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A man accused of killing his 11-year-old diabetic daughter by praying instead of seeking medical care has been found guilty of second-degree reckless homicide.
Dale Neumann, 47, was convicted over the March 23, 2008, death of his daughter, Madeline, from undiagnosed diabetes.
Prosecutors argued he should have rushed the girl to a hospital because she could not walk, talk, eat or drink.
Instead, Madeline died on the floor of the family's rural home as people surrounded her and prayed. Someone called an ambulance when she stopped breathing.
Neumann stared at the jury as the verdict was read out in the courtroom in Wausau, Wisconsin.
Defence lawyer Jay Kronenwetter said they will appeal against the verdict.
Neumann, who once studied to be a Pentecostal minister, testified that he believed God would heal his daughter and he never expected her to die. God promises in the Bible to heal, he said.
"If I go to the doctor, I am putting the doctor before God," Neumann testified. "I am not believing what he said he would do."
The father testified that he thought Madeline had the flu or a fever, and several relatives and family friends said they also did not realise how ill she was.
Leilani Neumann, 41, was convicted of the same charge in the spring.
There have been a couple such homicides in the States within the last few years. One involved a woman who starved her toddler (or maybe younger) child who didn't thank God at a meal or something like that. The child died, and the woman and her fellow cult members stuffed her in a suitcase that had moth balls in it. They prayed for her to be revived. The police found it because a neighbor was complaining about the stench coming from where they hid the child's body.
There was also a couple who went to jail recently because they wanted their baby to be Vegan so they only fed her Apple Juice and Soy Milk. The first thing they tell you when you leave the hospital is that newborns can't have juice. The worst part is that the woman could have simply breast-fed the poor baby, what animal would have been harmed?

There should be a license required to have kids...
Thats flipping ******ed. Theres no humane way to stop people from having children without a lisence. As well as, how would the lisence be administered? This could be the dumbest thing I've ever heard on these forums.
As someone raised in the Assembly of God church, whcih is the hardcore prayer one, even I think this is stupid. No Christian that I know would just let her die like that. We'd pray for her the exact same way, but we'd do it while she was in a hospital bed.
As someone raised in the Assembly of God church, whcih is the hardcore prayer one, even I think this is stupid. No Christian that I know would just let her die like that. We'd pray for her the exact same way, but we'd do it while she was in a hospital bed.

I was raised in a similar church as yours, and we would never, NEVER put a childs health at risk, saying sending them to a doctor is equal to putting said M.D. before God. That's about as ignorant as my friends telling me Jesus is a false Idol, or something to that effect. I'm thinking there should be required courses for having a child. Oh, and that fucktard with the diabetic daughter? Yeah, he got off entirely too easy. Man 2 is basically telling him he should have known better, but since he didn't they're giving him a lighter crime/sentence. Ah, hell, I've gone off on another tangent....

Point is, people like this guy, the dirty hippie parents with the juice, and the people from my hometown who left their foster son (with mental disabilites) in a closet for an entire weekend whilst they went to a family reunion should all have the exact same things done to them.
I would laugh at that guy if the situation wasn't so terrible. But dear, what is wrong with these people? It's bad enough when religion causes wars, but when we hear about cases like this it's just so heartbreaking.
Apart from a few years I spent abroad, I was in strict Catholic schools when I was growing up in Ireland. Like, with beatings and everything. But even those priests, who are basically still living as if it's 1906, taking the bible literally and believing sex outside marriage, homosexuality and abortion is all terrible still wouldn't do something as unbelievably moronic as this.
We need to get the head of every religion to just say "Don't take it literally, ******s."
Thats flipping ******ed. Theres no humane way to stop people from having children without a lisence. As well as, how would the lisence be administered? This could be the dumbest thing I've ever heard on these forums.

It was a comment on the nature of society and how stupid people are. Of course there is no way to prevent people from having kids without making them get a license, not to mention the violation of civil liberties, mainly the pursuit of happiness (that's a joke about how sex is fun, in case you didn't get it). Calm down.

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