If Your Life Were a WWE style DVD...


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
If you were to chronicle your life in a WWE-style DVD, what would the chapters be? Would there be bonus content? What would the highlights / lowlights be?

15-chapter maximum.

Drunk and Orderly - The Incredable Story of IC25

1. Birth / Defecating on mom's dress at my baptism
2. I hate my music teacher
3. Twin sisters/ weight gain
4. Natural salesman - stealing my grandparents fruit and selling it to the neighbors
5. Almost 200 lbs in middle school / first try at wrestling
6. High School - Wrestling, selling coffee, losing 75 pounds
7. The first girlfriend and the broken nose
8. Off to Montclair State / The legend begins anew
9. Girlfriend goes psycho, IC25 discovers cheap wine and weed
10. Virginity in college - the true story of the day before my 19th birthday
11. Student Government GAWD / using my power to get laid
12. First meeting the Mrs. / Cover bands are cool
13. Enterprise Rent-a-Car comes calling
14. Married, homeowner...admin!?
15. Stepping down, what the future holds...

Matt: The Story of Matt

1. Premature - In which I nearly die at birth. Also, England.
2. High Five - In which various unfortunate things happen to my fingers
3. To Hell And Back - In which I live in Florida, and it sucks.
4. La Dolce Vita - In which I move to Italy
5. Matthew Jessup's Precious Little Life - In which I have a completely normal high school experience, if your definition of "normal" includes dressing up like The Hurricane, losing every single wrestling match with a smile on my face, getting into the friend zone with about fifty million girls, and having a long-distance relationship with a girl in Massachusetts, before moving to Ohio for my senior year.
6. Skinny - In which I nearly die in tenth grade.
7. Yes, The Cheerleaders Are Called "The Beavers", Too - In which I spend my senior year dicking around and being a nerd-heathen. Also starting an LGBT Support Group.
8. My Roommate Is Drunk - In which I go to college and my roommate goes to parties while I sit around and talk to people on the internet about grown men in their underwear pretending to fight.

My life has been a lot more interesting and less pathetic than that DVD listing makes it seem. I promise.
The Real Life Story of goodlay

1. The Humble Beginnings

2. First kiss..... in Kindergarten?

3. Passing out and smashing your head on concrete sucks

4. Leaving the Queen City and moving to Wilmington

5. Returning to the Queen City and leaving hell

6. The Awkward Stage

7. "Shit! That kid just puked everywhere"

8. Welcome to High School

9. Weed and Beer, nice to meet you

10. The Failed Hook-ups

11. The Success Story in Deutschland - Boobs and Beer
Title: "I Am"

Chapter 1- A Star is born.
Me coming out of my Mother's vagina. My first words, begging to walk diper changes all that non-sense

Chapter 2- Easy as 1,2,3
Ages between 5-10. My first days at school where I almost cried everyday. Meating my best friend and going on my first vacation to Florida.

Chapter 3- Chillin in the game
My years in middle school. My first girlfreind and 8th grade. I was pretty much lazy. Smoked weed almost everyday and thought I was cool. I was a bad motherfucka and ya know this. This is where I got into music and found out what I was good at. Joined the football team and got buff.

Chapter 4- Freshman on the scene.
A whole chapter on my freshman life. Got me first blowjob. Actually startwd taking MMA classes for a bit. Got in my first fight in school. Got suspended twice and finally started growing hair under my arms

Chapter 5- Love Games.
My first true love. Lost my virginity in 10th grade finally. Still with the same girl!! Another girl come into the picture. My love for my original girl was fading. So I did some pills for the first time and came to school high almost everyday. Girl found out, she go bye bye. Then I beg, plead, cry for her to come back, she does.thankfully!

Chapter 6- Wrestlezone Forums: any one more pissed off with the rock...oopps...dwayne johnson then me??
My first post and thread on this site. Got 78 or something posts. I was proud but came with a lot of red rep. I was decuntified on the site and finally got my rep green again. Posting some quality shit in the cage nowadays.

Chapter 7-senior year, fuck off hoes
Found out what I wanted to do with my life. Still with smae girl

Chapter 8- My Crystal Ball
What's to come? Marriage with the girl I've been with since sophomore year? College? Kids maybe two or five years away.

BONUS: things I did as a baby
Rebirth of the Ashes - The Story of Phoenix

1. Out of the Ashes - Birth and the early days
2. A Small Town, Big Adventures - Primary School, Trombones
3. The Dark Cloud - Many years of being bullied
4. The Larger Side - Weight gain
5. Re-birth Part 1 - Secondary School
6. Destined to Fly - Air Cadets
7. The Cloud Grows Darker - More troubled times
8. Re-birth Part 2 - University and new openings
9. Bigger Town, Newer Ventures - Experiences growing and new discoveries made
10. The Legacy begins - Going into the career I love and do today
11. Falling - Betrayal and the passing of a beloved family member
12. Prior awakenings - A woman who made and change things
13. One adventure ends - Graduation, Joining WZ
14. Lightning strikes twice - Another betrayal leading to a fall from grace
15. The Silver Lining... - What the future holds.

Bonus Features:
Highlight Reel
Portfolio Review
20 Questions
FunKay's Story of Broken Bones, Squashed Dreams & Funner Times

1: In the Beginning...
2: Passion of the Television
3: Moving Down: Part One
4: Broken Wrist & Broken Dreams?
5: Glasgow HO!
6: America: A Bonding Experience
7: Moving Down: Part Two
8: You've Got a Friend in Me
9: Peacetime
10: Heartbreak
11: A Journey South
12: The Pinnacle
13: Slap Back to Reality
14: Life Anew
15: FREEDOM?!?
Great idea.. I actually wondered about this for if I ever wrote an autobiography.

1. A long time ago.. - Birth/early years being passed around between family members

2. 2-cool 4-school - Covering grade K-5

3. Sexy time. - Losing my virginity at the age of 11 (or was it 12?) and how this started my reign of terror over many many women to follow. Also what started my rebellious attitude.

4. Fcuk Authority - grade 7-11, and my lack of discipline. start smoking/drinking/drugs. School became nothing to me, was all about me, and my needs at the time.

5. New Start/ Uh-Oh. - My grade 12 year, how I settled down. Started dating instead of hook ups. Knocked up my gf (first of 3 to come) And dealing with that plus graduation.

6. Just when I got out.. - The fall of my engagement, and subsequent binge drinking that followed. Follows my time as a major bar-star, and the many of women to feel my wrath in this time. Became a major ****e, not caring at all. Knock up 2 more women, both losing them and the effect it had on me.

7. Back to basics - I clean up my act, and start making a name for myself in the working world. Superstar Tech support agent for HP.

8. To serve and protect. - My time in the military, all the things I did/Seen.

9. To infinity and beyond - Where I'm at these days, and where I plan to be in the years that follow.

Me drunk, trying to explain things, and going off on random topics.

. Also a look into the infamous "Black Book" with the names of every girl I've slept with.. Yes, that's right, I have a book about it. Sort of a.. Trophy case if you will.
What The F*ck?!
History Of The Killjoy

Chapter I: Named By A Drunk

Killjoy tell the story of how his grandma got him named. DRUNK!

Chapter II: The Kodak Moment

Many believe he's lost a few brain cells. It may have something to do with nailing a steel post at the age of 3. And his dad took a picture. At the time it happened!

Chapter III: Rice 'n' Beans

The diet of the enigmatic Killjoy. At least back in school.

Chapter IV: Danger, I Just Saw Mankind

Killjoy's first taste of pro wrestling. Mankind vs Undertaker.
HELL IN A CELL! A very bad influence.

Chapter V: The Birth Of Killjoy

Sad twists plagued the young man's life. This led to events that metamorphized this creature into The Killjoy! Watch him climb tree's and fight kids. For no posible reason!

Chapter VI: ET Wrestling
Killjoy and friends create ET Wrestling. The Extreme Teen Wrestling indy that swept... The School!

Chapter VII: Senior Year; Backstabber

Growing disgusted by the disloyalty of his friends, Killjoy makes a final stand and turns his back on the class. Leaving them before their senior year trip in favor of just getting away from them.

Chapter VIII: WrestleZone And Decadence
With no goals set, Killjoy blindly heads to college. And fails. At the same time, he joins the website he currently plagues. WrestleZone Forums! He also falls in debt. Holy shit!

Chapter IX: Redemption

After one miserable year, Killjoy kicks back, earning a job, turning his college grades up and getting paid.

Chapter X: Future

Will Killjoy some day find true love? Will he become a mod? Will he get a car that doesn't overheat in ten minutes? Will he get a raise? His personality says otherwise.

Also available:
Beyond Belief: The Best Of ET Wrestling Volume 1

For the record, 15 chapters is not nearly enough to capture my autobiography. So I'm breaking the mold and exceeding the maximum. Hell, if the Four Horsemen DVD can have 26 chapters then I can exceed 15.

A Rock Star Roller Coaster: The Story of the D-Man

1. Humble Beginnings - My birth and infant youth
2. The Sibling Rivalry - Relationship between my brother and me
3. "The Karate Kid" - Tough times in grammar school and a movie that motivated three hopefuls
4. January 23, 1984 - An evening and event that ignited a new passion
5. The Jock - Playing multiple sports and excelling in all of them
6. Black Belt - Crowning achievement of my childhood
7. A Shred of Light - Leaving the black hole of grammar school and a fresh start in high school
8. High School Jock - Giving scholastic wrestling a try and my rise to captain of the team
9. The Speed Demon - The birth of my alter-ego and beginning of pro-wrestling
10. Deja Vu - Reliving grammar school all over again
11. A New World - Entering College
12. Tau Delta Phi - The fraternity that changed my life
13. Karaoke - The birth of a new passion
14. Unzipped/Size Matters - Becoming the rock star
15. Exit and Despair - Life after the bands and piecing together my broken life
16. New Job, New Life - Acquiring a position in my new career, moving out, and putting the pieces back together
17. The D-Man - The alter-ego is complete; wrestling for promotions
17. Liquid Courage - The reigniting of a passion

Bonus Material:
I. Fighting Battles - Trampled by the mean kids in grammar and high school and being involved in over fifty fist fights
II. President of Greek Week - Running the Greek Council
III. Open Mic Jams - Side projects with unbelievable
IV. Blind Cupid - Looking for love in ALL the wrong places; my failed relationships with women
V. Family, Loyalty and Friendships
A Dog's Life: Life of J-Dogg

1.The Beginning- Birth and early childhood.
2. Early Years- Elementary school and family moments.
3. Teenage Years- finding pro wrestling at 13, early stages of being a teenager.
4. Romance- First Girlfriend.
5. Troubled Times- My time involved with criminals and hoodlums and drugs. And being involved in school fights.
6. Final Senior Years of High School- Graduation and moving on...and my real love for pro wrestling.
7. College- Spending a year right out of high school partying and going to community college.
8. Musician- The period where i recorded music and released music to internet radio.
9. My Passion- The decision to be a professional wrestler and that wrestling is what i live for.
10. Birth Of J-Dogg- My start on WrestleZone, and becoming who i am today and in the future.
11. Wrestling Life- The Beginning of my pro wrestling life and career.

Bonus Content:

1. Turbulent romances- My relationships.
2. Week In The Life Of J-Dogg- Details a whole week of my life and what i do.
You're Fucking Out, I'm Fucking In- The Kenny Powers Saga

Chapter 1- Birth and New Beginnings in a small town
Chapter 2- Surgery and Speech Therapy
Chapter 3- Friends and Sibling Rivalries
Chapter 4- Matt the Class Clown
Chapter 5- The High School Years
Chapter 6- The birth of "The Rock" and football athlete
Chapter 7- Graduation, starting a new chapter
Chapter 8- Odd jobs, meeting the new girl, and starting College
Chapter 9- Military Man: Transition to Adulthood
Chapter 10- Lies, Sex, and Alcohol Overseas
Chapter 11- New friends, New Countries, International Man of Poontang
Chapter 12- Settling down with someone who is less than settle
Chapter 13- Married life in States
Chapter 14- The end of military life and the beginning of Civilian life
Chapter 15- Back Home living the Student life
Chapter 16- A New Saga begins​
Phase Zero

1. Clearly, The Good Lord put in the Contra Code before sending me to Earth - Grandpa Saves my life

2. Cold Showers, Ramen Noodles, Hot Dogs, Kool-Aid, and sleeping on the floor - Childhood

3. 4/20/98, and slamming overhead projectors through windows - Introduction to drugs, Alchohol, and vagina. Skanky Vagina. and anger management classes. Middle School, First three years of High School

4. We are The Champions....This is Nor-Cal, Mighty Mighty Nor-cal - Football Season Senior year

5. What day is it today? Teusday? GOOD DAY TO GET FUCKED UP!!! - Being a suicidal maniac for the rest of senior year, and my realization that drugs and drink were not the way for me

Phase 1 - "Yea, we were always broke. But we had a LOT of fuckin fun"

6. This is Destiny - hooking up with a random the night before starting basic, meeting my best friend in basic, my first broken bones, and schooling in the USAF.

7. "My accounts in the negatives!! And I dont even know why!!!" Clubs, Beaches, and bitches - Acting a straight fuckin' fool our first couple years out in the real world, living life in the dorms

8. Tour one - Iraq

Phase 2 - The beginning of an empire, and the Wicked Witch of the East

9. We can do this...AND WE CAN WIN - Me and AJ moving in together, beginning to build the financial empire, the airbourne medic days, Tour 2 - Afgahnistan

10. This...is a BAD idea...but dammit, your tits are so huge -Natasha The hooters girl, and the begining of things with My ex. the bad one. Forever linked, the perfect storm

Phase 3 -Its not that I WANT to die, I just dont care if I live!

11. The height of calousness - Moving out of Aj's, moving in with ex, my growing hatred for her, and spending LOTS of fucking money. ON very, very stupid things.

12. Its a new day, its a new generation - Dumping the ex in spectacular fashion, IC25 and Fan Slam, moving back in with AJ, the rebuilding of the empire, first trip to NYC, MSG, and the WZ summit

13. Tour 3 - Afgahnistan...agaaaaaiiinn. On 3 days notice.

Phase 4 - "How much did that cost?" "I dunno. doesn't matter"

14. The Return Of The King - coming home, with a shit ton of money, and a shit ton of concubine waiting on me

15. Rise Above, Move Forward - the accidental creation of The NorCal Calendar, and the funnest, craziest summer of my life, getting promoted, and the possible move to New Jersey.

Bonus Material

Philadelphia, and Jill The Pharmicist - My first GF, and staying with her in Philly every day off I had for a year. Well besides the whole tour in Iraq thing.

Championship Week, 2008 - My week with the twins

Dude...we just fucked some girls on the floor of a trailer - Me and AJ become men on the East Coast

"I dont care about you" getting the fuck knocked outta me, and being locked in dark rooms - A little more of childhood, possible reasons why im such a fucking weirdo

The Forums, FanSlam, and The Improbable Rise of the Jersey Triad

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