Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Lame. I'm not exactly a big Flash supporter, but I think that when you have to find technicalities to beat someone, you've pretty much proven who should really win.

Pancake is a horrible debater I had to try to find something. He keeps referring to Kahn as a guy who fights guys who can only move in a straight line, and his sole argument is OMG FLASH IS FAST. Flash sort of relies on the Speed Force, all DC speedsters do. If the fight takes place on a neutral ground, then it obviously doesn't take place in the DC Universe, the only place the Speed Force exists.

Also Dagger voted for The Flash, do you want to side with him?

That should be my next argument.
Pancake is a horrible debater I had to try to find something. He keeps referring to Kahn as a guy who fights guys who can only move in a straight line, and his sole argument is OMG FLASH IS FAST. Flash sort of relies on the Speed Force, all DC speedsters do. If the fight takes place on a neutral ground, then it obviously doesn't take place in the DC Universe, the only place the Speed Force exists.

Also Dagger voted for The Flash, do you want to side with him?

That should be my next argument.

2 ways to argue against that:

1) If it hinders Flash more than Khan then it's not neutral ground. Removing Flash from his power source would be doing that.

2) It's well established that the DC Universe is in fact a multiverse (except when it wasn't. It's confusing). Traditionally, one of the multiverses was our own universe. Flash was still able to move at superspeed there. Therefore the Speed Force is present in all universes and thus accessible to Flash.
No, I have not. You recommend it?

Before Yaz can respond I want to put in my two cents and say that Knights of the Old Republic games were the best decision making RPG games out there. Plus I believe KOTOR 1 is $5 on Steam and its sequel is $10. Both are just absolutely amazing games.
No, I have not. You recommend it?

If you can find them I would. Bioware made the first one, it isn't as polished as ME but the fact that its Star Wars makes up for a lot of it. The 2nd one was produced by a company Bioware handpicked, I think it was Obsidian. Each game has about 75 hours worth of gameplay if you do a majority of the side quests, and since the story takes places roughly 1,000 years before Episode 1 there is plenty of history to learn about.
2 ways to argue against that:

1) If it hinders Flash more than Khan then it's not neutral ground. Removing Flash from his power source would be doing that.

2) It's well established that the DC Universe is in fact a multiverse (except when it wasn't. It's confusing). Traditionally, one of the multiverses was our own universe. Flash was still able to move at superspeed there. Therefore the Speed Force is present in all universes and thus accessible to Flash.

He could still move at super speed without the Speed Force. The issue is that without it his metabolism(among other things) also work at super speed and he would require constant nutrition to provide him the energy needed to sustain his levels of activity. Not to mention is allows him and other speedsters to move at their speeds while ignoring the laws of gravity and generating no friction.
He could still move at super speed without the Speed Force. The issue is that without it his metabolism(among other things) also work at super speed and he would require constant nutrition to provide him the energy needed to sustain his levels of activity. Not to mention is allows him and other speedsters to move at their speeds while ignoring the laws of gravity and generating no friction.

His speed explicitly comes from the speed force. And that doesn't change that a neutral battle ground that hinders Flash more (by cutting him off from the source of his powers) is not neutral.
So, I've really been into TNA lately. There's so much good stuff going on, it's a shame people dismiss it without watching.

I'd watch it but I don't get him from work till around 9:00 cst, when it's just ending, & I don't have a DVR (Cable is included in my rent, however DVR is not, if I want a DVR I have to upgrade my cable package & shell out an extra $20-30 a month, fuck that). If they went back to doing encore presentations late Sat. nights like they did years ago (before they went 2 hrs. I beleive) I would watch then, I still try & check out the PPVs when I know they're happening, I had no idea No Surrender was last week, & missed it.

I don't know where I'd be without the Mass Effect trilogy.

Probably immersing yourself in a different VG trilogy
Doc is stuck in Ohio because his connecting flight was delayed. He won't be here until tomorrow. The Saxton and Saboteur connection is experiencing some difficulties...
Doc is stuck in Ohio because his connecting flight was delayed. He won't be here until tomorrow. The Saxton and Saboteur connection is experiencing some difficulties...

Brought to you by your friends in The New Church.

Mason prayed for bad weather. Not because we hate SaboSax, But just because we wanted things to be interesting.

On another note, working my first night shift because people in the middle east want to play fuck fuck games with 'Merica
The Grey is on netflix instant

Is that worth a watch? Ive had it downloaded for a while, just not watched it yet. I watched Unknown instead and it was not too bad. Not as good as the reviews and I saw the plot twist coming.

Doc is stuck in Ohio because his connecting flight was delayed. He won't be here until tomorrow. The Saxton and Saboteur connection is experiencing some difficulties...

If you 2 had gotten a show on television, you would have a private jet by now. Marketing is key.

I put a 6 pack in the mini fridge today. I decided to kick it at work and get drunk in my office while watching the PPV instead of actually working. One of the 4 people working Sunday watches wrestling and is gonna chill with me. We decided to try and convert the other 2 into fans by watching CM Punk destroy Cena. Im still out the plane ticket money, but hell- got to work with what you got.
Stuck in Newark, actually. But I'll be at Bawston around noon, so it's only a minor setback. Nothing can stop the raw power possessed by the SaboSaxton Experience (TM).

At least I get to stay the night in this incredibly fancy hotel.
I'm pumped to see Joaquin Phoenix. Fuckin' love him.

Same here. Thought he received too much praise for Walk the Line, but most do when they take on that sort of part. Great actor, though.

I'm a huge Paul Thomas Anderson fan, have been since Hard Eight (oddly enough that was the first PTA film I saw, even with no one caring about it). This has such an odd, creepy feel to it. Very interested to see what the story is really about.
Same here. Thought he received too much praise for Walk the Line, but most do when they take on that sort of part. Great actor, though.

I'm a huge Paul Thomas Anderson fan, have been since Hard Eight (oddly enough that was the first PTA film I saw, even with no one caring about it). This has such an odd, creepy feel to it. Very interested to see what the story is really about.

I read it was a biopic about L Ron Hubbard. The scientology guy.

I shit you not.

(fuck, if I was gonna make something up, like I would come up with THAT)
Same here. Thought he received too much praise for Walk the Line, but most do when they take on that sort of part. Great actor, though.

I'm a huge Paul Thomas Anderson fan, have been since Hard Eight (oddly enough that was the first PTA film I saw, even with no one caring about it). This has such an odd, creepy feel to it. Very interested to see what the story is really about.

He's phenomenal, but I agree. I thought his performance in We Own the Noght was vastly underrated, though.

I've heard nothing but good things about The Master. Paul Thomas Anderson, Joaquin Phoenix, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman all pulled awards at the Venice Film Festival for the film, which only gets me even more excited.

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