How do you handle such a situation?


Doubt it, bud.
Lately I've been finding myself leaving some potentially incriminating messages in several men's Facebook inboxes.

No - I'm not sexually harassing them, that's not what's incriminating about my messages. It's more of oh ya know.. describing to them in abundant, intricate detail about how I am going to murder them.

Why? Because they fucking messaged my girlfriend. For instance, tonight's bachelor messages my girl friend proclaiming: "Well aren't you beautiful :) Let me take you shopping sometime?" My pictures are literally all over her Facebook so they clearly have to know they are meddling with someone's girl. And I'm not self-conscious or afraid of my girlfriend actually cheating on me, much less with someone creepy/desperate enough to message a complete stranger on Facebook, but god damn it boils my blood when someone makes such a blatant, slimy move like that.

How do you all react when savages make attempts on your significant other?
You come back to the fed and vent your frustrations into great RPs.

Seriously though man, you have to trust your gf. I've had other guys hit on my exes before and it does piss me off, but you have to trust that she won't act on anything. And if she does, well then murder her.
I laugh it off. I trust my girlfriend enough to not respond. I take it as a compliment that some ass clown finds the girl I'm dating attractive. Even though they'll never stand a chance as she with me. End of story.

Never say anything on FB. It's easily traceable and if these men are stupid enough to email your gf then there probably bitch enough to use your emails against you.
You come back to the fed and vent your frustrations into great RPs.

Man, between nursing school, work, and my aforementioned girl friend, it doesn't appear like my return is imminent </3

But while you're near.. How bout dat new Kendrick?!
Man, between nursing school, work, and my aforementioned girl friend, it doesn't appear like my return is imminent </3

But while you're near.. How bout dat new Kendrick?!

I've been listening to it in my car since it came out. So good. There is a reason he is called King Kendrick.
Never say anything on FB. It's easily traceable and if these men are stupid enough to email your gf then there probably bitch enough to use your emails against you.

True words. Although, my talk of violence was more fluff for the post than truth, I know that the wrong person could actually use screenshots against me. Not that I don't actually respond though. I told the guy tonight that he needs to take his hair-line shopping and fuck off (amongst other things).

This is the profile picture that prompted the hair line comment:
I usually let my girlfriend deal with the thirsty dudes. If they're persistently messaging her then Id tell them to get off, nothing more though since really what are they gonna do? They've got no chance.

If we're out somewhere and someone offers to buy her a drink or starts hitting on her then she'll try to get herself two saying she's got a friend or something that might like the guy, and just being both drinks to us where we drink them up. If he looks over or something then I'll give him a wink and say thanks for the drinks.

I don't see any reason for aggression since I have confidence that my girlfriend isn't the sort of girl who'd suddenly decide to run away with someone.
Lately I've been finding myself leaving some potentially incriminating messages in several men's Facebook inboxes.

No - I'm not sexually harassing them, that's not what's incriminating about my messages. It's more of oh ya know.. describing to them in abundant, intricate detail about how I am going to murder them.

Why? Because they fucking messaged my girlfriend. For instance, tonight's bachelor messages my girl friend proclaiming: "Well aren't you beautiful :) Let me take you shopping sometime?" My pictures are literally all over her Facebook so they clearly have to know they are meddling with someone's girl. And I'm not self-conscious or afraid of my girlfriend actually cheating on me, much less with someone creepy/desperate enough to message a complete stranger on Facebook, but god damn it boils my blood when someone makes such a blatant, slimy move like that.

How do you all react when savages make attempts on your significant other?

I realize that my wife is hot, and its bound by the laws of nature to happen. I am also not bothered by the fact that this likely aids her in having the highest numbers in her department for her region (she brokers business contracts for Coca-Cola with resturant and retail owners) which she then earns more money to buy me things with

I realize I have a fat dick and she would never leave me, for various reasons including but not exclusive to said dick

and if she did, I would go back to living my phenomenally great single life, with upgraded credit scores and a lot of new possesions.

Is your girl attractive in your opinion? If yes, then guys will hit on her. Its going to happen. If she is loyal to you, then there is nothing to concern yourself with. If she isn't, she isn't worth concerning yourself with.
Is your girl attractive in your opinion? If yes, then guys will hit on her. Its going to happen. If she is loyal to you, then there is nothing to concern yourself with. If she isn't, she isn't worth concerning yourself with.

Pretty much this. Unless the guys start making threats to her, at which point you try to calmly tell them to back off. Should it continue, tell him to get fucked and if all else fails the police.

Jumping straight into voilent threats makes you look petty and embarrassing. It could also show your partner you dont trust her
I'm all for vigilante-justice and whatnot, but it's risky. Plus it's just Facebook. Only give it a serious thought when they start calling her or leaving notes on her doorstep or whatever.

You trust your lady, don't you?
You should tell the 10 year old that wrestling is fake.
People are *****. Personally, as a man of honour and integrity, I only try to bone single women. But I'm aware i'm a minority there.
Well, you can either hope that men stop being attracted to women, or like it's been said, don't stress over it. Threatening physical violence is a sign of weakness- I've had a few hundred people threaten to beat the shit out of me, but the only ones that ever tried didn't give me a warning beforehand.

It also commits you to a future course of action. If you tell someone to do or not do something or you'll attack them, you're then forced to attack them down the line if your threat doesn't work. (Or, look like someone who makes empty threats, which is worse.)

So let it slide, but if you really, really, really, really have to fight someone over this, tell them to put their hands up and then throw.
True words. Although, my talk of violence was more fluff for the post than truth, I know that the wrong person could actually use screenshots against me. Not that I don't actually respond though. I told the guy tonight that he needs to take his hair-line shopping and fuck off (amongst other things).

This is the profile picture that prompted the hair line comment:

Yeah, he looks like trash. Tell him McDonald's wants its M back.
It's easy Smizzy, just sneak into their house at night and inject them with some heroin. They will have other things to worry about then besides harassing your lady.

Problem solved.
You taught him there Smizzy. Tell him he's balding, I'm sure he already knows that. Point out his glasses next.
Tell her to change her settings where only friends can message her, and get her to delete any friends who you both believe have ulterior motives.

If she's not willing to oblige to this then you can't get mad at the men who message her... it's something she obviously enjoys.
Are you really so insecure that you have to post a picture of a stranger somewhere he can't defend himself to make fun of him? If enough people talk down about him will you stop worrying that your girlfriend will decide that she doesn't find balding less attractive than your goofy mug? You say that you trust your girlfriend but your actions when someone messages her and she doesn't even back at very least appear otherwise.
It's easy Smizzy, just sneak into their house at night and inject them with some heroin. They will have other things to worry about then besides harassing your lady.

Problem solved.

Heroin isn't always the answer, man.

You taught him there Smizzy. Tell him he's balding, I'm sure he already knows that. Point out his glasses next.
Sure did, didn't I, Lee? Jesus...

Are you really so insecure that you have to post a picture of a stranger somewhere he can't defend himself to make fun of him? If enough people talk down about him will you stop worrying that your girlfriend will decide that she doesn't find balding less attractive than your goofy mug? You say that you trust your girlfriend but your actions when someone messages her and she doesn't even back at very least appear otherwise.

That was painfully overdramatic. The WrestleZone Bar Room won't be the end of him, I can assure you. But I apologize for miffing you with my distasteful post.

I do get where you're coming from but I also think you should probably pump the breaks a little bit too. And since your concerned, I'm not worried about my girlfriend at all, in the slightest. Is it not possible to feel so while simultaneously not appreciating other parties' attempts at meddling? Or do I just not have integrity?

Go Royals by the way.

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