If theres something strange... In your Neighbourhood?

Deexter Jorgan

Has a Dark Passenger on board...
Who you gonna call?

Thats right folks it is the One Game that i officially marked out for since its release on the WII, a huge fuss was made over this one game due to nostalgia it is the official Ghostbusters Game aka the unofficial Ghostbusters 3

Ataris Official Trailer

This game has been in limbo since as early as 2006 when developer Zoofly had the rights to the game but didnt offically acquire the rights from Sony themselves

Zoofly Prototype for Ghostbusters



The game rights where acquired by Vinvendi who where once a subsiderary of universal, Vivendi Terminal Reality worked with VIVENDI/Sierra to put together the games current game engine which i felt played alot off of Zooflys prototype.

The game was in Limbo in 2007 When Vivendi merged with Activision, the games future was in question when it was announced that Atari would be releasing the game in June 2009


The events of the game occur during Thanksgiving 1991, two years after the events in Ghostbusters II. The Ghostbusters are training a new recruit just as a large PKE shockwave hits New York City. The shockwave frees Slimer, so the Ghostbusters, including the new recruit follow him to the Sedgewick Hotel from the first film. Eventually, the Ghosbusters recapture Slimer, along with other ghosts including a fisherman ghost (or a chef ghost in the Wii version). Immediately afterward, the Ghostbusters have to rescue Dr. Ilyssa Selwyn, a museum curator in charge of a Gozer exhibit from Gozer himself, who is rampaging in Times Square as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. After destroying Stay-Puft, the Ghostbusters try to deduce Ilyssa's connection to these paranormal events, but are cautioned by Walter Peck, now head of the Paranormal Contract Oversight Committee (P-COC), and newly-elected Mayor Jock Mulligan about causing too much damage to the city.

As they prepare to investigate the museum, the Ghostbusters are called to the New York Public Library to capture Eleanor Twitty, the "Gray Lady", their first paranormal contact who has reappeared. They learn that in life she guarded a book called the Gozerian Codex and was killed for it by a Gozer Cult member named Edmund Hoover, known as the Collector. The Ghostbusters manage to take the book from her before they are pulled into an alternate universe inhabitated by ghosts, where they defeat Edmund in his demonic incarnation, "Azetlor". Egon determines that the Ghost World is pushing through the fabric of reality and they must find out how to stop it. As they leave the library, they discover a mysterious mandala symbol burnt into a wall. At the Museum of Natural History, the team defeats spirits attempting to possess party-goers at a large gala while saving Ilyssa from the ghost of International Steel's corrupt chairman and associate of Ivo Shandor, Cornelius Wellsley, discovering a similar mandala on the museum floor that opens to reveal a massive network of tunnels below the city filled with a black slime. (Alternatively, the Wii version features a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton that's been brought back to life by black slime.)

Egon and Ray surmise that Ivo Shandor, the architect that designed 55 Central Park West that helped to summon Gozer previously, was responsible for building the tunnels and renovations at the library, the museum, and the Sedgewick Hotel, causing penetration of the Ghost World into the real world. After disabling the mandala at the Sedgewick Hotel by defeating its Node Guardian, the murderess known as the Spiderwitch, the Ghostbusters use Ecto-8 to investigate the last point on the Hudson River, finding an island castle that rises from its depths. Egon tells the team that it is known as Shandor Island, and was owned by Shandor's family and served as the center of the Gozer cult until the last member of his relations died; on that same night the river swallowed the island. As they explore it, they discover a painting of Ivo Shandor's mother who looks just like Ilyssa, realizing she's Shandor's descendant and speculate Peck somehow knew. Deep below the island they find large machines that control and distibute multiple colors of slime; Winston believes this is where the Mood Slime that Vigo the Carpathian used came from. They are able to kill the Slor guarding the final node of the manadala before the island sinks again.

When they return to the mainland, the Ghostbusters find that Ilyssa was captured and the containment vault shut down, releasing the ghosts (again), and suspect that Peck is attempting to use the Mandala to bring forth another Great Destructor like Gozer. A massive mausoleum appears in Central Park as the team fight their way into the central structure. Inside, they find both Ilyssa and Peck chained to the walls, and are surprised to find Mayor Mulligan possessed by Ivo Shandor himself who used Peck as a scapegoat to avoid detection. After revealing he created the manadala so that by sacrficiing Ilysaa he can become more powerful than Gozer, who he admits did not live to his expectation, the Ghostbusters are able to exorcise Shandor from the Mayor, but are pulled into the Ghost World where they are forced to fight Shandor in his Destructor form, the Architect. They manage to defeat Shandor by crossing their proton streams, and return back to the real world, where they rescue Ilyssa, Peck, and the Mayor before the mausoleum collapses.

During the credits, the original four Ghostbusters determine that five of them is just too many, but decide to offer Rookie a position as the head of a yet-to-be-opened branch in another city.


wikipedia.org Many of the principal cast members from the films were involved in the game's production. Each of the actors who portrayed the Ghostbusters in the films, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, and Ernie Hudson, lent their voices and likenesses to the in-game characters. [12] Aykroyd and Ramis, who wrote the films, also aided in minor script doctoring for the game.[13] Other film cast members, such as William Atherton, Brian Doyle-Murray, and Annie Potts lent their voices and likenesses to the game's characters. Ghostbusters: The Video Game also contains the soundtrack from the original Ghostbusters film, along with various characters, locations, and props featured in the films. [12] Ghostbusters creator Dan Aykroyd has said that "this is essentially the third movie."[14]

This was the part that got me hooked The fact that the original cast and writers signed on to voice the game with Ramis actually writing the story for the game itself, I actually had to rewatch the two previous movies in preperation for the game itself as the continuity is from the original ghostbusters universe, Ramis and Aykroyd actually stated that the game was used as a basis for the third ghostbusters film and that it actually may continue from where this story ends.

Xbox 360 trailer

My P.O.V:

I have played this game half way through and am actually going to continue playing, the game has got me hooked with its amazing story general cast and characters lack of respect for "the rookie" its actually funny and brings back alot of memories so if your an avid ghostbusters fan I would advise you to check this game out not just for nostalgia but to also have the chance to actually zap ghosts with ecto packs.

And for those who havent seen the movies, well this game will get you into the franchise that is Ghostbusters, youll love the story, the concept and the comedy, you may just love it so much that youll end up renting a copy of the original 1980's phenomenon.

Whats your opinion?

I agree. This is a fun and enjoyable game. I preordered it (Thanks for the T-Shirt GameStop) and picked it up 1st day for the PS3. It is very short (8 hours) and it would have been nice to see multi-player in the campaign. I wouldn't be upset if they did a 2nd one as long as: the original cast still are involved, & its a good story.

But it does have its flaws that are patchable if someone ever makes the effort to patch it.

I'm looking at you multi-player!
The thing i find the worst is that PS3 users and XBOX 360 have online multiplayer campaign Which Wii Users don't, It happens with alot of Wii games, the online play is there but for some reason its not available, I say its the only flaw the game has as the story itself is immensely enjoyable and the game play is exciting, I'm 39% complete with the game and haven't put it down since first day of pick up.
Don't feel bad about not having multiplayer.

For 1/2 of the people who play Ghostbusters on PS3 or Xbox, the multiplayer doesn't work.

I, for example, always get 'Correction Error' and I've noticed online that alot of others do to.
Have you quereid this with Sony? maybe you may need a firmware update on your machine in regards to it, that would probably help you sort the problem out.

I would love to see If they continue the games story or even refer to it in the new movie though It's been praised whole heartily by the gaming community and I hope to see a sequel soon, it really made my wii so much more enjoyable
Have you quereid this with Sony? maybe you may need a firmware update on your machine in regards to it, that would probably help you sort the problem out.

Sony passes the buck to Atari who in turn passes the buck to someone else who passes it to someone else and so on and so on.

It requires an initial update before you can even play the game so its not that. It's just one of those things.
Downloaded the deme from the Playstation network this morning, loved the game but unfortunately can't afford to buy it (because I just bought a PS3, irony). I'll get it from the rental service I'm with as I can probably complete the game in a week.

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