is wrong with you? And he explained to me.

Anyway, TNA is going good right now. It's not amazing, it's not bad. When I watch TNA, I see potential, but it's always messed up. It's like if TNA's roster was perfect and then John Cena showed up and they booked him like WWE does.

TNA's spreading out the stories and it's like old WWF where Mr. Anderson right now is a Jake The Snake or Rowdy Piper were he isn't in the ME, but his story matters with Spud/EC3.

My only issue is that I don't expect them to grab a Top 10 guys off the indies now or give enough importance to their top 10 guys.

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